2020版高考英语人教版全国通用一轮复习课件:part 2 亮点词汇追求卓越效果

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《2020版高考英语人教版全国通用一轮复习课件:part 2 亮点词汇追求卓越效果 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语人教版全国通用一轮复习课件:part 2 亮点词汇追求卓越效果 (17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part 2 亮点词汇,追求卓越效果,-2-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,亮点1:使用高级词汇 1.“告诉”用inform sb.of/that替换tell sb.that 【秒杀】请提前告知我们你的决定。 2.“表达”用convey替换express 【秒杀】 我写这封信是要表达对您真诚的感谢。 3.“想要做”用intend to do替换want to do 【秒杀】我们打算充分利用这次旅行来开阔视野。,Please inform us of your decision in advance.,Im writing to convey my sincere thanks to you.,We

2、intend to take full advantage of this trip to broaden our horizons.,-3-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,4.“意识到”用be aware替换realize 【秒杀】作为社会的一员,我意识到负责任是很重要的。 5.“认真地”用attentively替换carefully 【秒杀】当我详细解释传统的泡茶程序时,外国学生仔细地观察我每一个动作。(2018北京,书面表达) 6.“对有好处”用be of great benefit/be very beneficial/be rewarding替换be good/be helpful 【秒杀

3、】体育运动有助于增强我们的体质。,As a member of society,I am aware that being responsible is very important.,As I explained the traditional procedure of making tea in detail,the foreign students watched every move of mine attentively.,Sports are very beneficial to building our bodies.,-4-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,7.“结果”用as a co

4、nsequence替换 as a result 【秒杀】结果,孩子们变得很依赖他们的父母。 8.“得到”用acquire/obtain替换get 【秒杀】我们应该不遗余力地获取知识,绝不轻易气馁。 9.“擅长,精通”用have a good command of/have a good knowledge of替换be good at 【秒杀】我精通英语。,As a consequence,children become very reliant on their parents.,We should spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never

5、 get discouraged easily.,I have a good command of English.,-5-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,10.“要求”用request替换ask 【秒杀】所有的游客都被要求不能在公园里乱扔垃圾。 11.“越来越”用increasingly替换more and more 【秒杀】羽毛球运动日益盛行。 12.“记住”用keep/bear sb./sth.in mind替换remember sb./sth. 【秒杀】我会一直记住我们的友谊。,All the visitors were requested not to throw waste away i

6、n the park.,Badminton is becoming increasingly popular.,I will keep our friendship in mind all the way.,-6-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,13.“参加”用participate in/get involved in替换take part in 【秒杀】我们应该经常参加户外活动。 14.“在我看来”用personally (speaking)替换in my opinion 【秒杀】在我看来,看原版书比看这部电影好。 15.“努力做某事”用make every effort to do sth./

7、spare no effort to do sth.替换try to do sth. 【秒杀】我会不遗余力地帮助你。,We should participate in outdoor activities frequently.,Personally,it is better to read the book in the original than to see the film.,Ill spare no effort to help you.,-7-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,16.“各种各样的”用various/varieties of/a variety of/a wide range

8、 of替换all kinds of 【秒杀】有种类繁多的图书供我们选择。 17.“由于”用due to替换because of 【秒杀】由于交通拥挤,他来晚了。 18.“导致(某人做)某事”用contribute to (doing) sth.替换lead to (doing) sth. 【秒杀】勤奋和智慧造就了他的成功。,There are a variety of/a wide range of books for us to choose from.,He arrived late due to the heavy traffic.,Diligence and wisdom contri

9、buted to his success.,-8-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,19.“忙于”用be occupied in doing sth./with sth.替换be busy in doing sth./with sth. 【秒杀】我忙于研究,很少关注我女儿的感受。 20.“好”用outstanding/extraordinary替换good 【秒杀】他是一位杰出的领导。,I was occupied in my study and seldom pay attention to my daughters feelings.,He is an outstanding leader.,-9

10、-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,亮点2:表达求新求异 1.“改善”用better替换improve 【秒杀】应该立即采取行动来改善环境。 2.“承担责任”用shoulder the responsibility替换take responsibility 【秒杀】为什么他们不敢负责任?,Immediate action should be taken to better the environment.,Why are they afraid of shouldering the responsibility?,-10-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,3.“即将来临”用 around the corner

11、 替换be coming soon 【秒杀】我们的期末测试即将来临。 4.“重要”用count/matter替换be important 【秒杀1】不是到达目的地而是旅程本身才是最重要的。 【秒杀2】最重要的是你如何看待自己。 5.“使某人做某事”用enable sb.to do sth.替换make sb.do sth. 【秒杀】我在找一份能充分发挥我才能的工作。,Our final test is around the corner.,It is not the arrival but the journey that counts.,What matters most is how yo

12、u see yourself.,Im looking for a job which will enable me to make full use of my talent.,-11-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,6 “未能”用fail to替换be unable to 【秒杀】我没能劝说他把烟戒掉。 7.“想到”用occur to替换think of 【秒杀】你需要解释一下你是如何想到这个主意的。 8.“越来越多的”用a growing number of/an increasing number of替换more and more 【秒杀】买车的人越来越多。,I failed to pers

13、uade him to give up smoking.,You need to explain how the idea occurs to you.,An increasing/A growing number of people are buying cars.,-12-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,9.“必须要做的事”用a must替换something that you must do 【秒杀】英语对我来说是日常生活中与他人交流所必备的。 10.“对感兴趣”用appeal to (sb.)/(sb.) take a great interest in替换(sb.) be interest

14、ed in 【秒杀】这份工作深深地吸引了我。,English is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life.,The new job appeals to me greatly.,-13-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,亮点3:习语短语优先 1.“应该”用be supposed to替换should 【秒杀】在校期间,我们应该衣着整洁。 2.“令人担忧”用of great concern替换worrying 【秒杀】环境问题令人担忧。 3.“常常”用tend to替换usually 【秒杀】我常常醒得很早。,We are s

15、upposed to be neatly dressed when at school.,The environment is of great concern.,I tend to wake up early.,-14-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,4.“至关重要”用vital/of great significance/of great importance替换important 【秒杀】因此,学生们在课余时间做什么是至关重要的。 5.“帮助”用lend a helping hand to替换help 【秒杀】在几次英语活动中,我成功地帮助了她。,So what the students do

16、 in their spare time is of great importance.,Successfully,I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities.,-15-,亮点1,亮点2,亮点3,6.“解释”用account for替换explain 【秒杀】他无法说明他旷课的原因。 7.“面临”用be faced with替换face 【秒杀】更重要的是,我们可以倾诉我们面临的困难。 8.“相信”用be fully/firmly convinced替换believe 【秒杀】我坚定地认为游客的数量应得到限制,理由如下。,He could not account for his absence from school.,Whats more,we can pour out the troubles we are faced with.,I am firmly convinced that the nu



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