2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 unit22 environmental protection课件 北师大版

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1、模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1botanical(adj.)_ 2consultant(n.)_ 3principle(n.)_ 4consensus(n.)_ 5federal(adj.)_ 6substitute(n.)_,植物的,顾问,原则,道德准则,一致的意见,联邦的,代替品,基础再现,7hurricane(n.)_ 8extinct(adj.)_ 9fashionable(adj.)_ 10catastrophe(n.)_ 11shabby(adj.)_ 12mountainous(adj.)_

2、13warehouse(n.)_ 14reserve(n.)_,飓风,灭绝的;绝种的,时尚的,大灾难;惨败,破旧的,衣衫褴褛的,多山的,仓库,保护区,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1采纳(vt.)_ 2主张,提倡(vt.)_ 3逃走(vt.)_ 4依法没收;夺取(vt.)_ 5恐吓(vt.)_ 6迫使(某人)陷于不幸的境地(vt.)_ 7声称;断言(vt.)_,adopt,advocate,flee,seize,threaten,condemn,claim,基础再现,8牺牲(vt.& vi.& n)_ 9使困住(vt.)_ 10危及,使遭受危险(vt.)_ 11有关的(adj.)_ 12栖息地;住

3、处(n.)_ 13巧合(n.)_ 14很可能变化的(adj.)_ 15潜在的,有可能的(adj.)_,sacrifice,trap,endanger,relevant,habitat,coincidence,changeable,potential,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1计算,算出(vt.)_ 计算(n.)_ 计算器(n.)_ 2农业(n.)_ 农业的(adj.)_ 3保留;存疑(n.)_ 保留;储备;预订(vt.)_,calculate,calculation,calculator,agriculture,agricultural,reservation,reserve,基础

4、再现,保护区;储备(n.)_ 4威胁(vt.)_ 威胁(n.)_ 5多变的(adj.)_ 变化(n.& vt.)_ 6分离,分开(n.)_ 分离,分开(vt.)_ 不同的,各自的(adj.)_,reserve,threaten,threat,changeable,change,separation,separate,separated,基础再现,7建造(vt.)_ 建造(n.)_ 8采用(vt.)_ 收养;采用(n.)_ 9想得周到的;体贴的(adj.)_ 考虑;认为(vt.)_ 考虑(n.)_ 10资金(n.)_ 财政的;金融的(adj.)_,construct,construction,a

5、dopt,adoption,considerate,consider,consideration,finance,financial,基础再现,11政治(活动) (n.)_ 政治的(adj.)_ 政治家(n.)_ 12削尖(vt.)_ 尖的;锐利的(adj.)_,politics,political,politician,sharpen,sharp,基础再现,活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1He has _the number many times and the _ result shows that the _ is very quick and accurate.(cal

6、culate) 2Its generally accepted that we can _ everything _(change) 3He says more investment is needed in _ research and that will improve the development of _(agriculture),calculated,calculation,calculator,change,changeable,agricultural,agriculture,基础再现,4A _ is a man who undertakes government and ca

7、n exercise _ power.Nearly in every country,_ is a compulsory subject in their school.(political) 5He is trying to make his knife _,which means he wants his knife to be _(sharp) 6Everything taken into _,he is a _ man and he always _others instead of himself only.(consider),politician,political,politi

8、cs,sharper,sharpened,consideration,considerate,considers,基础再现,7They are trying to _ many new suggestions to speed up the _ of new technology.(adopt) 8Now he is _ a diagram of the bridge under _(construct) 9The war made the twin brothers _ for ten years and the _ didnt stop them from looking for each

9、 other.(separate) 10Pollution poses a great _ to our existence,which may _ or damage the quality of life.(threat),adopt,adoption,constructing,construction,separated,separation,threat,threaten,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1展望未来 _ 2采取行动 _ 3总的来说 _ 4摆脱,脱离_ 5超出的控制_ 6指,意即_,look ahead,take action,all in all,break a

10、way from,beyond ones control,refer to,基础再现,7负责任_ 8掠去,夺走_ 9塞住耳朵_ 10恢复_,answer for,carry off,plug ones ears,recover from,活学活用,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1Please _(get the total of some figures) these figures for me. 2We should _(make faster) the construction pace. 3Children need to learn to _(ge

11、t on well with)other children. 4All his classmates _(call sb.jokingly) him as “Blackbeard”,add up,speed up,relate to,referred to,基础再现,5People of all ages are affected,but some groups are more _(facing dangers) 6The billionaire refused to _(do sth.beneficial for sb.) the refugees. 7The success of the

12、 company was not _(because of) one single person. 8They have learned that body systems _(become slower) when you sleep.,at risk,contribute to,due to,slow down,基础再现,9_(for example),can you describe accurately the faces of five good friends? 10Our customers ordered large _(a lot of)products manufactured recently from us.,For instance,quantities of,.语篇学习,基础再现,.课文内容语法填空 阅读课文,然后按照课文内容在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。 A layer of gases surrounding the Earth traps the 1._(reflect) energy of the sun and prevents it 2._ escaping into space. That is 3._ makes


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