2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 4 body language period 2 vocabulary课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 4 Words and Expressions,1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。 4. 学生能够用所学单词翻译或造出句子,提升自己的句子表达和写作水平。,本节课为unit4 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的,易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教学大纲的要求。 首先,用听本单元的单词录音进行导入,让学生从整体上感知下单词。然后,对重点单词进行讲解,既有对单词用法的

2、拓展,又有对短语释义的延伸。特别是重点词的扩展和辨析,按照高考的要求进行延伸,恰到好处的提升了学生的考试能力。,1.represent vt a. stand for表示,象征 The rose s England. b. act officially for代表,代理 The excellent student will his school at the meeting. c. Give a clear explanation or description of sth.阐明,说明 Let me try to represent my ideas to you in another way

3、.,2.association n. (1)/U/ 联系、联盟 这两所学校一向有密切联系. There has always been a close between these two schools. (2). /C/ 协会,社团 football 足球协会 in with 与在一起,与联合;结交,3. curiously,curious adj. = eager to learn or know,be curious about sth. 对好奇 be curious to do sth. 急于 out of curiosity 出于好奇,4. approaches,approach 名

4、词 n. 靠近;临近;接近 The enemy ran away at our approach.,We heard the approach of the train. n. 方法;步骤;通路;通道 The approach to the house was a narrow path.,The best approach to learn a foreign language is the study of the spoken language. 学习外语的最好的途径是学口语。,at the approach of winter 冬季将临的时候 be easy of approach 容

5、易到达; 容易接近 on the approach of death 临死的时候,with the approach of winter 随着冬季的来临 make approaches to sb. 想亲近某人,(2)动词 v. 走近;靠近;接近,You must approach the bird very quietly or it will fly away.,The summer is approaching. 夏季即将来临。,approach sb. about sth. 为某事同某人打交道 approach sb. for information 向某人了解情况 approach

6、sb. with a suggestion 向某人建议,5. defence defence. 防御, 保卫, 辩护 in defence of 为.辩护 defend vt. 防御, 保护, 辩护, 防守 defend oneself 自卫, 为自己辩护 defend oneself/ones actions/ones cause 为自己/自己的行为/事业辩护 defensive. 防御用的, 防护用的,6. major major. adj. 主要的, 重大的 vi 主修 n. 主修课程, 专业课 major in sth / specialize in sth 主修. major on

7、sth 专门研究(课题, 问题) majority n 大部分, 大多数 in/at the majority 占大多数 by/with the majority of 以的多数,7.be likely to do likely, probable, possible a. likely 表示有充分根据的推测. 常用于: 1). sb. /sth. is likely to do sth. 2). It is likely that It is likely that he will be late =He is likely to be late. 注意:1.likely 的主语可以是人也可

8、以是物;但几乎不说:“Its likely to do sth.”英语几乎不能说: its likely to do sth.,It is likely to rain. (句子中的it是天气, 并不是形式主语。) adv. 很可能(多和most或very连用) We will most likely see him later. She will very likely cry when you go.,b. possible adj 表示客观潜在的可能性,作表语时,不能用人作主语 常常用于下列结构: It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. It is pos

9、sible that Its possible that he will be late. 不能说He is possible to,c. probable: 常用于it is probable +that 主语不能是人, 几乎不能说it is probable to do sth. Its possible, though not probable, that he will come tomorrow. 注意:probable 的主语不能是人;英语中几乎不说:“its probable to do sth.”,8. function function n.v. 功能,作用: grammat

10、ical function 语法功能 职责,职务: what is his function in class? (机器等)工作,运行: the machine functions well function as 起.的作用, 具有的功能 functional adj. 有功能的, 起作用的,9. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在 be/feel at ease 舒适而无忧无虑 be ill at ease 心神不宁 stand at ease 稍息 take ones ease 休息,轻松一下 with ease 容易地, 无困难地 put/set sb at (his)ease 使安

11、心,10. lose face 丢脸 face to face 面对面地 in the face of sth 面对(困难等) on the face of it 表面上看 pull faces/a face at sb 对某人耷拉着脸 make faces/ a face at sb 对某人做鬼脸 to ones face 当着某人的面,11. turn ones back to,turn 作系动词,表示“变色;变质”等,后面接形容词作表语,如接名词,则不用冠词。 例如: Leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天,树叶变黄。 When he saw the letter

12、 , his face turned red . 看到这封信时,他的脸红了。 After graduation , he turned doctor . 毕业后,他当了医生.,辨析: turn ,change, become, go 的用法区别 turn 表示”逐渐改变”;change 有”完全改变或改变其本来性质”的意思. become 表示成为,是普通用语,一般不表示”未来的事”,多表示”过去完成的事”. go 表示某物变质,胜利残缺等.如 go bad , go blind , go mad 等,turn around 转身,反复思考 turn away 走开,拒绝 turn in 上缴

13、,告发 turn off 关掉 turn to 求助,致力于 at every turn 事事,处处,常常 take turns 依次,轮流 turn over 打翻,移交,交给,翻身,12. yawn v. open the mouth wide and breathe in deeply 打呵欠 She yawned during the lecture because it was boring. 她听课时打哈欠, 因为这堂课很乏味。 (2) n. the action of yawning 哈欠 He gave a yawn and then fell asleep. 他打了一个哈欠之后就睡着了。,13. rank rank n. 等级,军衔 e.g. people of all ranks 各阶层的人 a painter of the first/top rank vi. 排名, 名列 he ranks high. vt. 评价,为分等级 rank the students 为学生划分等级 rank sb as 将某人评定为,THANK YOU,



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