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1、专题二十一 概括主旨和要义,-2-,考情概览 主旨大意题要求考生概括出文章主旨、标题,或者文章中某一段落的大意或标题,主要考查考生对文章内容整体把握的能力,即考查考生的归纳总结能力。要回答好主旨大意题,考生必须有很强的概括能力或者归纳能力,要善于寻找能够概括全文的主题段落或者主题句,要分清主旨和细节。概括出来的中心意思一定要覆盖全文或者整个段落,绝对不可太笼统、离题太远或者以偏概全。阅读时要注意抓住文章开头的主题句,把握关键词和文章最后的结论。注意文章标题可以是完整的句子,可以是简洁的短语,也可以用问句的形式。,-3-,1.主旨归纳 这种问题要求在把握好全文或某一段内容的基础上,对文章或段落的

2、主旨大意进行归纳。常用的命题方式有: What is the text mainly about?(No more than.words) What is mainly discussed in the text?(No more than.words) What advice is given in the.paragraph?(No more than.words) 在进行主旨归纳时,应该首先看一看文章首尾段是否对全文进行了归纳,如果是这样,我们通过归纳文章首尾段就能得到文章的主旨;如果上述情况不存在,我们就需要对全文进行归纳总结。在归纳文章主旨时,一定要注意紧扣能够体现文章主旨的关键词。

3、 常用的回答形式有:名词短语/动词-ing短语; What/How/Whether+从句/to.; Why +名词性从句,-4-,【典例分析】 2So,when Ashley was sixteen,she launched her own website,called GooseHead.She had no idea how big a success it would be,but three years later,the site was the most successful teen site in the USA!It was getting 100,000 hits ever

4、y day,and Ashley had about 30 employees. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?(No more than 6 words) _ Ashleys GooseHead was a big success. 本段说的是Ashley创办网站,后面的叙述都是在说网站的成功,关键词是success,由此可得出答案。,-5-,2.标题归纳 这种题型非常类似于阅读理解中的标题选择题,即要求考生在整体把握全文的基础上,用最简洁的语言归纳文章的标题。常用的命题方式有: What would be the best title for t

5、he text?(No more than.words) 标题归纳和主旨归纳在本质上是一样的,因此一篇阅读表达不可能同时出现两种题型,其方法也跟主旨归纳相似,考生可以首先找一找句子的主题句,如果有主题句,可以对主题句稍作加工;如果没有主题句,就需归纳全文。注意:在归纳文章标题时,一要注意扣准能够体现文章主旨的关键词,二要语言简洁,富有吸引力和特色。,-6-,A,B,C,1Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches (路沟) along the highway I travel daily to work. 2Th

6、ere is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye.Ive noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours,for the afternoon sun is too warm for it.Every day for approximately two weeks,I see those beautiful flowers.,-7-,A,B,C,3This spring,I started a wildflower garden in our yard.I can lo

7、ok out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.Ive often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditches would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers.Every day I drove past the flowers thinking,“Ill stop on my way home and dig them.” “Gee,I dont want to g

8、et my good clothes dirty.” Whatever the reason,I never stopped to dig them.My husband even gave me a folding shovel (铲子) one year to be used for that expressed purpose. 4One day on my way home from work,I was saddened to see that the highway department had moved the ditches and the pretty blue flowe

9、rs were gone.I thought to myself,“Way to go,you waited too long.You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.”,-8-,A,B,C,5A week ago we were shocked to know that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor (脑瘤晚期).She is 20 years older than my husband and unfortunately,

10、because of age and distance,we havent been as close as we all would have liked. 6I couldnt help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husbands sister and us.I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will b

11、loom every year for us. 7And yes,if I see the blue flowers again,you can bet Ill stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.,-9-,A,B,C,1.What did the author see every morning this spring?(No more than 8 words) 2.Why didnt the author carry the flowers home at last?(No more than 12 words) 3.How

12、did the author feel when the flowers were gone?(No more than 5 words),She saw one particular blue flower.,The flowers were gone because of the construction work.,She felt regretful/sorry/bad.,-10-,A,B,C,4.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 6?(No more than 20 words) 5.What do you lea

13、rn from the text?(No more than 15 words),The author realized that she would meet her relatives as often as possible and treat them kindly.,(Open.) We should grasp the chance to do what we want to.,-11-,A,B,C,Where would any of us be if we went to schools where no competition was allowed?How would we

14、 know whether we have the ability to be good at a sport or other things?How would we know whether we are making the right effort or whether we are wasting our time?How would we learn the concept of improving our performance?How would we know about setting and meeting goals? Competition serves so man

15、y purposes.Competition sets many people on the right path towards understanding what it takes to win.Competition can tell a student when more work,more time or improved studying strategies are needed to catch up with other students who achieve higher grades and better results from their study progra

16、ms.,-12-,A,B,C,Children learn through competition that desires and hard work may not be enough to win recognition,higher grades or rewards.There are times when students must learn that they may not be able to excel(突出) in certain sports or academic areas.Everyone can,however,do their best to support their teams in other ways,even though they are not the star of the team. Students would move on to areas where they



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