Module 5 Museums Unit 2 There’s no shouting and no running. 同步课件2(外研版九年级上).ppt

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Module 5 Museums Unit 2 There’s no shouting and no running. 同步课件2(外研版九年级上).ppt_第1页
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Module 5 Museums Unit 2 There’s no shouting and no running. 同步课件2(外研版九年级上).ppt_第2页
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Module 5 Museums Unit 2 There’s no shouting and no running. 同步课件2(外研版九年级上).ppt_第3页
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Module 5 Museums Unit 2 There’s no shouting and no running. 同步课件2(外研版九年级上).ppt_第4页
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1、Module 5 Museums,Unit 2 Theres no shouting and no running.,experiment unusual work out try out physics sand,实验 不同寻常的 设法弄懂,计算出 试用,试验,检验 物理 沙子,Words and expressions,truck wheel position rocket travel human,卡车 轮子 位置 火箭 旅行 n.人类adj.人类的,Words and expressions,speed obey above all drop in as . as,速度 遵守 首先 顺

2、便走访 同.一样,Words and expressions,Look at the pictures and talk about the differences in the two museums. Use the words in the box.,boring busy do experiments exhibit fun interesting noisy not allowed to quiet serious unusual,2Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. In what way is the Science Mus

3、eum different from other museums?,In this museum, youre allowed to be noisy. And you can touch the exhibits, work things out and try out ideas, in other museums, you are not allowed to do these things.,2. Where does Tony go when he visits the Science Museum? 3. What else is there to see in the Scien

4、ce Museum?,He often goes to Launch Pad, the Rocket Show, the Human and Nature room, etc.,There are rooms on transport, the environment, space technology, maths, physics and chemistry.,3. Complete the table.,The Science Museum,London,The Launch Pad,The rocket show, catching falling sand, comparing yo

5、ur speed with animals,No photography,10 am -6 pm every day,Free,4. Read the passage again and decide what the underlined words refer to.,1. People talk about what they can see and do there . 2. . its a great way to learn about science . 3. But you can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.,In th

6、e museum,Visiting the Science Museum,The exhibits,5. Answer the questions.,as .as drop in fill free physics position sand truck try out wheel,1. What kind of physics experiments can you do at the Launch Pad? 2. What can you try out in the Human and Nature room?,You can move a truck into the correct

7、position and try to dill it with sand.,You can try out an experiment to compare your speed with animals.,3. How much does it cost to go in the Science Museum? 4. For how long can you stay at the Science Museum?,It doesnt cost anything its free.,You can stay for as long as you want to from 10 am to 6

8、 pm every day.,Writing,Complete the passage with it, they, that and there.,There are a lot of museums in London, and one of the most popular is the British Museum. Thousands of people Visit(1) _every year. (2)_can see lots of interesting things from different times and places.,it,They,The British Mu

9、seum is very serious, so (3)_is quiet (4) _.People mustnt make a noise; and (5)_ mustnt touch the exhibits. Photography is not allowed in the British Museum, so its a good idea to visit the museum shop and buy postcards. Entry to the museum is free, so you can visit(6) _as often as you like.,it,ther

10、e,they,it,7. Complete the table in Activity 3 for your favorite museum. Now write a short description of your favorite museum. Use the passage in Activities 2 and 6 to help you.,Words and expressions,sculpture n. 1. 雕刻品,雕塑品;雕像 We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods. 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。 2. 雕刻术,雕塑术 I took

11、a course in sculpture last semester. 我上学期选了一门雕塑课。,either a. 1. (两者之中)任一的 You may go by either road. 你两条路都可以走。 2. (两者之中)每一方的;每一的 He had a bag in either hand. 他两手各拿一只包。,unusual a. 不平常的;稀有的;奇特的 It was not unusual for me to come home late. 回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。 He has a nose of unusual size. 他有个罕见的大鼻子。,position

12、 n. 1. 位置,地点,方位C The bed used to be in this position. 床原来是放在这儿的。 2. 地位;身份;位次(+in) He has a high position in society. 他社会地位很高。,rocket n. 飞弹,火箭;火箭发动机 They planned to send a rocket to the moon. 他们计划向月球发射火箭。,travel vi. 旅行 My uncle is travelling in South America. 我叔父在南美洲旅行。 n.旅行,游历 We had ten days travel

13、 by train. 我们乘火车旅行了十天。,speed n. 1. 速率,速度 The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour. 火车正以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。 2. 快速,迅速 You work with amazing speed. 你工作起来速度奇快。,obey vt. 服从;听从;执行;遵守 You didnt obey the managers instructions. 你没有执行经理的指示。 vi.服从;听话 The child obeyed and went to bed. 孩子听话睡觉去了。,Langu

14、age points,1 No shouting! 禁止喧哗! Hang on a minute! You mustnt go up there! 等一下!你们不许上楼去! Dont touch! You mustnt touch it. 别碰!你们不能碰它。,2 I wasnt paying attention to what you were saying. 我刚才没有注意你在说些什么。 pay attention to “注意,留心,专心” You must pay attention to your teacher in the class. 上课的时候必须专心听老师讲课。 Pleas

15、e pay attention to the difference between the two words. 请注意这两个词之间的区别。,3. You are taking so long. Lets go. 你耽搁太长时间了,咱们走吧。 take 需要时间,占用时间。如: The flight will take three hours. 路上要飞三小时。 Broken bones always take time to mend. 骨折需要长时间才能好。,4. work out 算出,制定出,做出 It is highly necessary to work out an emerge

16、ncy package. 制定一整套应急措施是非常必要的。 The travelling expenses work out at 12 dollars per day each. 计算的结果,每天人每天的旅费是 12美元。,5 try out 尝试,试验。 They are trying out the new method. 他们正在试验那种新方法。 She is raring to try out her new skates. 她很想试试她那双新溜冰鞋。,6 compare with 和比较 Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道 哪个比较好了。 If you compare her work with his, youll find hers is much better. 要是把他俩的工作比较


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