课件:心理咨询与治疗的理论及实践chapter10 cognitive behavior therapy

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1、Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy,Psych422 Chapter10: Cognitive Behavior Therapy,Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT),Stresses thinking, judging, deciding, analyzing, and doing Assumes that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact and have a reciprocal cause-and-effect re

2、lationship Is highly didactic, very directive, and concerned as much with thinking as with feeling Teaches that our emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, evaluations, interpretations, and reactions to life situations,View of Human Nature,We are born with a potential for both rational and irrational

3、 thinking We are self-talking, self-evaluating, and self-sustaining. We have an inborn tendency toward growth and actualization We learn and invent disturbing beliefs and keep ourselves disturbed through our self-talk We have the capacity to change our cognitive, emotive, and behavioral processes,Vi

4、ew of Emotional Disturbance,We learn irrational belief from significant other during childhood Teach clients to feel undepressed even when they are unaccepted and unloved by significant others. Blame is at the core of most emotional disturbances Irrational idea (e.g., I must be loved by everyone) in

5、ternalize self-defeating We have a tendency to make ourselves emotionally disturbed by internalizing self-defeating beliefs,The A-B-C theory of personality,Case discussion 1,Tom, a college sophomore, want to overcomes his shyness around women. He doe not date and even des his best to keep away from

6、women because he is afraid they will reject him. But he want to change this pattern. Using A-B-C-D-E-F to analyze and help Tom,Case discussion 2,Mary would like to take a course in creative writing, but she fears that she has no talent. She is afraid of failing, afraid of being told that she is dumb

7、, and afraid of follow through with taking the course. Using A-B-C-D-E-F to analyze and help Mary,Case discussion 3,Each week John comes to his sessions with a new excuse for why he has not succeeded in following through with his homework assignments. Either he forgets, gets too busy, gets scared. O

8、r puts it offanything but actually doing something to change what he says he wants to change. Instead of really doing much of anything, he whines each week about how rotten he feels and how he so much would like to change but just doesnt know how. What are the possible irrational beliefs, which keep

9、 John from taking actions What homework assignment might you suggest?,Case discussion 4,Brent feels that he must win everyones approval. He has become a “super nice guy” who goes out of his way to please everyone. Rarely does he assert himself, for fear that he might displease someone who then would

10、 not like him. What are the possible irrational beliefs? How do you help Brent? If Brent is Asian American, what cultural components you might take into account?,Irrational Ideas,Irrational ideas lead to self-defeating behavior Some examples: “I must have love or approval from all the significant pe

11、ople in my life.” “I must perform important tasks competently and perfectly.” “If I dont get what I want, its terrible, and I cant stand it.”,The Therapeutic Process,Therapy is seen as an educational process Clients learn To identify and dispute irrational beliefs To replace ineffective ways of thin

12、king with effective and rational cognitions To stop absolutistic thinking, blaming, and repeating false beliefs,Therapeutic Goals,A basic goal is to teach clients how to change their dysfunctional emotions and behaviors into health ones. Two main goals of REBT are to assist clients to achieving unco

13、nditional self-acceptance and unconditional other acceptance. As clients become more able to accept themselves, they are more likely to unconditionally accept others.,Therapists function and Role,1. Encouraging clients to discover their irrational beliefs and ideas 2. Making connection of how these

14、irrational beliefs lead to emotional disturbances 3. Challenging clients to modify or abandon their irrational beliefs. 4. Dispute the irrational beliefs and substitute rational beliefs and behaviors.,Clients Experience in Therapy,A learner-learn how to apply logical thoughts, experiential exercises

15、, and behavioral homework to problem solving and emotional change. Focus on here-and-now experiences Not spend much time to exploring clients early history and connecting present and past Expect to actively work outside the therapy sessions.,Relationship Between Therapist and Client,Intensive therap

16、eutic relationship is not required. But, REBT unconditionally accept all clients and teach them to unconditionally accept others and themselves. (accept them as persons but confront their faulty thinking and self-destructive behaviors) Ellis believes that too much warmth and understanding can be counter-productive, fostering dependence for approval. Therapists shows great faith in their clients ability to change themselves. Open and direct in disclosing their own beliefs and valu


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