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1、Units 12 .阅读理解AIn the United States of America,the legal voting age is 18 years.Though some Americans have expressed interest in raising the voting age,saying that these important decisions should not be left in the hands of a teenager,I disagree.I believe that those who are 18 years old are ready t

2、o take on the responsibility for voting.We all know that in the United States,18 is the age when an individual is considered an adult by the government.Being an adult in the eyes of the law is quite different than simply being a juvenilePunishments for illegal activities become much heavier.Addition

3、ally,at 18,an individual can join the army without receiving permission from his parents to do so.So,when a citizen turns 18,the politics of the country start affecting him in a completely different way.It is unfair to let one lead a severer lifestyle and not allow him any choice in the matter.Furth

4、ermore,by allowing a teenager to vote,we are helping to ensure that he will become more politically minded at a younger age.I didnt care at all about the politics of my country when I couldnt vote.As I couldnt do anything about the politics at the time,I couldnt see why I should care.It wasnt until

5、I turned 18 years of age that I started actively trying to understand who ran my government and the way in which it was governed.By allowing 18-year-olds to vote,we are getting them engaged in the world of politics much sooner.In addition,teenagers today are much smarter than we think.Todays society

6、 is much more technologically advanced than it was in the past.Teenagers have access to all kinds of information through the Internet and their smartphones.So,teenagers have enough knowledge to make good decisions.Therefore,I think 18 is indeed a proper age to make important political decisions and

7、those who are 18 should be allowed to make important decisions that will affect their nation.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。有人认为应该提高美国的选举年龄,作者对此表示反对。1The underlined word “juvenile” in Paragraph 2 probably means_Achild Bsoldier Cteenager Dcriminal答案C词义猜测题。根据本句中的than可知,这里是与本句开头的adult作对比。根据常识可知,18岁正是从“青少年”向“成年”过渡的年龄。由此可

8、推测,这里指成年人承担的法律责任和义务都与“青少年”大不相同。2When reaching 18,the author_Aloved his country more than beforeBchanged his attitude towards politicsCworked in a governmental institutionDcalled for a reduction in the voting age答案B细节理解题。根据第三段中的I didnt care at all about the politics of my country when I couldnt vote.

9、It wasnt until I turned 18 years of age that I started actively trying to understand who ran my government and the way in which it was governed可以看出,作者18岁以后改变了自己对政治的态度,从漠不关心到积极参与。3The author believes “teenagers today are much smarter than we think” because they_Aare quick-mindedBare well-informedCcan

10、 use modern technologies on their ownDcan act according to changing circumstances答案B推理判断题。根据本句后的内容,尤其是Teenagers have access to all kinds of information及teenagers have enough knowledge可知,作者说“如今的青少年比我们想象中聪明得多”是说他们消息灵通、知识广博。4Which of the following shows the structure of the text?CP:Central PointP:Point

11、Sp:Sub-point(次要点) C:Conclusion答案C篇章结构题。通读全文可知,作者在第一段提出了自己的观点:I believe that those who are 18 years old are ready to take on the responsibility for voting,随后在第二、三、四段证明自己的观点,这三段的结尾It is unfair to let one lead a severer lifestyle and not allow him any choice in the matter,By allowing 18-year-olds to vo

12、te,we are getting them engaged in the world of politics much sooner和So,teenagers have enough knowledge to make good decisions就是作者的三个论据。最后一段是作者得出的结论。故选C项。BAccording to a recent investigation,35% of unemployed Americans ages 25 to 54 believed that theyd been replaced by technology.That is to say,techn

13、ology threatens traditional work.Is that a bad thing?Many economists associate the middle classs shrinking partly with the fact that technology is replacing people.Increasingly,there are jobs for people with higher degrees and hands-on laborers like home health care aides,but more and more of whats

14、in between can be automated.Self-driving cars are coming; mini planes will be operated by radio to deliver goods.It is even said that software developers themselves might someday be replaced by the very programs they create.Its true that software can do more work than human beings used to do.But his

15、torically,technological progress has brought more benefits than losses.If you look at the change from an agrarian (农业的) to an industrial society,thats certainly true.From 1900 to 2000,the proportion (比例) of people working on farms fell from 41% to 2%,yet agricultural output increased and farmers eve

16、ntually found jobs in factories.There is a strong argument that the jobs and value technology creates just arent being counted properly.People like Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky couldnt agree more.Founded in 2008 and based in San Francisco,California,Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list,discover,and book uni



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