江苏省九年级英语下册 unit 2 great people welcome to the unit and comic课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit2 Great people,inventor,explorer,writer,president,scientist,composer,Thomos Edison,托马斯.爱迪生,an inventor,一个发明家,American,invented over 1,000 inventions,发明 v.,发明 n.,发明了一千多种发明,inventor n.,发明者,New words,invent v.,发明,invention n.,发明物;创意,Who discovered America?,Christopher Columbus,克里斯托弗.哥伦布,an explorer

2、,一个探险家,Italian,one of the first Europeans to discover America,意大利人,第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一,explorer n.,探险者;考察者,New words,Italian n.,意大利人,European n.,欧洲人,William Shakespeare,威廉. 莎士比亚,a writer,English,一个作家,a great writer of English literature,英国文学的一个伟大作家,Who is he ?,Nelson Mandela,尼尔森. 曼德拉,a president,一个总统,Sout

3、h African,a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life,斗士,一生为争取非洲黑人权利的斗士,Qian Xuesen,钱学森,a scientist,一个科学家,Chinese,the pioneer of Chinas space technology programme,中国航空技术项目的先驱,Peter Tchaikovsky,彼得.柴可夫斯基,a composer,一位作曲家,Russian,a composer of classical music,一位古典音乐的作曲家,Finish Part A and B.

4、 Then answer together.,explorer,Italian, one of the first Europeans to discover America,writer,English , a great writer of English literature,scientist,Chinese, the pioneer of Chinas space technology programme,inventor,American, created over 1,000 inventions,president,South African, a fighter for th

5、e rights of black Africans all his life,composer,Russian, a composer of classical music,Comic Strip,1.Who does Eddie think is the greatest person in the world? 2.Does Hobo know who Paul Yum is? 3. Who is Paul Yum?,Paul Yum. p:l jm,No, he doesnt.,He invented Eddies favourite food.,Listen and answer,R

6、ead and Learn,invent 发明 an inventor 发明者 invention 发明物 an explorer 探险者 Italian 意大利人 European 欧洲人,literature 文学 South African 南非人 fighter 斗士 pioneer 先锋 Russian 俄罗斯人 composer 作曲家 classical 古典的,文中短语,1.创造了1000多项发明,create over 1000 inventions,2.第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一,one of the first Europeans to discover America,

7、3.英国文学的一个伟大作家,a great writer of English literature,4.一生为争取非洲黑人权利的斗士,a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life,5.中国航空技术项目的先驱,the pioneer of Chinas space technology programme,6.一位古典音乐的作曲家,a composer of classical music,文中短语,7.有史以来最伟大的人,the greatest person in history,8.我从未听说过他,I have never

8、 heard of him.,9.许多人改变了我们生活的方式,Many people have changed the way we live.,Complete the sentences,Columbus is the first _ (探险家) in Europe to discover America. Mandela is a _(斗士) for the rights of black Africans. Many young students dont like _ (古典的) music. Chinese people _ (发明) paper. He was the _ (先锋) of Chinas space technology programme. .,fighter,explorer,classical,invented,pioneer,Homework,Remember the new words and stories . Learn from the great people.,Goodbye,


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