2018届高考英语总复习 unit3-4课件 牛津译林版选修10

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1、选修10 Units 34,扣考纲话题诵读,固考基教材梳理,课后限时检测,析考点重难突破,话题31 社会 话题词汇 【常见单词】 1virtue n美德 2action n行动 3reputation n名声 4donate v捐助 5defeat v战胜 6insist v坚持,7urge v催促,强烈要求,竭力主张 8aggressive adj.有进取心的 9distinguished adj.杰出的 10indifferent adj.不关心的 【常见短语】 1in the face of 面对 2in need 在贫困中的;在危难中的 3rather than 而不是 4come a

2、cross 偶遇 5spare no efforts to do sth.不遗余力做某事,经典语篇 【写作要求】 (2014河南省豫东、豫北十所名校高三英语阶段性测试)请先仔细观察并描述下面的漫画,然后针对这一社会现象写一篇短文,反映人们对此现象的不同观点并简要陈述自己的观点。,注意:1.词数100左右; 2开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数; 3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 What should you do if an old man falls down right under your nose?_ _,【参考范文】 What_should_you_do_if_an_old_man_f

3、alls_down_right_under_your_nose? An old man suddenly fell to the ground in a faint just in front of the boy.Many people crowded round but nobody would help the old man up.Most people encouraged the boy to help the man,while some of them thought the boy shouldnt give a hand because he was likely to g

4、et himself into trouble since the old man or his family might insist that he knocked down the old man.Even worse,some urged the boy to leave immediately.,The boy was troubled by the question whether he should help the old man or not. In my opinion,helping others is a traditional Chinese virtue.We mu

5、st give a hand to the old and at the same time we must protect ourselves from being involved in trouble.,一试身手 【句型转换】 1将句型改为两个句子。 Most people encouraged the boy to help the man,while some of them thought the boy shouldnt give a hand. _ _since the old man or his family might insist that he knocked dow

6、n the old man.,Because,they thought he was likely to get himself into trouble,2将句型改为复合句。 Even worse,_ _. 【完成句子】 1我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。 We_ immediately.,some urged that the boy should leave,immediately,urge powerful action to be taken,2我们与其在礼堂里开会, 不如在教室开会。 Well have the meeting in the classroom_. 3我碰到一群正在玩

7、耍的小孩。 I _a group of children playing.,rather than in the hall,came across,一、单词速览 1._vt. 使陷入困境;使陷入圈套;夹住,卡住 n. 陷阱,圈套;困境 2_ n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象 vt. 怀疑(某人有罪);怀疑(某事属实或可能发生,尤指坏事) 3_ vt.& n. 要求,请求 4_ vt. 使成为必要,牵涉,涉及,(使)参加,trap,suspect,request,involve,5_ vt.& vi. 补偿,弥补,给(某人)赔偿 6. _ adj. 突然的,意外的;粗鲁的 _ adv. 突然地 7. _

8、n. 预防,防止 _ vt. 阻止;阻碍 8. _ vi.& vt. (使)结束;下结论;推断 _ n. 结论 9. _ n. 生理反应,副作用;回应,反应 _ vi. 反应,compensate,abrupt,abruptly,prevention,prevent,conclude,conclusion,reaction,react,10_ vt.& vi. 商定;谈判,协商 _ n. 谈判 11_ n. 申请者 _ v. 申请;应用 12_ adj. 体贴的,为他人着想的 _ adj. 相当多的 _ v. 考虑,认为 13_ vt. 进口,输入,引进 n. 进口,输入;进口产品 _ (反义

9、词)出口,输出,negotiate,negotiation,applicant,apply,considerate,considerable,consider,import,export,14_ vt. 检查,视察 _ n. 检查,视察 15_ adj. 无知觉的 16_ adj. 冒犯的,极其讨厌的;攻击性的 17_ adj. 额外的;另外的 _ vt. 添加,增加,相加 18_ n. 合作 19_ vt. 删去,删除 20_ adj. 真品的,正宗的;真实的;逼真的,inspect,inspection,unconscious,offensive,additional,add,cooper

10、ation,delete,authentic,【看单词,学构词】 在单词8.conclusion一词中,sion是常见的名词后缀。在英语构词法中,sion, ssion表示“行为;性质”。课标中常见词汇,例如:decision, expansion, depression 等。 二、短语快译 1. _ 突然出现 2_消除,去除 3_再,重新 4_使生效,实施 5_用完,耗尽 6_此外,而且,burst on the scene,wipe away,over again,put into effect,run out of /use up,in addition,7_与相反 8_向某人骗取某物

11、9_调低(音量),拒绝 10_ (与)合作;联合 11_因而失去某人 12_与有关 13_对憎恨 14_首先,contrary to,cheat sb.of sth.,turn down,join forces,lose sb.to.,be related to,have a hatred for,in the first place,15_做有困难 16_同意;订阅 17_应用于 18_面临 19_充当 20_警告某人某事,have difficulty in doing,subscribe to,apply to,be faced with,act as,warn sb.of sth.,三

12、、句式构建 1with复合结构 HIV is spreading across the world at a high rate,_. HIV在全球的传播速度非常快,每天大约有7 000人感染这种病毒。,with about 7,000 people catching the virus daily,2when引导时间状语从句 The work of international organizations is even more important _ _.当考虑到这一形势会变得有多么严峻时,国际组织的工作就显得更加重要了。,when you consider how much more severe the,situation could become,3不定式用主动形式表示被动意义 These phrases_if they were not abbreviated.如果不缩写



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