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1、动词-名词加er write 写 writer作家 report 报道reporter记者 win 赢winner获胜者 own 拥有owner拥有者 paint画、粉刷-painter画家 manage 经营manage r经理,加or record- recordor 记录录音机 actactor 表演-男演员 visit-visitor参加-观光者 invent-inventor 发明-发明家 calculate- calculator 计算计算器,加ress wait waitress 等女服务员 act actress 行动女演员,加ion结尾 solvesolution解答 col

2、lect -collection收集 discuss -discussion讨论 decidedecision决定 inventinvention发明物 inviteinvitation 邀请 operateoperation手术 pollutepollution 污染,加ing beginbeginning开始 buildbuilding大楼 saysaying 谚语 paintpainting 绘画 meetmeeting 会议,其他 serveservice 服务 speakspeech 演讲、言语 enterentrance 入口 knowknowledge 知识 weighweigh

3、t 重量 pleasepleasure 愉快 developdevelopment 发展 choosechoice选择 tourtourist 游客,diedeath 死亡 succeedsuccess 成功 flyflight 飞行、航班 mixmixture 混合物 cookcook 厨师 savesafety 安全 actactivity 活动 ableability 能力,名词名词 art艺术artist画家 sciencescientist 科学家 customcustomer 顾客 officeofficer 官员 engineengineer工程师 friendfriendshi

4、p 友谊 businessbusinessman 商人 librarylibrarian 图书管理员,名词形容词 1、名词后加ful carecareful 小心的 useuseful 有用的 helphelpful有帮助的 thankthankful 感激的,2、名词后加y cloudcloudy 多云的 rainrainy 下雨的 windwindy 有风的 snowsnowy 下雪的 sunsunny 晴朗的 noisenoisy 吵闹的 healthhealthy 健康的,3、名词后加ly friendfriendly 友好的 lovelovely 可爱的 lonely lively,

5、4、形容词以al 结尾 nationnational 国家的 education-educational 教育的 naturenatural 自然的 traditiontraditional 传统的 medicinemedical 医药的 physicsphysical 物理的,5、名词末尾的ce变成t difference(s)different 不同 importanceimportant 重要的 6、名词后加en woodwooden木制的 goldgolden金色的 woolwoolen 羊毛的,7、名词以ness结尾 kindness仁慈kind仁慈的 illness病 疾病- il

6、l有病的不健康的,8、其他 dangerdangerous 危险的 officeofficial 官方的、正式的 fool傻瓜foolish 愚蠢的 westwestern 西方的 height高度 high高的 length长度long 长的,foreigner外国人foreign 外国的 home家homeless 无家可归的 truth真相true 真实的 pleasurepleasant 另人愉快的/ pleased 满意的 electricity电electric电的 electronic 电子的,动词形容词 interest引起兴趣interesting 有趣的 / interes

7、ted 感兴趣的 exciteexciting 令人激动的 / excited激动的 frightenfrightening 令人害怕的/ frightened害怕的 forgetforgetful健忘的/ unforgettable 难忘的 realize意识到real 真的 breakbroken 碎的,followfollowing 下面的 fillfull 满的、饱的 enjoyenjoyable使人愉快的 changechangeable 多变的 actactive 积极的 attractattractive 吸引人的 diedead 死的 livealive活的,前缀(im- re

8、- un- dis- ) possibleimpossible 可能不可能 tellretell 说复述 healthyunhealthy 健康的不健康的 appeardisappear 出现消失,国名国籍 AustraliaAustralian AmericaAmerican CanadaCanadian ItalyItalian BritainBritish EnglandEnglish ChinaChinese JapanJapanese GermanyGerman (德国人复数Germans),数词变化 1、基数词序数词(1、2、3、5/12、8、9、20、21) 2、oneonce一

9、次 twotwice 两次 3、in his fifties 在他五十几岁时 his fiftieth birthday他的五十岁生日 in the twentieth century 在二十世纪,代词变化 主格I you he she it we you they 宾格me you him her it us you them 形容词性物主代词my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词myself yourself himself herself itself

10、 ourselves yourselves themselves,形容词副词 形容词后加ly careful-carefully happy-happily possible-possibly polite-politely true-truly 形容词与副词同型 early late hard,名词:复数、名词所有格、名词 修饰名词 形容词副词:级别、修饰关系 动词:时态,被动语态,非谓语动词(动词不定式to do、动名词doing)固定搭配,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Li Ping is good at _. ( draw) 2. Alice prefers to do some _

11、. (shop) 3. Mary is 2 years _than I . (old) 4. Excuse me, what is the _ of this word? (mean) 5. All the _ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win),6. The video game machine is so _ that all of us are _ in it. (interest) 7. We are_ _ thankful for all your help.(true) 8. Our life toda

12、y is much _than before. (good) 9. December is the _ month of a year. (twelve) 10. Computers are becoming more and more _ in our life.( use),11.The little girl plays piano . (wonder) 12.I found his _ pen under the table. (lose) 13. “It is never too late to learn“ is a Chinese _.(say) 14.Dont believe

13、her. I can _say that she did not tell us the _. (true) 15. How he has got the first prize. (luck),16.Of all the boxes, the one in the corner is the . (heavy) 17. All of them are to their new . (friend) 18. I am not used to the weather her. It is . (change) 19. He is a scientist. He comes from . (German) 20. The little girl plays piano in her class. (wonder),


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