天津市葛沽第三中学:Module 4 Life in the future Unit1 课件(外研版七年级下).ppt

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1、,Module 4,Everyone will study at home,Unit 1,音乐欣赏,at home,At school,or,?,想一想,Words (P)review,life future in the future cable TV calculator cell phone,Words and expressions,生活;生命 将来;未来 在将来;在未来 有线电视 计算器 移动电话,chalk paper ruler satellite TV no no one,粉笔 纸 直尺 卫星电视 没有;无 没有人;无人,Words and expressions,There

2、will be _ _ on every desk in the future.,a computer,Describe the pictures.,There will be a _ _ in the future.,satellite TV,We will have a _ _ in the future.,cable TV,People will use _ _.,Everyone will use a _.,calculator,cell phones,blackboard cable TV calculator cell phone chalk computer dictionary

3、 email Internet paper pen pencil radio ruler satellite TV,Look at the picture. Which of these words can you use to describe it?,I use a pen and a dictionary to study English. I dont use a calculator to study English.,Say what you use to study English and talk about your class.,I use paper to study E

4、nglish. I dont use a piece of paper to study English. Everyone uses a pen and a dictionary to study English. No one uses a calculator to study English.,Listen and check.,Listen and read.,Will students go to school or study at home?,They wont _.,They will _.,go to school,study at home,Will students r

5、ead in the library or on their computers?,They wont read _.,They will read _.,in the library,on their computers,Will students send their homework by email or hand it in?,They _ hand it in.,wont,They _ send it by email.,will,Will students use books or computers?,They _ use books.,They _ use computers

6、.,wont,will,Language Points,I think that everyone will study at home and will use computers. They wont use books. 我想人人都会在家里学习,用计算机学习。他们不用课本。,当 everyone 或 everybody 作主语时,其后的代词一般不用he, him, his,而用复数形式they, them, their, 以避免性别歧视。 Everyone can be good students if they study hard. 如果努力学习,每个人都可以成为好学生。,2. Wi

7、ll there be schools in the future? 将来会有学校吗? 一般将来时态在 there be 句型中 就是“There will be ”。如: There will be a park over there. 那边将建成一个公园。 be going to 也可以用在 there be 句型 中,但应注意该句型有单复数的变化。 如: There is going to be an English party this weekend. 本周末有一个英语晚会。,3. And will they send their homework to the teachers b

8、y email?” 他们将通过电子邮件将作业发给老师吗?,介词 by 表示方法、方式,意思是“通过,靠”。同学们需要注意的是,by后面直接跟单数名词,且不加冠词。如: I go to school by bike every day. 我每天骑自行车去上学。 My brother will go to Germany by plane. 我弟弟将坐飞机去德国。,B=Betty; D=Daming B: _ _ _ schools in the _? D: No, there wont. I think that everyone _ at home and _ computers. They

9、_ books. Theyll use the Internet. B: And will they send their homework to the teachers _?,Read and complete the dialogue.,future,will study,will use,wont use,by email,Will there be,D: Yes, they will. And students _ to their teachers on their computers. B: Im not sure. I think students _ computers, b

10、ut in school. Everyone _ on their desk. They _ books or use the Internet. The teachers _ on a blackboard with chalk. And no one _ paper, pencils and pens!,will talk,will use,will have a computer,will read,wont write,will use,课堂练习答案,1 Will students go to school in the future? 2 Will they study at hom

11、e?,3 Will everyone send their homework by email? 4 Will there be teachers? 5 Will there be computers in school?,No, they wont.,Yes, they will.,Yes, they will.,Yes, there will.,Yes, there will.,Choose the best answer to each question.,6 Will we read books in the future? 7 Will teachers use a blackboa

12、rd and chalk? 8 Will students use paper, pencils and pens?,Yes, we will.,No, they wont.,No, they wont.,Talk about what your school will be like in 10 years. 讲讲十年之后你的学校会是什么样子。,Example: A: In ten years, well send our homework by email. B: Yes, well study at home, ,Work in pairs.,A: In ten years, well

13、send our homework by email. B: Yes, well study at home. A: We wont use books. We will use computers. We will have a computer on the desk. B: Yes, no one will use paper, pencils and pens.,Sample:,Our future life,Culture Corner,未来主义是发端于20世纪的艺术思潮。未来主义的滥觞最早出现于1907年,意大利作曲家弗鲁奇奥布索尼的著作新音乐审美概论被看作未来主义的雏形。未来主义

14、思潮主要产生和发展于意大利一国,却也对其他国家产生了影响,俄罗斯尤为明显。,未来主义艺术家们的创作兴趣涵盖了所有的艺术样式,包括绘画、雕塑、诗歌、戏剧、音乐,甚至延伸到烹饪领域。 意大利诗人菲利波托马索马里内蒂最早于1909年发表未来主义者宣言一文,宣扬他的艺术观点。马里内蒂总结了未来主义的一些基本原则,包括对陈旧思想的憎恶,尤其是对陈旧的政治与艺术传统的憎恶。马里内蒂和他的追随者们表达了对速度、科技和暴力等元素的狂热喜爱。汽车、飞机、工业化的城镇等等在未来主义者的眼中充满魅力,因为这些象征着人类依靠技术的进步征服了自然。,马里内蒂这种狂热的艺术观点立刻征服了那些米兰的画家们。波丘尼、卡拉和鲁

15、索罗等人在视觉艺术领域发扬了马里内蒂的未来主义观念。鲁索罗同时还是一位作曲家,他将未来主义元素引入了音乐领域。画家巴拉和塞韦里尼于1910年结识了马里内蒂。这些人构成了第一批未来主义艺术家。 下面请大家欣赏几幅代表作:,未来主义画家鲁索罗 (Russolo) 的“一辆乐观的汽车” ,1911年。,未来主义画家塞弗里尼(Severini)的“红磨坊的舞者”, 1919年。,奇里科“无法理解的忧愁” (Melancolie hernetique ) 1919年。,奇里科充满神奇的形而上画作。,形而上画家奇里科的“阿波里纳画像” (Potrrain G Apollinaire )1914年。,封达纳的“空间交响曲T-10” 4, 1958年。,封达纳的 “上帝之死” (La fine di Dio), 1963-64年。,Homework,Learn by heart the new words and expressions learnt in this class.,Bye-bye !,



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