Module 8 On the town Unit 1 I was pleased to see it 课件(外研版九年级下).ppt

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1、Module 8 On the town,Unit 1 I was pleased to see it.,dialogue,line,recite,role,row,servant,bit,play the role of,superb,impressed,front,entertainment,主要作品有:历史剧亨利四世,喜剧仲夏夜之梦、威尼斯商人,四大悲剧汉姆雷特、奥赛罗、李尔王、麦克白及悲喜剧罗密欧与朱丽叶。在西方,每家都必备两本书,一本是圣经,另一本是莎士比亚全集,即一个是宗教的神,一个是艺术的神。马克思称他为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”,同时代人本琼生称誉他是“时代的灵魂”,说他“不属于

2、一个时代,而属于所有的世纪。”,威廉莎士比亚(1564-1616)文艺复兴时期英国伟大的戏剧家和诗人,人文主义最杰出的代表,近代欧洲文学的奠基者之一。,罗密欧与朱丽叶,罗密欧与朱丽叶剧情 意大利维洛那城的凯普莱特和蒙太古两个家族有世仇,他们之间常常发生流血事件。一天,凯普莱特家举行盛大的化装舞会,蒙太古的儿子罗密欧在朋友怂恿下,戴上假面具去参加。舞会上,他与凯普莱特的女儿朱丽叶一见钟情。但经过化装的罗密欧还是被朱丽叶的堂兄提伯尔特认出,两人差点打了起来。舞会结束后,罗密欧偷偷跳进凯普莱特家的花园,想再看看朱丽叶。朱丽叶此时正好站在阳台上喃喃自语,表达自己的爱恋之情。罗密欧十分激动,也向他倾吐衷

3、肠。直到天亮,俩人才依依惜别。第二天,罗密欧把二人的感情告诉了修道院的劳伦斯长老。,罗密欧与朱丽叶剧情 长老表示支持,并暗中主持婚礼,希望借此结束两家的宿怨。结婚的当天中午,罗密欧和朋友班伏里奥、茂丘西奥在大街上与提伯尔特相遇,发生冲突,茂丘西奥被刺死。罗密欧忍无可忍,也拔剑刺死了提伯尔特。这使两家的仇恨更加激化,罗密欧也因此遭放逐。罗密欧走后不久,凯普莱特就逼迫朱丽叶与帕里斯伯爵结婚。朱丽叶焦急万分,请求劳伦斯长老帮助。长老急中生智,一面让朱丽叶在婚前的夜晚服下他的假死药,一面派人送信给罗密欧,让他适时赶来带走朱丽叶。朱丽叶依计行事,可是送信的人却没有如期找到罗密欧。罗密欧听到朱丽叶的死讯,

4、悲痛欲绝,匆匆回到维洛那城,来到朱丽叶的墓地,Work in pairs and look at the photo. Talk about what you can see.,Clue: The story of Romeo and Juliet.,Listen and answer the questions.,How does Betty answer Tonys question about the story of Romeo and Juliet? What does Tony find funny? Who else is in Romeo and Juliet?,She tel

5、ls him that its a love story.,Betty is speaking lines from Shakespeare in an American accent.,Mercutio (Remeos friend) and Juliets nurse.,4. Where are they sitting? 5. What does Tony hope?,In the back row.,That the actors have loud voices.,How was the play? What was the best bit? Im impressed. No su

6、ch luck! I was starving.,Everyday English,Lets listen now.,Listen and choose the best answer,c,a,c,b,b,1. dialogue n. 对话 如:Can you make a dialogue with these sentences? 你能用这些句子编一个对话吗? 2. nurse n. 保姆;护士 如:His mother is a nurse. 他的母亲是一个护士。 v. 看护,照料 如:She is nursing a patient. 她正在照顾一个病人。 3. role n. 角色

7、如:She plays a role in the TV play. 她在这部电视剧中扮演角色。 【延伸】play the role of 扮演角色 4. servant n. 仆人 如:There are several servants in the family. 这个家庭有好几个仆人。 5. bit n. 一部分,一段 a bit 一点 如:He is a bit tired today. 今天他有点累。,Language points,【词语辨析】a bit; a little a bit与a little这两个词组意思相同,相同之处是:a bit与a little都可作程度副词,表

8、示“稍微、一点儿”的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换。 例如:Will you please turn down the recorder a bit/a little? 请你把录音机声音关小一点好吗?Shes a bit/a little afraid of her father. 她有点怕她母亲。I feel a bit/a little better today. 我今天感觉好些了。 不同之处是:a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit修饰不可数名词时,只能用a bit of。 例如:Tom has a little money. /Tom has a bit

9、of money. Tom有一点钱。,I was pleased to see it , but three hours is a long time to stay still. 看来它我很高兴,但是一动不动地坐三个小时也太久了。,句中主语是three hours,而谓语动词用的是 is , 这涉及到主谓一致。将three hours 视为一个整体,因此谓语动词用了第三人称单数形式。 所谓主谓一致,就是指谓语动词的数的形式要与主语的数一致。主语表复数时,谓语动词要用复数形式;主语表单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 *表示金钱、时间、距离等等名词作主语时,作为一定的数量,表复数;作为一个

10、整体,表单数。 There are 380,000 kilometers between the earth and the moon. 地球与月球之间有38万公里。 380,000 kilometers is a long way to go . 38万公里是很长的路程。 2. be pleased to do sth. 对做感到高兴。 be pleased with sb. 对某人感到满意。,1. The best way is to read the play before you see it. 在看戏剧之前最好的方式是去读它。 【讲解】1) 在本句中,不定式短语用作表语,如:My j

11、ob is to help you with your English. 我的工作是帮你学英语。 2) before引导的从句是时间状语从句,如:Wash your hands before you have a meal. 在吃饭前要洗手。 2. So they both decide to kill themselves. 因此他们两个都决定自杀。 【讲解】1) they both 意为“他们两个都”,我们也可以说both of them, 如:They both (Both of them) like computer games. 他们两个都喜欢电脑游戏。 2) to kill the

12、mselves是不定式短语作decide的宾语,如:I decide to have a good rest tonight. 今晚我决定好好休息一下。,Complete the sentences in your own words,was still pleased to see it.,The fight between the two families and their servants.,she must to marry someone else.,he wasnt enough time.,can only recite one word.,一、用括号中所单词的适当形式填空 T

13、he boy put one of his _ (finger) into his mouth. 2. Do you know the Chinese _ (say)? 3. What he said _ (impress) me. 4. My mother likes _ (music) very much. 5. There are several _ (servant) in the rich family.,fingers,saying,impressed,musical,servants,Exercise,二、选择填空 1. The New York night life is _.

14、 Do you want to travel there? A. world famous B. world-famous C. impressed D. musical 2. Carnegie Hall is well-known for its concerts of _ music, classical and modern. A. all kinds of B. plenty of C. all types of D. a type of 3. Where can we find restaurants in New York? Restaurants can _ everywhere

15、. A. find B. found C. be found D. be finding 4. He thought three hours _ a long time to stay still. A. is B. are C. was D. were 5. Peoples Cinema is the place _ fantastic movies. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched,B,C,C,C,B,1. Cancer is a terrible _. It kills millions of people every year.

16、A. pain B. sick C. disease D. experience 2. “Are you going to eat here _ take it away?” asked the waiter. A. and B. so C. or D. but 3. -_ did your monitor talk to you this morning? -Something about our evening party. A. Why B. What C. Where D. How 4. -Can you understand me? -Sorry. I can _ hear you clearly. A. al



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