(四川地区)2018中考英语总复习 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 第9讲 八上 units 9-10课件

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《(四川地区)2018中考英语总复习 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 第9讲 八上 units 9-10课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(四川地区)2018中考英语总复习 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 第9讲 八上 units 9-10课件(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第9讲 八年级(上)Units 910,1hang(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)悬挂;垂下【高频】 2catch(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)及时赶上;接住;抓住 3invite(v.)_ (n.)邀请;请柬 4print(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)打印;印刷 _ (n.)打印机;印刷厂;印刷工人 5sad(adj.)_ (adv.)悲哀地【高频】 _ (n.)悲哀;忧伤;忧愁 6prepare(v.)_ (n.)准备;准备工作 7with(prep.)_ (反义词)没有;不(做某事) 8open(v.)_ (反义词)关闭 _ (n.)开幕式;落成典礼,hung,caught,invi

2、tation,printed,printer,sadly,sadness,preparation,without,close,opening,9meet(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词) _ (现在分词)遇见;见面 _ (n.)会议;集会;会面 10organize(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词) _ (现在分词)组织;筹备 _ (n.)组织;机构;团体 11advice(n.)_ (v.)建议;劝告;忠告【高频】 12travel(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词) _ (现在分词)旅行;游历 13normal(adj.)_ (adv.)通常;正常地 14certain(adj.)_ (adv.)

3、无疑;肯定;当然;行,met,meeting,meeting,organized,organizing,organization,advise,traveled/travelled,traveling/travelling,normally,certainly,15angry(adj.)_ (adv.)愤怒地;生气地 16understand(v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)理解;懂【高频】 _ (adj./n.)善解人意,体谅人的;谅解,理解 17solve(v.) _(过去式/过去分词) _ (现在分词)解决;解答 _ (n.)解决方案 18experience(n.)_ (pl.)经历 _

4、 (adj.)熟练的;富有经验的,angrily,understood,understanding,solved,solving,solution,experiences,experienced,1_为做准备 2_闲逛;常去某地 3_前天 4_后天 5_照料;照顾 6_拒绝 7_其他时间;别的时间 8_盼望;期待 9_接到(某人的)信、电话等 10be _ sb.生某人的气 11be _ sth.因某事生气,prepare for,hang out,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,look after,turn down,anot

5、her time,look forward to,hear from,angry with/at,angry at/about,12_分成两半 13_犯错误 14_最后;终于 15_挣钱 16_逃走;逃跑,in half,make mistakes,in the end,make money,run away,1萨姆一直待到下周三才走。 Sam _ leaving _ next Wednesday. 2这个月末,我们全家打算去武汉旅行,看望我的叔叔和婶婶。 My family is _ _ _ to Wuhan _ _ _ _ this month to visit my aunt and u

6、ncle. 3如果我乘出租车去,将会太昂贵。 If I take a taxi,it _ _ too expensive. 4如果人们有烦恼,他们应该把这些烦恼留给自己。 If people have problems,they should _ them _ _ 5她害怕把这件事告诉父母。 She was _ _ tell her parents about it.,isnt,until,taking a trip,at the end of,will be,keep,to themselves,afraid to,6最好不要逃避我们的问题。 Its best not to _ _ _ ou

7、r problems. 7他认为第一步是找个你信任的人倾诉。 He thinks _ _ _ is to find someone you _ to talk to. 8如果青少年在外面待到太晚,他们的父母会担心他们。 If teenagers _ _ too late,their parents will _ _ them.,run away from,the first step,trust,stay out,worry about,available 【典例在线】 Are you available for a meeting tomorrow morning?你明早有空出席会议吗? I

8、ll send you all the magazines available.我会把所有能获得的杂志都给你寄去。 【拓展精析】 available为形容词,意为“有空的”,常作表语,相当于free。 available作形容词还可意为“可获得的”。 【活学活用】 1)Are you free tonight? Sorry,but Im not _Ive got so much homework to do.(2016,菏泽) Abusy Bcomfortable Cavailable,C,until 【典例在线】 I studied English until 9 oclock last n

9、ight.我昨晚学英语一直学到九点钟。 My daughter didnt go to bed until I got back home.直到我回家,我女儿才去睡觉。 【拓展精析】 until意为“到时”。用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是可延续性的;用在否定句中,即not.until.意为“直到才”,表示直到某一时间某一行为才发生,而之前该行为并没有发生。,【活学活用】 2)Julie didnt leave her office _ the police arrived.(2016,重庆) Ahowever Bwhenever Cwhile Duntil 3)Its too late.I

10、 have to go now.(2016,烟台) Oh,its raining heavily outside.Youd better wait here _ it stops. Auntil Bsince Cwhile Dthough,D,A,without 【典例在线】 She came into the room without knocking.她没敲门就进了房间。 【拓展精析】 without介词,意为“没有;不(做某事)”,后面常接名词或v.ing形式。 【活学活用】 4)The “teacherfree exam” means that students take their

11、exams _ teachers.Students must be more honest.(2016,滨州) Awithout Bagainst Cthrough Dby 5)Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone _ others help.(2016,德州) Awith Bfor Cwithout Dfrom,A,C,look after 【典例在线】 I need to look after my baby sister at home.我需要在家照顾我的小妹妹。 【拓展精析】 look after意为“照顾;照看”,其同义短语为

12、take care of。 关于look的短语归纳: look at看;look for寻找;look up查找;look out小心;look over仔细检查;look through浏览 【活学活用】 6)Who is Dave looking _? His mother.Shes been in hospital for a few days.(2016,襄阳) Afor Bafter Cat Dup,B,unless 【典例在线】 Well go to town unless it rains tomorrow.Well go to town if it doesnt rain to

13、morrow.假如明天不下雨,我们就去城里。 【拓展精析】 unless连词,意为“如果不;除非”,相当于if.not,引导条件状语从句。,【活学活用】 7)The nurse wont leave her patients _ shes sure they are all taken good care of.(2016,上海) Aunless Bbecause Csince Dif 8)The novel seems a little boring. You wont enjoy it _ you put your heart into it.(2016,泰州) Awhen Bif Cafter Dunless,A,D,Whats today?今天是几号,星期几? 【典例在线】 Whats today?今天几号,星期几? Monday,the 12th.12号,星期一。 【拓展精析】 Whats today?询问几号,星期几。 Whats the date?询问几月几号。 What day is it?询问星期几。,【活学活用】 1)Lucy,_? Its Friday.The weekend is coming. Awhats the matter Bwhat day is it today Cwhat are you up today Dwhats the



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