四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2

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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2_第1页
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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2_第2页
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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2_第3页
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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2_第4页
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四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2_第5页
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《四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省岳池县第一中学高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines 话题回顾课件 外研版必修2(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 模块话题回顾,Can you name some English- language newspapers?,China Daily (China),21st Century (China),The New York Times (the USA),The Washington Post (the USA),South China Morning Post (HK),Daily Mirror (UK),The Sun (UK),Do you know any words which used in newspaper titl

2、es? headline 报纸的标题 headlines (pl) 新闻广播提要 Here are the news headlines. 现在报告新闻提要。,photograph,article,front cover,front page,headline,photograph headline article front page front cover,Sections,World news 国际新闻,News of China 国内新闻,Sports 体育,Business 商业,Advertisements 广告,Culture 文化,Entertainment 娱乐,How ma

3、ny sections does a newspaper have? Which is your favorite section?,构成新闻价值的要素很多,在英语新闻 报道中,主要有以下几种: 1. 时效性 (timeliness) 和时新性(freshness) 2. 重要性 (importance, consequence, impact or significance) 3. 显著性 (prominence) 4. 接近性 (nearness, proximity or locality) 5. 奇异性 (unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or nove

4、lty) 6. 趣味性 (interest),新闻的种类繁多,分类的标准各异,但是,它们都必须通过记者按不同的报道形式即新闻体裁(news style)予以采写。由于新闻活动的范围是一个广阔多姿、变化无穷的世界,因而报道的内容是丰富多彩的,新闻体裁也在不断更新。 新闻体裁主要可分为四大类:消息报道 (news reportings)、特写 (features)、 社论 (editorials) 和广告(advertisements)。,Types of News,现代英语中表达新事物、新概念的新词新义大多是率先出现在英语报刊中,然后再流行于世的。这是因为一件新事物的出现,首先需要通过媒体来向大

5、众宣传,这样,新事物的名称也就通过新闻先被人们所认识了。如euthanasia (安乐死), AIDS, elevated highways (高架道路), information superhighway, hula hoop (呼拉圈), surfing (冲浪运动), talk show (访谈节目) 等新词,无一不是通过英语报刊等媒介传播后而为人们所熟知的。,Do you know some created words in newspaper?,Weekly 周刊,Do you know any Chinese magazines?,Fortnightly 双周刊,Monthly 月

6、刊,Do you know any English magazines?,China successfully launched its first human spaceflight mission in more than three years Oct. 16, placing into orbit a spacecraft carrying two astronauts that will dock with a new space laboratory module. 10月16日(北京时间10月17日),时隔三年,中国再次进行载人航天发射,搭载两名航天员的载人飞船进入轨道,与其他空

7、间实验室对接。,Read a piece of news from The New York Times,Shenzhou-11 Spacecraft,A Long March 2F spacecraft lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Oct. 16 (7:30 a.m. Beijing time Oct. 17) and placed the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft into orbit. 美国东部时间10月16日上午7:30(北京时间10月17日上午7:

8、30),长征二号F运载火箭从酒泉卫星发射中心发射,将神舟十一号载人飞船送入轨道。,The spacecraft separated from the rockets upper stage and deployed its solar panels a little more than 10 minutes after liftoff. 飞船从火箭上端分离,在发射十几分钟后,成功展开太阳能帆板。,On board Shenzhou-11 are astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, publicly announced as the crew less

9、than 24 hours before the launch. 神舟十一号载人飞船的两名航天员于发射前一天公布,他们是景海鹏和陈冬。,Jing is a veteran astronaut, having flown on Shenzhou-7 in 2008 and Shenzhou-9 in 2012. Chen is making his first spaceflight. 景海鹏有着丰富的航天经验,于2008年和2012年分别参加过神舟七号、神舟九号载人飞行任务。而陈冬则是首次参加载人飞行任务。,Shenzhou-11 is scheduled to dock with the T

10、iangong-2 module Oct. 18. 神舟十一号计划将于10月18日(北京时间10月19日)与天宫二号对接。,That module, launched Sept. 15, will host the crew for 30 days, twice as long as the existing Chinese human spaceflight endurance record, set by the Shenzhou-10 mission in June 2013. 天宫二号发射于9月15日,机组人员将在其中驻留30天,是目前中国最长载人飞行时间的两倍,这个记录的保持者是20

11、13年6月的神舟十号飞行任务。,That mission was also the last Chinese human spaceflight prior to the Shenzhou-11 mission. 神舟十号也是中国神舟十一号之前的一次载人航天任务。,During the 30-day mission, Jing and Chen will carry out a number of medical and space science experiments, as well as test various systems on the Tiangong-2 module. 在为

12、期30天的载人飞行任务中,景海鹏、陈冬将开展一系列医学和空间科学实验,并对天宫2号的各种系统进行检测。,They will also engage in public outreach activities, including serving as “special correspondents” for the state-run Xinhua news service. 他们还将参与公共宣传活动,承担新华社特派记者的角色。,The mission is part of Chinese efforts to develop a permanent space station. Chines

13、e officials have indicated that they expect this station, consisting of several modules but smaller than the International Space Station, to be completed by the early 2020s. 此次载人飞行任务是中国建设永久空间站计划的一部分。官方表示,希望在2020年代初期建成自己的空间站,由众多模块构成,体量小于国际空间站。,Guided Writing,【写作任务】 本单元要求写一篇介绍一份报纸或杂志的文章。 你接受了一项写作任务,要为

14、英语校报写一篇介绍报纸或杂志的文章。 【写作内容】 请根据以下信息,介绍一份杂志。,杂志名称: 少女生活 (Girls Life) (美国中学生最喜爱的杂志之一) 刊别:双月刊 面向对象:10岁以上的女孩 读者数量: 每期超过三百万读者 创刊时间:1994年秋季 主要内容: 女孩中间的热门话题: 友谊、时尚、名人访谈、美容、娱乐等; 忠告: 压力、时间管理、课业学习、社交技巧等。 获得成就: (1) 美国女童子军(Girl Scouts)的官方读物; (2) 家长票选奖(Parents Choice); (3) 孩子媒体的家长指南奖(the Parents Guide to Childrens

15、 Media Awards),注意: 1. 词数:100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:双月的 bimonthly;issue (出版物的)期号,【写作步骤】 一、词语储备 A: celebrity, review, favorite, million, publish, release, contain, topic, including, fashion, beauty, entertainment, friendship, advice, suggestion, pressure, management, schoolwork, official, receive

16、, award B: 1. reach up to 达到 2. in addition 此外 3. social skills 社交技巧 4. such as 例如,比如 5. be popular with 受的欢迎 6. the number of 的数量,二、备用句型罗列 1. 少女生活为双月刊,是美国中学生最喜爱的杂志之一。 Girls Life, a bimonthly magazine, is one of the magazines that are the most popular with American middle school students. _ _ _ (使用并列句),G


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