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1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Period 3 Grammar. 用although/but/however/while填空1. John is more hard-working than his sister, _ he failed in the exam. 2. _ he is an experienced dancer, he still needs a lot of luck in performing. 3. There is not much time left. _ , we must get there on tim

2、e anyway. 4. She went out, _ I stayed at home. 5. She was tired, _ she still went on working. 6. You will be lucky if you can go into the exhibition for a visit without a ticket. _ , this does not always happen. 7. You like playing tennis, _ I like reading. 8. _ it is snowing, it is not very cold. 9

3、. She is American _ she speaks Chinese very fluently. 10. Id like to go with you, _ , my hands are full. 答案:1. but 2. Although 3. However 4. while 5. but 6. However 7. while 8. Although 9. but 10. however . 句型转换1. Though he likes drawing, his parents dont allow him to learn it. He likes drawing, _ h

4、is parents dont allow him to learn it. He likes drawing, _ , his parents dont allow him to learn it. 2. Some are for the plan; on the other hand, others are against it. Some are for the plan _ others are against it. 3. They were faced with many difficulties. However, they wouldnt give up. _ they wer

5、e faced with many difficulties, they wouldnt give up. 4. Tom works hard at his lessons, but he didnt get the first place. Tom works hard at his lessons, _ , he didnt get the first place. 5. Although he knew all his friends would be there, he didnt want to go. He knew all his friends would be there,

6、_ he didnt want to go. 6. It rained hard, but he came before anyone else. _ it rained hard, he came before anyone else. 7. I like tea and my wife likes coffee. I like tea _ my wife likes coffee. 答案:1. but; however 2. while 3. Although 4. however 5. but 6. Although 7. while . 完形填空After years of exper

7、ience, Brenda was faced with a challenge(挑战)in Sunday School. However, she just didnt know how to1it in a good way. She had never been asked to teach a child quite like Cindy!Cindy, you see, was2. She came from a broken home. And although she was really3, she thought she was so bad that she could no

8、t be successful. 4, Cindy needed care, and most of all, Cindy needed love!There just had to be a way of5her. Day after day, Brenda would pray(祈祷)for Cindy, yet Sunday would come and go and she saw6, if any, change. Then one day Brenda asked Cindy if she could7a role in a Christmas programme the chil

9、dren were8to do. Cindys answer was, “Dont you think you can find someone better than me?”“Better than you?”came Brendas9. “What makes you think there is10better than you?”“Well, Ive11been asked to do anything before because Im not good. I wont get the part12and then everyone will be mad at me for me

10、ssing up(弄糟)their13, ”came Cindys answer. “Oh, Cindy, ”said Brenda in a14voice. “I am so15that you think that, but you are so wrong. Dont you realize how16you are?”“No, ”17a reply in a low voice because Cindy was now in18. “But Cindy, in my eyes, you are special and you can also do something well li

11、ke others, ”said Brenda. “Really?Do you think so really?Thank you, Miss Brenda!Nobody has believed in me like you. 19Ill have a try, ”said Cindy as she20a hug from her teacher for the first time!【文章大意】一位缺乏关爱的孩子在老师的循循教导之下成为了一名积极向上的学生, 这充分说明了人性的光辉是多么的灿烂!1. A. share with B. deal with C. do with D. go w

12、ith【解析】选B。词语辨析题。A项share with“和共享”; B项deal with“处理”; C项do with“处理”; D项go with“与同去”。经过多年的体验之后, Brenda在周日学校面临着一个挑战。然而, 她只是不知道如何用一个好方法来处理它。how与deal with搭配, what与do with搭配, 故选B。2. A. averageB. naughtyC. differentD. ordinary【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。C项different“不同的”; 她从来没有被要求教像Cindy那样的孩子!因为她来自一个破碎的家庭, 所以Cindy与众不同。故选C。

13、3. A. cleverB. foolishC. lovelyD. friendly【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。虽然她真的很聪明, 但是她认为她是如此糟糕以至于她觉得不可能成功。从下文中的bad和successful特别是连词although可知, 应选A。4. A. In returnB. In turnC. In allD. In fact【解析】选D。词语辨析题。A项in return“作为回报”; B项in turn“反过来”; C项in all“总计”; D项in fact“事实上”。代入四个选项可知“事实上, Cindy很需要照顾, 而最重要的是, Cindy需要爱!”故选D。5.

14、A. stoppingB. keepingC. helpingD. knowing【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。从下文可知她在想方法帮助她, 且必须找到帮助她的方法。故选C。6. A. muchB. littleC. someD. few【解析】选B。词语辨析题。日复一日, Brenda会为Cindy祈祷, 然而星期日来了又去了, 她都看不到多少变化, A项much“很多”; B项little“很少”, 表否定, 修饰不可数名词; C项some“一些”; D项few“很少”, 表否定, 修饰可数名词。change是不可数名词, 用little修饰, 从change的单数形式可排除D, 选B。7. A. studyB. likeC. replaceD. play【解析】选D。词语搭配题。然后有一天, Brenda问Cindy是否能在圣诞节目中扮演一个角色。play a role是固定用法, “扮演一个角色”。8. A. askingB. beginningC. planningD. learning【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。句意: 孩子们正计划准备一个圣诞节目。C项plan“计划”, 符合语境。9. A. replyB. noiseC. soundD. problem【解析】选A。词汇复现题。由语境知是Brenda的回答。reply与


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