外研版八年级英语上册module 3 sports 单元测试题

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1、Module 3Sports.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)()1.I dont like playing football_ its very dangerous.Abecause Bso Cand Dbut()2.What do you think of Toms handwriting?No one writes _ than him in our class.Agood BbetterCwell Dbest()3.Jack writes English_ than Mike.Amore careful BcarefulerCmore carefully Dcarefully()4.I

2、 like sports and I like music, _Atoo Balso Ceither Dneither()5.The rain is very heavy _ we have to stay at home.Abut BbecauseCso Dand()6.My best friend Alex failed in the maths competition. Id like to_Adress him up Bpick him up Ccheer him up Dgive him up()7.There are _ flowers in the garden and they

3、 are very beautiful.Aa lot Ba littleCplenty of Dmuch()8.The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _ because of the dry weather.Afewer and fewer Bmore and moreCless and less Dlittle and little()9.The cakes taste _, and they sell _. Ill buy some.Agood; well Bwell; wellCwell; good Dgood; good(

4、)10.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.Abelow Bacross Cbehind Dagainst()11.Sam is _ about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared.Ahonest BconfidentCmodest Dcurious()12.I saw Li Ming _ near the river on my way home.Aplays Bplaying Cto play Dplayed()

5、13.Which goes _, the tractor(拖拉机) or the taxi?The taxi does.Afaster Bthe fasterCmore slowly Dslowlier()14.My father thinks fishing is _He feels _ and pleased when fishing.Arelaxing; relaxed Brelaxed; relaxing Crelaxing; relaxing Drelaxed; relaxed()15.I made some mistakes in the test._Be careful next

6、 time.ANever mind BOf courseCYoure welcome DThanks.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)There is a saying, “No sports, no life.” Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay _16_ and get good grades.Everyone in our class _17_ sports. Our favourite _18_ is PE. We only have PE lessons _19_ a week, but we play s

7、ports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy _20_ it, and many of the _21_ like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there _22_ a lot of football fans in our class. When the weather is _23_, we often play pingpong outside. We hardly ever(几乎不) play voll

8、eyball. We think its _24_We have a basketball team. Our team often has friendship(友谊) matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to _25_ it. Its very interesting.()16.A.fit Bcool Cfat Dthin()17.A.love Bloves Cloving Dloved()18.A.food Bdrink Csubject Dfruit()19.A.two

9、Btwo time Csecond Dtwice()20.A.play Bplaying Cplayed Dto play()21.A.students Bteachers Cgirls Dpeople()22.A.were BareCis Dwas()23.A.cloudy Bwindy Crainy Dwet()24.A.boring Brelaxing Cexciting Dinteresting()25.A.watch Bread Clook Dlook at.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ATickets(门票) for the NBA basketball games are g

10、oing on sale. Lots of people like to go to watch basketball games. Most of them are going to cheer their teams on. However, there are never enough (足够的) tickets for everyone. So some people come the day before and sleep in front of the ticket office. At night, when they are waiting, some people play

11、 music, others dance and sing, and still others talk about their favourite players. Sometimes they argue(争论) because they like different teams. After waiting all night to buy tickets, they will be so tired that they cant enjoy the game.()26.Why do many people like to go to watch basketball games?AIt

12、s easy to buy tickets. BThey like to see their favourite teams play.CThey have free tickets. DThey dont want to stay at home.()27.Why is it hard to buy tickets?AThe ticket office is far away. BThe tickets are very expensive.CThere arent enough tickets for everyone.DThere are so many free tickets.()2

13、8.What do some people do to buy tickets?AGo to the ticket office right before the game. BAsk a basketball player for help.CWait in front of the ticket office. DTelephone them for free tickets.()29.What do they do when they are waiting for the ticket office to open?ASing, dance and talk. BPlay basket

14、ball.CCheer for their teams. DRemember the name of the NBA basketball players.()30.Which is the best title?AWaiting to Buy Tickets BNBA Basketball GamesCTicket Office DHow to Enjoy a Basketball GameBHow do you spend your spare time? There will be different answers to it. Most people in Poland(波兰)have their own ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to take a rest, but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time. They have many different hobbies, wh


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