2018-2019学年八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2018-2019学年八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《2018-2019学年八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Section B 1a-1e,Unit 6,Im going to study computer science.,1. 学习弹乐器 _ 2. 干一份兼职工作 _ 3. 成为足球队的一员 _ 4. 取得好成绩 _ 5. 上吉他课 _ 6. 和别人交流 _ 7. 工作更加努力 _ 8. 做大量的锻炼 _ 9. 搬到有趣的地方 _ 10. 吃更健康的食物 _,learn to play an instrument,get a part-time job,make the soccer team,get good grades,take guitar lessons,communicate wi

2、th others,work harder,get lots of exercise,move somewhere interesting,eat healthier food,Review,Do you know what a resolution is?,Its a kind of promise.,resolution n. 决心;决定 promise n. 承诺;诺言 v. 许诺;承诺,Lead in,People always hope that they are going to improve their lives at the beginning of the year.,S

3、o they often make resolutions.,New Years Resolutions,Look and guess,Sister,I think Sisters resolution is to _ .,finish her task(任务) without her father be pretty learn to sing be a good sister learn to swim,Yang Yangyang,His resolution is to _ .,learn a foreign language learn not to take a game too s

4、eriously learn to dance laugh every day be more outgoing,Whats your new years resolution?,exercise more to get stronger,?,eat more vegetables and fruit,?,travel to Xian,?,New words,foreign adj. 外国的 team n. 队;组 make a soccer team 成为足球队的一员,1a Match the pictures with the New Years resolutions. Number t

5、he pictures 1-5.,New Years Resolutions Next year, Im going to: 1. learn to play the piano 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise,2,3,4,5,1b What are you going to do next year? Tell your partner.,A: What are you going to do next year? B: Well, Im goin

6、g to take guitar lessons. I really love music. A: Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another foreign language. B: Are you? Great! But foreign languages are not for me.,Explanation,Im going to learn another foreign language.我打算再学一门外语。 foreign是形容词,意为“外国的”。foreign的形容词形式是foreigner。 You cannot buy thi

7、ngs in England with foreign money.你用外币在英国买不了东西。 Many foreigners begin to learn Chinese.很多外国人开始学习汉语。,Free talk,Your New Years Resolutions,A:What are you going to do next year?,B:Im going to,A:Sounds Im going to.,B:,1c Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a.,learn to play the piano make the

8、soccer team get good grades eat healthier food get lots of exercise,1d Listen again. Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work.,Hes going to study hard and do his homework every day.,Hes going to practice really hard and go to a soccer camp.,1e Make a list of other resolutions an

9、d how you are going to make them work. Then discuss them with your group.,A: I want to be a teacher. B: How are you going to do that? A: Well, Im going to study hard and get good grades. B: Sounds like a good plan. I want to get a lot of exercise.,Discussion,Which is more important , making resoluti

10、ons or taking action?,Practice,一、根据句意选用方框中的短语填空。 1. Work hard,and you can in the exam. 2. If you every day,you will feel much better. 3. Mr. Zhang in our school and I joined it.,take guitar lessons,get good grades,get lots of exercise,make the soccer team,eat healthier food,get good grades,get lots

11、of exercise,made the soccer team,4. He because he likes playing the guitar. 5. I think you should ,such as fruit, vegetables.,takes guitar lessons,eat healthier food,二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1Frank plays basketball well and he is on our school basketball t 2English,Japanese and French are all f languages for Chinese students. 3Exercise more,and you will be much (更健 康),eam,oreign,healthier,Homework,Write down your new resolutions.,Thank you!,


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