2018-2019学年高中英语 module 4 music born in america section 2 introduction & reading-language points课件 外研版选修7

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2018-2019学年高中英语 module 4 music born in america section 2 introduction & reading-language points课件 外研版选修7_第1页
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1、Section Introduction & ReadingLanguage Points,课前 自主预习,.重点单词 1technique Aa method of dealing with a problem 2approach Bto come out or appear from inside or from being hidden 3decline Cthe act of moving or condition of being moved 4emerge Dto make up music as one is playing,5touch Ea method of doing s

2、omething that needs skills 6improvise Fdrawings or writing on a wall 7movement Gto have an effect on the feelings of 8graffiti Hto go from a better to a worse position 答案: 1.E 2.A 3.H 4.B 5.G 6.D 7.C 8.F,.重点短语 1_ 由组成,包含,包括 2_ 对感到厌烦 3_ 利用 4_ 而不是 5_ 并排,并肩 6_ 同时 7_ 伴随跳舞 8_ 在二十世纪八十年代末 9_ 在下降,在衰退中,consis

3、t of be bored with take advantage of rather than side by side at the same time dance to in the late 1980s in decline,.重点句型 1教材原句:The DJs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts

4、 to dance to. 20世纪70年代街区舞会上音乐主持人播放很多灵乐,他们注意到大家很喜欢乐曲中的打击乐,因为打击乐非常适合跳舞。 佳句诵读:His promise _ excited me. 他答应帮助我,这使我很激动。,to help me,2教材原句:“The moment I heard it,”he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” 我一听他说,“就知道这是一种全新的音乐。” 佳句诵读:_ I picked up the receiver,I realized that somebody had dial

5、ed the wrong number. 我一拿起听筒就知道是有人打错了。,The moment,3教材原句:Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called rap. 一种用来说而不是唱的音乐叫做说唱乐。 佳句诵读:My father was busy reading newspaper _ watching TV when I came back home. 当我回到家时,爸爸在忙着看报纸而不是看电视。,rather than,课内 研析探究,approach (1)n.(研究)方法;途径;接近;通道,入口 (教材原句P4445)Later

6、,they experimented with different vocal and rhythmic approaches,using rhyming words,often words from AfricanAmerican culture. 后来,他们尝试用不同的发声和节奏方法,使用的押韵词汇经常是来自非洲籍美国人的文化。,the approach to sth./doing 的方法,There are several approaches to the problem. 处理这个问题有好几种方法。 All the approaches to the palace were guar

7、ded by troops. 通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队把守。 We should adopt the best approach to learning English. 我们应采用最佳办法学习英语。,(2)v.走近,靠近;临近 As we approached the gate,I saw a man coming towards us. 我们快走到大门口时,我看到一个人向我们走来。 The time for graduation is approaching.毕业的日子近了。,decline (1)n.下降,减少,衰退 (教材原句P45)Secondly,people were bore

8、d with the pop music of the daydisco music and rock music were both in decline. 第二,人们厌烦了当代的流行音乐迪斯科音乐和摇滚音乐都处于下滑趋势。 on the decline/in decline在下降 His interest in computer games in now in decline. 他对电脑游戏的兴趣开始减退。 The company reported a small decline in its profits. 公司报告其利润略有减少。,(2)v.下降;衰退 As one grows ol

9、d,his memory declines. 人的记忆力随着年龄的增长而衰退。 (3)v.婉拒,谢绝 decline to do sth./doing sth.拒绝做某事 He declined to discuss the matter. 他拒绝讨论那件事。,emerge vi.浮现,显露 (教材原句P45)In England,a new music form emerged,called trip hop,a mixture of jazz,hip hop and electronic music (for example,music played on computers) 在英国,一

10、种被称为迷幻舞曲的新音乐形式出现了,它融合了爵士乐、嬉蹦乐和电子音乐(如电脑上播放的音乐)。 emerge from从出现,从摆脱出来,幸存下来 It emerged that.事已清楚,The moon emerged from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后露出。 It emerged that the judge had been employing an illegal immigrant.后来情况明朗了,那个法官一直雇用着一名非法移民。 emergency n突发事件,紧急情况;急诊 emergence n出现;浮现 emergent adj.紧急的;出现的 He

11、 has made every arrangement to meet any emergency. 他已作好了应急的一切准备。,consist of 由组成,包含,包括 (教材原句P43)The words of early blues songs often consisted of a single line repeated two or three times before changing.早期的布鲁斯歌曲通常包含一句要反复唱两三遍才更换的歌词。,Our committee consists of 20 members. 我们的委员会由20名委员组成。 His job consis

12、ts of helping old people who live alone. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。,(1)consist in在于,存在于 (2)make up组成 be made up of由组成 be composed of由组成,The United Nations Organization consists of 192 nations. The United Nations Organization is made up of 192 nations. The United Nations Organization is composed of 192 natio

13、ns. 联合国组织由一百九十二个国家组成。,be bored with对感到厌烦 (教材原句P45)Secondly,people were bored with the pop music of the daydisco music and rock music were both in decline in the mid1970s.其次,人们厌倦了当时的流行音乐20世纪70年代中期迪斯科和摇滚乐都在走下坡路。 We are bored with the same food for breakfast every morning. 每天早晨吃同样的食物,我们感到厌倦了。 I was bor

14、ed with work not equal to my abilities. 我对那些跟自己能力不相称的工作感到厌倦。,(1)boring adj.没趣的,令人讨厌的 bored adj.厌倦的;(人)感到厌烦的 bore v使厌烦;n.令人厌烦的人或物 (2)表示“对厌倦”的短语 be tired of;be fed up with;be sick of,take advantage of利用 (教材原句P45)Hip hop took advantage of that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated dis

15、co! 嬉蹦乐利用了这一点,为那些不喜欢迪斯科的人们提供了别样的迪斯科音乐。 I took advantage of the good weather to paint the house. 我趁天气好给屋子刷了油漆。 I should like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my thanks for your help. 我想借这个机会对你们的帮助表示感谢。,have/win/gain an advantage over胜过,优于 to sb.s advantage对某人有利 disadvantage n不利条件,rather than而不是 (教材原句P46)Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called rap. 说出来而不是唱出来的歌称为说唱乐。 从结构上,rather than为连词,连接两个平行的结构:两个形容词、两个状语短语、两个名词、两个代词、两个动词不定式或两个动词ing形式等。rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数应与前面的主语保持一致。,She enjoys singing rather than dancin


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