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1、相关单词,1. quality n.质量 2. grow v.种植 3. crop n.庄稼 4. fertilizer n.肥料 5. output n.产量,6. natural adj.自然的 7. hunger n.饥饿 8. rid v.摆脱 9. organic adj.有机的 10. health n.健康,11. occupation n.职业 12. production n.生产 13. discovery n.发现 14. focus v.集中 15. soil n.土壤,16. reduce v.减少 17. tasty adj.美味的 18. root n.根 19.

2、 nutrition n.营养 20. nutritious adj.营养价值高的,相关短语,1. thanks to 由于,因为 2. agricultural pioneer 农业先锋 3. rid.of.使摆脱 4. food supply 食物供应 5. chemical fertilizer 化肥,6. be regarded as/be considered as 被认为是 7. would rather do.宁愿做 8. focus on 集中注意力于 9. with the hope of 希望 10. keep.free from/of.使免受(伤害),11. farmin

3、g method 耕作方法 12. in addition 另外 13. be rich in.富含 14. lead to 导致 15. make a difference 有作用,16. twice as much as.是的两倍 17. organic farming 有机耕作 18. every few years 每隔几年 19. search for a way 寻找一种方法 20. make it possible to do.使成为可能,相关句子,1. With chemical fertilizers, the crop grows very fast, but contai

4、ns little nutrition. 用化肥种植的作物长得很快,但没有足够的营养。,2. With the development of the society, people care more about their health, so they always choose food which is considered to be healthy. 随着社会的发展, 人们越来越注重健康, 因此, 他们总是选择被认为是健康的食物。,3. The chemicals stay inside the crops for a long time, which can lead to il

5、lnesses, even cancers.化学物质停留在农作物内很长一段时间能够致病, 甚至是癌症。 4. Though (it is) more expensive, organic food becomes more and more popular.尽管价格贵, 但有机食物变得越来越受人们欢迎。,5. Food grown organically is tasty and nutritious.有机种植的食物营养可口。 6. Agricultural scientists try to search for a way to increase rice harvests without

6、 expanding the area of the fields.农业科学家们尝试寻求在不增加土地面积的基础上达到增收稻谷的途径。,7. The increased harvests mean that 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China.粮食产量的增加意味着中国仅仅7%的耕地养活了世界上22%的人口。 8. Using hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.用杂交水稻种子, 农民们种出的

7、粮食比以前多了一倍。,9. Chemical fertilizers damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pets as well as the harmful ones.化肥在杀死病菌和害虫的同时也会杀死有益的细菌和昆虫。,10. These many different organic farming methods have the same goal: to grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or peoples help. 这些不同的有机耕作的方法有着

8、同样的目标:种植好的粮食, 避免损害环境或者人们的健康。,语篇模块,While I traveled to Australia, the agriculture there impressed me a lot. Firstly, agriculture in Australia uses lots of modern technologies. For example, they use computer to control the modern agricultural machines. Furthermore, they use satellite to manage the far

9、m work.,Secondly, the farmers in Australia are very tidy. They look after their appearance (looks) carefully. Though they need to work hard in the field, while they have visitors they wear clean clothes. I think China can learn a lot from Australia about agriculture modernization. I hope agriculture in our country can be at the same level as Australia soon.,汉语大意:在我去澳大利亚期间,那儿的农业留给我很深的印象。首先,澳洲的农业使用了很多现代技术。例如,他们用电脑控制现代的农业机器。而且,他们用卫星管理农业工作。第二,澳洲的农民很干净,他们很注重外表。尽管他们要在田地里干活,但当有客人来时他们穿干净衣服。我想,关于农业现代化中国可以多学学澳大利亚,我希望我们国家的农业不用多久就会和澳大利亚在一个水平线上。,



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