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1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固探究一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空now thatbreak outmore thanwatch outblock out get the hang ofdie outmake upbegin.withcheer up1.The speaker his speech his self-introduction yesterday.答案:began;with2. Bill has a long holiday,he can go abroa

2、d to have a trip.答案:Now that3.You look sad.!Everything will be all right soon.答案:Cheer up4.That guy was a dangerous person.You should for him.答案:watch out5.As soon as the professor finished his lecture,thunderous applause .答案:broke out6.The heavy smoke from the big fire is rising into the sky, the s

3、unlight.答案:blocking out7.Scientists predict about two thousand species will probably in a century.答案:die out8.Press the button when the light goes onyou will soon it.答案:get the hang of9.The farmers from villages about 15 percent of the citys total population.答案:make up10.He is a good teacher,but a c

4、lose friend to us all.答案:more than二、同义句改写1.I believe that all the people in the world want a peaceful world. is that all the people in the world want a peaceful world.答案:What I believe2.I have explained it three times,but he is too stupid to understand such a truth.I have explained it three times,bu

5、t he is he cant understand such a truth.答案:so stupid that3.Since you have got such a good chance,you should make full use of it. you have got such a good chance,you should make full use of it.答案:Now that4.This week it is your turn to do the housework.This week you do the housework .答案:in your turn5.

6、As we all know,smoking does harm to our health.As we all know,smoking our health.答案:is harmful to三、完成句子导学号192940211.我把这个好消息告诉了她,想使她高兴起来。I tried by telling her the good news.答案:to cheer her up2.有些叶子漂浮在水面上。There were some leaves .答案:floating/which floated on the water3.到了接受教育的年龄了,她被送到了当地一所学校。,she was

7、sent to a local school.答案:Old enough to receive education4.在回家的路上他看见一辆汽车撞到了墙上。On the way home he .答案:saw a car crash into a wall5.狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常见。Sleds are in common use in the Arctic.答案:pulled by dogs6.被大火烧毁的房子被重建了。The house was rebuilt.答案:(which had been) pulled down by fire7.既然已完成了工作,你就应该好好休息一下。You

8、 ought to have a good rest .答案:now that youve finished the work8.在密切注意那个戴黑帽子的高个子男人时,他发现了另外一个嫌疑犯。While the tall man in a black hat,he found another suspect.答案:watching out for9.这两个国家之间的不同见解导致了战争的爆发。The disagreement between the two countries led to .答案:the war breaking out四、阅读理解(2016全国高考)Five years ag

9、o,when I taught art at a school in Seattle,I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students.I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student,and said:“Make something out of the Tinkertoys.You have 45 minutes today-and 45 minutes each day for the

10、rest of the week.”A few students hesitated to start.They waited to see what the rest of the class would do.Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided.Another group built something out of their own imaginations.Once I had a boy who worked e

11、xperimentally with Tinkertoys in his free time.His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home.I was delighted at the presence of such a student.Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work.His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant

12、 in class whose creativity would infect(感染) other students.Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside.I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking.Without fail one would declare,“But Im just not creative.”“Do you dream at night when youre asleep?”“Oh,sure.”“So

13、tell me one of your most interesting dreams.”The student would tell something wildly imaginative.Flying in the sky or in a time machine or growing three heads.“Thats pretty creative.Who does that for you?”“Nobody.I do it.”“Really-at night,when youre asleep?”“Sure.”“Try doing it in the daytime,in cla

14、ss,okay?”1.The teacher used Tinkertoys in class in order to .A.know more about the studentsB.make the lessons more excitingC.raise the students interest in artD.teach the students about toy design答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“.I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students.”可知,这位老师最初给学生布置这个任务目的是了解这些学生。故选A项。2.What do we know about the boy mentioned in Paragraph 3?A.He liked to help his teacher.B.He preferred to study alone.C.He was active in class.D.He was imaginative.答案:D解析:


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