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1、Unit 1 A land of diversity Learning about Language Using Language.单句语法填空 1It was becoming apparent (apparently) to me that she didnt like me.2She firmly grasped him by the arm.3I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen.4It suddenly occurs to me that our teacher might be interested in the problem we

2、 discussed just now.5There are some indications (indicate) that the economy is improving. 6He was homeless, so we took him in.7I was sent to bed as a punishment (punish)8I would like to apply for the position advertised in the yesterdays newspaper.9They teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.10

3、When we first got to New Orleans, we bought a map on which were marked out the streets that each parade would travel along.完成句子1It_was_apparent that he was lost in thought.显然他陷入了沉思。2We should_grasp_the_opportunity/chance to expand further our links and economic cooperation with them.我们应把握机会,进一步扩展与他们

4、的联系和经济合作。3It_didnt_occur_to_him to win the championship.他没有想到会赢得冠军。4As_is_indicated_in_the_picture,_if the man is willing to look for other possibilities, he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal.正如图片中表明的那样,如果这个人愿意寻找其他的可能性,他能找到一个更好的、更有益的方式来实现他的目标。5A teacher should make his les

5、sons simple enough for the students to_take_in/understand.老师应该使自己的课简单以便让学生理解。6My brother applied_for_an_important_job in Beijing the year he graduated from Beijing University.我的哥哥北京大学毕业那年在北京申请了一份重要工作。7You are to convince him that if he teams_up_with_our_company,_his firm will benefit a lot.你一定要使他相信,

6、他的公司如果跟我们公司合作会受益匪浅的。8Many streets in this city have_been_marked_out for cultural protection.为了进行文化保护,这个城市规划出了许多条街道。.完形填空Yesterday I totally changed my views about life after a talk with one of my friends.He told me although he was in _1_, he was happy and _2_ that it was because of something he saw

7、in India.A few years ago he was _3_ feeling sad and was touring India.He said right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother _4_ her childs right hand with a knife.The helpless _5_ in the mothers eyes and the painful scream of the _6_ fouryearold child still remained in his mind.The_7_ mot

8、her made the child disabled _8_ he could go out on the streets to beg._9_ by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating.And almost at once, several children _10_ around his small piece of bread covered with sand, _11_ bits from one another.It was the _12_ reaction of hunger.He then w

9、ent to the nearest bakery and bought every single loaf of bread._13_ he gave out the bread to the children (mostly disabled), he _14_ cheers and bows from these _15_ children.For the first time in his life, he understood _16_ people could give up their _17_ for a loaf of bread.He came to _18_ how fo

10、rtunate he was to be able to have a sound body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to _19_ about food that didnt taste good, and have the many things that these people in front of him _20_ dreamed of having.Perhaps life wasnt bad at all.语篇解读:当你目睹了别人的不幸时,你就会体会到自己是多么的幸运。1A.loveBfunCdebt Dwork解

11、析:选C由作者的朋友后文中对印度挨饿的孩子的描述可知,尽管他目前的状况不是太好,但也是快乐的。in debt“负债”。in love“恋爱中”;in fun“开玩笑”;in work “有工作;在完成之中”。根据句意选C。2A.explained BrecalledCmentioned Dinsisted解析:选A朋友说明了尽管负债但很快乐的原因。explain“解释;说明”。recall“回忆;回想”;mention“提及;说起”;insist“坚持;强调”。3A.certainly BreallyCseriously Dhardly解析:选B他实在是太伤感,于是到印度旅行。4A.took

12、off Bheld upCbrought down Dcut off解析:选D为了把孩子变成残疾而切断孩子的右手。cut off“切断;断绝”;take off“拿掉;脱衣;起飞”;hold up “举起;支撑;阻挡;拦截”;bring down“打倒;击落”。5A.expression BdespairCimpression Danger解析:选Aexpression“表情”。despair“绝望;失望”;impression“印象;感想”;anger“生气;愤怒”。根据句意应选expression。6A.naughty BtiresomeCinnocent Dfoolish解析:选C母亲为

13、了孩子今后的生存砍掉了孩子的右手,但是孩子却是无辜的。7A.strict BupsetCdesperate Dcrazy解析:选C母亲之所以忍心砍掉自己孩子的右手,主要是因为对生活感到绝望。8A.unless Bso thatCin case Dbecause解析:选B此处so that表示目的。母亲使孩子变残疾的目的是让他能够到大街上乞讨。9A.Puzzled BAttractedCInspired DShocked解析:选D从后面“he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating”来看,“我”的朋友当时很震惊。10A.gathered Bloo

14、kedCsat Dturned解析:选Agather around “围拢或聚集在周围”。look around“环视;朝四周看”;sit around “坐在周围”;turn around“回转;转向;使向好的方向发展”。根据句意选A。11A.sharing BtakingCoffering Dgiving解析:选B孩子围拢在面包周围目的是争抢面包片。take“取;抓;获得”。12A.mental BphysicalCnatural Demotional解析:选C孩子的举动是饥饿的一种自然反应。13A.Since BUntilCIf DAs解析:选D此处as表示“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。

15、14A.received BacceptedCheard Drefused解析:选A当他把买来的面包分发给饥饿的孩子们的时候,受到孩子们的欢呼和鞠躬致敬。accept表示主观上愿意接受,不合文意。15A.polite BfortunateChungry Dexciting解析:选C根据文章内容,应是饥饿的孩子们。16A.whom BwhatChow Dwhen解析:选Chow引导宾语从句,说明方式。17A.honor BworkCeffort Ddignity解析:选D他生平第一次明白了人们是如何为了一片面包而放弃尊严的。dignity“尊严”。18A.think BrealizeCunderstand Dconclude解析:选B他开始意识到拥有健全的身


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