名师指津2018届高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇日积月累 unit4课件 北师大版

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《名师指津2018届高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇日积月累 unit4课件 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名师指津2018届高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇日积月累 unit4课件 北师大版(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、相关单词,1. electronic adj.电子的 2. technological adj.科技的 3. total adj.总的 4. intelligent adj.智能的 5. artificial adj.人造的,6. universal adj.普遍的 7. mobile adj.移动的 8. personally adv.就个人而言 9. network n.网络 10. advantage n.优点,11. virus n.病毒 12. convenience n.方便,便利 13. signal n.信号 14. benefit n.利益,好处 15. happiness

2、n.幸福,16. application n.应用 17. simplify vt.简化 18. solve v.解决 19. download vt.下载 20. explore vt.探索,相关短语,1. fromon 从时起 2. as a result 结果 3. sothat+句子 如此以至于 4. in a way 在某种程度上 5. with the help of sb. 在的帮助下,6. deal with sb./ sth.处理 7. watch over 看守 8. as time goes on 随着时间的推移 9. share sth. with sb.与分享 10.

3、 in reality 实际上;事实上,11. in common 共同;共有 12. shop online 网上购物 13. make good use of sth. 充分利用 14. a technological revolution 技术革命 15. click on sth 用鼠标点击,16.more and more popular 越来越流行 17.provide sb. with sth.为提供 18.make a great contribution to (doing)/ sth.做出巨大贡献 19.surf the Internet 上网浏览信息 20.downloa

4、d information from the Internet 从网络下载信息,相关句子,1. With the help of the computer,it will be possible for humans to work at home. 在电脑的帮助下,人们在家办公是可能的。 2. Personally, I dont like shopping online because we may be cheated online.就我个人而言,我不喜欢网上购物,因为有可能受骗。,3. His ambition is to work in the computer field in t

5、he future. 他的志向是将来在计算机领域工作。 4. About 30 percent of students play computer games while surfing the Internet. 大约有30%的学生上网时都会玩电脑游戏。,5. As we all know, playing computer games for a long time is very harmful to our health. 众所周知,玩电脑游戏太久对我们的身体是有害的。 6. Her son was addicted to the computer games had she had

6、to break him of the habit. 她儿子沉溺于电脑游戏,她不得不使他改掉这个习惯。,7. Internet addiction will certainly cause them lack of sleep and will have a bad influence on their health and studies. 网瘾必定会造成他们缺少睡眠,对他们的身体和学习都造成不良影响。 8. Some people hold the idea that online shopping has a lot of advantages, the most important o

7、f which is convenience. 有的人认为网上购物有许多优点,其中最重要的优点是方便。,语篇模块,Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller and I think its good for people. Firstly, with the help of the Internet, its possible for people to work at home with a computer in front, sending and getting the information th

8、ey need.,Secondly, they can also choose to buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet, while traditional shops dont provide them with such great freedom. Thirdly, they can download all kinds of information from the Internet whenever its necessary and E-mails can be sent to their friends in just a few seconds. I love surfing the Internet, for it brings a lot more choices and freedom.,汉语大意:由于有了互联网,世界正在变得越来越小,我认为这是有益的。首先,在互联网的帮助下,人们可以在家办公,收发所需信息。其次,人们也可以通过网络买卖所需物品,而传统商店是不能提供这么大自由的。第三,人们可以在需要时到网上下载各种信息资料,可以在几秒钟内给朋友发送信息。 我喜欢上网,因为它可以带来更多的选择与自由。,


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