Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry Lesson 1 配套课件(冀教版九年级下).ppt

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《Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry Lesson 1 配套课件(冀教版九年级下).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry Lesson 1 配套课件(冀教版九年级下).ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 You Can Write Poetry Lesson 1,. 短语互译 1. 在家 _ 2. 看起来像 _ 3. 醒来;唤醒 _ 答案:1. at home 2. look like 3. wake up,4. shut ones eyes _ 5. write a poem about . . . _ 答案:4. 闭上眼睛 5. 写一首关于的诗,. 句型展示 1. 我还没有决定写什么。 I havent decided _ _ _ _. 2. 或许你可以写一段关于你最喜欢的地方的描述。 Maybe you _ _ a description of your favourite

2、 place. 答案:1. what to write about 2. could write,3. 我背熟它了。 I_it_ _ . 4. 你不必大声喊叫。 You dont need_ _ . 答案:3. know; by heart 4. to shout,1. decide v. 决定;作出判断 I havent decided what to write about. 我还没有决定要写什么。 She has decided to give up studying Chinese. 她已经决定放弃学中文。 They have decided on Hainan for their n

3、ext holiday. 他们已经决定下次去海南度假。,【探究总结】decide的用法辨析,动词不定式,about/on, We have two rooms to live in, but I cant decide_ . A. to choose which one B. choose which one C. which one to choose D. which one choose Weve decided _ new cars. A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying,【学以致用】,2. learn/know. . . by heart 记住;背

4、诵 When I was a child, I learned many poems by heart. 我小的时候背了许多诗。 All you have to do is to know the new words by heart. 你所要做的就是把生词背下来。,【探究总结】 learn/know . . . by heart的用法 learn/know为及物动词,后面接_或_作宾语,by heart表示“记住,凭记忆”,作状语,表示方式。,名词,代词,Can you learn the song _ in a few minutes? A. by heart B. in heart C.

5、 with heart D. for heart,【学以致用】,3. pleased adj. 高兴的;满意的;愉快的 Looks like the surprised, pleased circle of my mouth. 看起来像我惊奇而又高兴时圆圆的嘴巴。 This is a pleasant journey. 这是一次愉快的旅途。 Can you help me look after my dog? 你可以帮我照看一下狗吗? With pleasure. 当然可以/愿意效劳。,【探究总结】pleased/pleasant/pleasure/please的区别,事物,可数,Its a

6、great _(愉快的事) to us to welcome you here. 我对他所做的事感到很满意。 Im very _ _ what he has done. 答案:pleasure pleased with,【学以致用】,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Who can give us all a _(describe) of the accident? 2. Making a good _(decide) takes a lot of time. 3. Im_(please) to be able to help you. 答案:1. description 2. decisio

7、n 3. pleased,4. Money does not always bring _(happy). 5. Id love_(hear) your song. 答案:4. happiness 5. to hear,. 单项选择 1. Tom_his father. A. sounds like B. looks like C. smells like D. feels like 2. Have you finished your homework_ ? Yes, I have _ finished it. A. already; already B. yet; yet C. yet; a

8、lready D. already; yet,3. There are so many beautiful bags here. I cant decide _ . A. which one to buy B. to buy which one C. what one to buy D. to buy what one 4. It is not cold today. You _ wear warm clothes. A. need to B. need C. need not to D. dont need to 5. I can learn the new words quickly_. A. with heart B. in heart C. for heart D. by heart,


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