Module7 Unit2 When do you use a computer 课件(外研版七年级上册).ppt

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1、Module 7 Computers Unit 2 When do you use a computer?,Module 7,Computers,Unit 2,When do you use a computer?,Warming up If you say “Yes”, please stand up.,Do you have a computer at home? Do you usually use a computer? Do you like computers? Do you play computer games?,search for ,see movies,listen to

2、 music,read books and magazines,send emails to friends,download music and films,buy things online,play games on the computer,draw pictures,look at photographs on the computer,use a computer for school work,take part in chat groups,玩电脑游戏,play computer games,Read the words and expressions loudly.,cust

3、omer Australia game share company often Internet check train travel,n. 顾客 澳大利亚 n. 游戏 v. 分享;共用 n. 公司;剧团 adv. 经常 n. 因特网 v. 检查;查看 n. 火车 v. 旅行,plan ticket music movie night search search for information email,n. 计划 v. 计划;打算 n. 票 n. 音乐 n. 电影 n. 夜晚 v. 搜寻;搜索;搜查 搜寻;查找 n. 信息 n. 电子邮件,send game sometimes cinem

4、a clothes visit holiday,v. 发送 n. 游戏 adv. 有时候;不时 n. 电影院 n. 衣服(总称) v. 探望;参观 n. 假日;节日,1 Who can use the computer on Sunday? 2 Who shares a computer with his father? 3 Who has a friend in Australia?,Listen, read and answer.,Mike.,Jack.,Alice.,1,重点短语:,1.和某人分享 _ 2. 同某人的顾客交谈 _ 3. 通过电脑 _ 4. 上网 _,talk to one

5、s customers,on the computer,go on the Internet,share with,5. 检查火车时间表 _ 6. 制定旅行计划 _ 7. 买票 _ 8. 听音乐 _ 9. 看电影 _,check the times of trains,make travel plans,buy tickets,listen to music,watch movies,10. 在互联网上 _ 11. 搜索信息 _ 12. 做家庭作业 _ 13. 检查电子邮件 _ 14. 发电子邮件给某人 _ 15. 玩电脑游戏 _,on the Internet,search for info

6、rmation,do ones homework,check email,send email to sb.,play computer games,Check () the true sentences.,1 Jacks father uses the computer every Friday night. 2 Alice checks emails at home. 3 Mike likes playing computer games. 4 Mike and his parents use their home computer.,2,buy check go on make play

7、 share talk to search for watch work for,a company a computer customers email games information the Internet movies tickets travel plans,在一家公司上班,共用一台电脑,和顾客讲话,检查邮件,玩游戏,搜索信息,上网,看电影,买票,制定旅行计划,Match.,3,check customer information Internet movie plan search send share ticket,You can use your computer to d

8、o lots of things on the (1) _. You can (2) _ for (3) _ about things to do. Are you (4) _ an evening at the cinema? What time does your (5) _ start? You can (6)_ on the Internet. What about shopping? Many (7) _ buy books, clothes and many other things on the Internet. And do you want to visit friends

9、 or family? Many people buy train (8) _ on the Internet. You can also (9)_ emails or speak to friends. But remember to (10)_ the computer with your parents!,Internet,search,information,planning,movie,check,customers,tickets,send,share,1. Have the computer and Internet become part of your life? 2. Ho

10、w has computer changed our life?,Think and discussion:,Answer the questions. Write them down.,1 Does your father/mother use a computer? 2 What do you do on a computer? 3 When do you use a computer? 4 Do you play computer games? What games do you play?,Writing,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。,1. Do your homework qu

11、ickly. Your teacher is coming to c_ it. 2. Im a teacher. I use my c_ for my lesson. 3. I l_ music from the Internet. 4. I usually play games on the Internet, but s_ I do my homework on it. 5. People often travel by t_ or ship on holidays.,heck,omputer,isten,ometimes,rain,二、翻译短语。,1. 看电影 2. 发送电子邮件 3.

12、查火车时刻表 4. 搜索信息,watch movies,send emails,check the times of trains,search for information,5. 制定旅行计划 6. 上网 7. 买票 8. 听音乐,make travel plans,go on the Internet,buy tickets,listen to music,三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. Zhang Hua _ (not look) like his father. 2. _ (not swim) here, its dangerous (危险的). 3. His father i

13、s a worker and he _ (work) in a factory. 4. She _ (do) the homework every evening. 5. I _ (not use) the Internet or send emails. 6. She _ (not play) games.,doesnt look,Dont swim,works,does,dont use,doesnt play,Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions; 2. Write down what you use computer to do (30-50字).,Homework,check emails, go on the Internet, computer, search for, information.,Preview,To preview the use of Wh-questions in present simple tense; 2. To practise the vocabulary.,


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