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1、Vocabulary and listening,ad (advertisement), argue, disagree, program, (TV) channel, entertaining, relax, neighbor,Check the meanings of these words,1 Whats your favorite TV channel? 2 What do you do to relax? 3 Do you agree that ads are entertaining? 4 Do you ever argue with your family about which

2、 TV program to watch?,2) Usually I enjoy listening to light music to _myself in my spare time. 3) They _ for about an hour and didnt reach any agreement. 4) A (n) _ is one who lives in the house next to yours.,relax,argued,neighbour,Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.,1) Nowadays _can be

3、seen in the newspapers, on TV and so on .,advertisements,5) Sometimes they have the same opinions but sometimes they _ with each other. 6) This is a(n) _ tale. Most of the children like it very much. 7) Mr Wang prefers to watch CCTV _ 9 because all the _ are in English.,disagree,entertaining,Channel

4、,programmes,Read the following questions. You will hear an interview with a teenager about his TV viewing habits. Listen and number the questions.,A. Do you enjoy advertisements? B. How often do you watch it? C. How often do you change channels in an evening? D. Whats your favourite TV program? E. D

5、o you have a television in your home? F. Do you watch a lot of films on television?,Listen again and check your answers.,A. Do you enjoy advertisements? B. How often do you watch it? C. How often do you change channels in an evening? D. Whats your favourite TV programme? E. Do you have a television

6、in your home? F. Do you watch a lot of films on television?,The correct answer: E, B, F, C, A, D,Language Points,argue: 辩论 1 argue + (about)+名 Well argue these points again next time.,我与他辩论政府的新经济政策。,I argued about the governments new economic policy with him.,下一次我们再辩论这些论点。,3 argue +for/against 赞成/反对

7、 He argued for/against the five-day week.,她认为我们的努力将徒然浪费时间。,2 argue that主张, 认为,She argued that our attempt would be a waste of time.,他赞成/反对一周上班5天。,4 argue +with sb +about/over/ sth 关于某事与某人争论 He argued with the taxi driver about the fare.,他就车费与司机理论。,2. entertaining 使人愉快的;有趣的 一部很有趣的电影 a very entertaini

8、ng film 很风趣的客人 a most entertaining guest v. entertain 1) 招待, 款待某人 I dont entertain very often. 我不常在家请客。,2) 使某人快乐 entertain sb with sth. He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。,3. channel 1) 频道 BBC Television now has two channels. 英国广播公司的电视现有两个频道。 2) 水渠;海峡 the

9、 English Channel 英吉利海峡,Listen again. Choose the right answer.,1. The boys family has _. (a) one television (b) two televisions 2. The boy watches TV_. (a) every night for about two hours (b) all evening 3. The boy thinks films are _. (a) relaxing (b) tiring,(b),(a),(a),4. The boy prefers_. (a) serio

10、us programmes (b) comedy programmes 5. The boy thinks advertisements are_. (a) boring (b) interesting,(b),(b),6. The boy enjoys Neighbours because _. (a) the programme is relaxing (b) the acting is so brilliant,(b),Tapescript,Interviewer: Do you have a television in your home? Boy: Sure! Weve got tw

11、o, one in the sitting room and a small one in the kitchen. We always watch telly in the morning in the kitchen as we eat our breakfast.,Interviewer: Really! How often do you watch it? Boy: Watch the box? I watch it every night for about two hours. And sometimes, when my parents are out, I watch it n

12、on-stop all evening, Im afraid to say. I love it, its the way I relax. My mum says I watch too much, but I disagree.,I think you can learn a lot from television. There was a programme about homeless people last weekend that was really interesting. Interviewer: Do you watch a lot of films on televisi

13、on?,Boy: I watch films all the time at the weekend. Its one of the most relaxing things you can do when youre tired or bored. Interviewer: I see! How often do you change channels in an evening?,Boy: Quite a lot. If were all watching, we often argue about which programme we want to watch. My parents

14、like serious programmes like the news, but I prefer comedy programmes. Interviewer: Do you enjoy advertisements?,Boy: Yes, I do, I think they can be very interesting. I saw an excellent one yesterday. When I leave school, I want to work in advertising. Interviewer: Good for you! Whats your favourite TV programme?,Boy: I love watching Neighbours. Everyone in it acts so brilliantly. I have to find out whats happening to the characters. They seem so real! Interviewer: So whats on TV tonight? Anything good? Boy: Absolutely! Neighbours!,Homework,Review what we learned in this class.,


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