九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Work for Peace Lesson 27课件 冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Work for Peace Lesson 27,. 选词配图 olive, dove, flood, symbol, the Garden of Eden 答案:1. the Garden of Eden 2. olive 3. dove,答案:4. flood 5. symbol,. 句型展示 1. 自从亚当和夏娃被逐出伊甸园后,他们有了自己的儿女。 After Adam and Eve _ _ _ _ the Garden of Eden, they have their daughters and sons. 2. 他们一定死于一场洪水中,除了诺亚,因为他是个好人。 Th

2、ey _ _ in the Great Flood, all _ Noah, because he is a good man. 答案:1. are driven out of 2. must die; except,3. 晚上鸽子飞回来,嘴里衔着一根绿色橄榄枝,这表明陆地就在附近,危险结束了。 In the evening the dove _ _ _ a green olive branch _ its mouth, _that land is near and the danger is over. 4. 我想养鸽子,种棵橄榄树。 I _ _ _ _ doves and plant an

3、 olive tree. 答案:3. comes back with; in; showing 4. would love to raise,5. 它们是和平的象征! They are _ _ _ ! 答案: symbols of peace,1. raise v. 饲养;增加;举起 I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree. 我想养鸽子,种棵橄榄树。 The box is too heavy for me to lift. 这箱子太重了,我举不起。 The babys temperature is still rising. 这个

4、婴儿的体温还在上升。,【探究总结】 raise/lift/rise的用法辨析,【学以致用】 The people in cities like to _(饲养) dogs as their pets. The sun _(raise/lift/rise) in the east. 答案: raise rises,2. drive . . . out of 将驱赶出 After Adam and Eve are driven out of the Garden of Eden. . . 自从亚当和夏娃被赶出伊甸园之后 run out of the classroom从教室跑出来,【探究总结】 (

5、1) out of常与drive,go,come,run等动词连用,强调从里面到外面。常见短语:drive . . . out of (将驱赶出);run out of (从跑出来)。 (2) out of还可表示“脱离;没有;缺少”之意,后跟名词。常见短语:out of danger (脱离危险);out of fashion (过时);out of work (失业);out of money (钱用光了);out of luck (不走运)等。,【学以致用】 He saw the thief run_ the shop and get into a taxi. A. into B. ou

6、t of C. for D. of 我爸爸去年失业了。 My father was _ _ _ last year. 答案:out of work,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He would love _(raise) a cat because he likes this kind of animal. 2. The girl drew a picture _(show) her love for peace. 3. People in the world want to live a _(peace) life. 答案:1. to raise 2. to show 3. peace

7、ful,4. The teacher entered the classroom, _(hold) a book in his hand. 5. Please let the birds _(fly) out of the cage. 答案:4. holding 5. fly,. 单项选择 1. All of us want to visit the Great Wall _ Li Feng. He was ill at home. A. besides B. except C. and D. with 2. Dont worry. Your father is_ danger now. A. onto B. into C. out of D. in for 3. There are pots, pans, dishes _in the kitchen. A. so now B. and so on C. so far D. so many,4. _the good news, he jumped with joy. A. Hear B. Hearing C. To hear D. Heard 5. The students know _ to say or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. how,


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