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1、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,第七课时 Self Check,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。 1Please _me to buy the birthday gift for my mother tomorrow,or I may forget. 2An elephant has two big ears and a short _(尾巴) 3When you think someone is silly,you can also say that he is _ 4He saw lots of speci

2、al _(石头) when he went to the beach last week. 5I am a new student here.Could you please _(领路) the way to the library for me? Sure,Id love to.,remind,tail,stupid,stones,lead,B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6He doesnt think this shirt _(fit) him well,so he wants to change for a bigger one. 7We thought _(cheat) was ag

3、ainst the rules. 8Do you know anything about _(west) table manners? 9The good news made us so _(excite) that we decided to have a party. 10The moonlight is _(shine) bright on the sea.It looks very beautiful.,fits,cheating,Western,excited,shining,二、单项选择。 11Did you notice what had happened in the bank

4、,Ron? Yes,I heard someone _ when I was walking past. Ashot Bshoots Cshooting Dto shoot 12Whats the matter with Tina? Shes badly ill.She is so _ that she has to stay in bed. Astrong Bweak Ccrazy Dbrave 13It is impossible that John Smith can _ the gun (枪) in his pocket. Ahear Bbeat Cmarry Dhide,C,B,D,

5、14Must I give up _,Doctor? For your health,you have to. Asmoke Bsmoking Csmokes Dto smoke 15“Listen!Can you hear the strange _ outside our house?” he said in a low _. Avoice;sound Bvoice;voice Csound;sound Dsound;voice 16Thanks to his help,I _ know how to use a map to find ways in a foreign country.

6、 Aam able to Bam afraid to Cam used to Dam made of,B,D,A,17Mom,when will we go to the movies? We wont go _ your dad comes back. Auntil Bso Cwhile Dwhen 18You study _ hard _ youre sure to pass the exam. Thank you for saying so. Asuch;that Bas;as Cso;that Dtoo;to 19We wont be able to finish the projec

7、t (项目) _ we keep working hard. Yes,I think you are right. Aif Bunless Cbecause Dsince,A,C,B,20I think Three Little Pigs is a great book.It shows us three lovely and smart characters. _I read the book when I was five.But I still love it. AI think it is a good idea BI agree with you CThats very kind o

8、f you DI dont think it is beautiful enough,B,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 21休息两天后,她现在好点了。 After two days rest,she is _better now. 22比尔的姐姐下周要结婚了。 Bills elder sister will _ next week. 23从前,有一个叫乔的人住在这个村子。 _,a man named Joe lived in the village. 24一看到这条裙子,她就喜欢上了。 She _ with the dress as soon as she saw it. 25那个骗子说他能把石

9、头变成金子。 The cheat said he could _ stones _ gold.,a little bit,get married,Once upon a time,fell in love,turn,into,四、完形填空。 Kumbh Mela is an important festival in India.It means the festival of the pot _26_ English.There is a story about _27_ Indian people started celebrating the festival. Long time ag

10、o,there was a _28_ between the gods of India and some evils (魔鬼)They fought for a pot,because there were some magic pills in it._29_ who ate the pills would live forever.During the fight,the pot fell into the human world and the pills _30_ at four different places in India.To remember this great _31

11、_,people in India celebrate Kumbh Mela every three years,each time in one of the four cities.That _32_,each city holds the festival every twelve years.,Kumbh Mela is _33_ a big festival that it starts on January 9,and lasts for 41 days.Many people from around the world come to the city and celebrate

12、 the festival each time.They wash their bodies in the Ganges River,_34_ to wash off the bad things.However,there are always accidents happening because of the large number of people.So _35_ you want to join the festival,be careful.,( )26.A.on Bwith Cat Din ( )27.A.where Bhow Cwhat Dwhen ( )28.A.figh

13、t Bcompetition Cdifference Dcommunication ( )29.A.Anything BSomeone CAnyone DNobody ( )30.A.began Bdropped Crose Dthrew ( )31.A.event Bgod Cpill Dplace ( )32.A.means Blikes Cfeels Dsounds ( )33.A.quite Bvery Csuch Dso ( )34.A.realizing Breminding Cinviting Dexpecting ( )35.A.unless Bif Cbecause Dalt

14、hough,D,B,A,C,B,A,A,C,D,B,五、阅读理解。,36Who found the peach in the river?_ AAn old woman. BAn old man. CAn old couple. DMomotar. 37What did Pinocchio enjoy doing?_ ACutting wood. BGoing to school. CHelping others. DHanging out. 38Pinocchios_act made him become a real man at last. Afriendly Bbrave Cfunny

15、 Dbad,A,D,B,39What did Momotar and Pinocchio have in common?_ AThey both came from a peach. BThey didnt love their fathers. CThey were not born humans. DThey both loved to fight bad men. 40What do we know from the passage?_ AMomotar loved eating peach. BMomotar got hurt in the fight. CPinocchio had three animal friends. DPinocchio saved his father from the whale.,C,D,六、根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 turn


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