2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2

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2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2_第1页
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《2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2(64页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1_(vi.)&(vt.) 减少; 或变少 2_(n.) 损失; 遗失; 丧失 3_(n.) 仁慈; 宽恕; 怜悯 4_(vt.) 鉴赏; 感激; 意识到 5_(n.) 保护区 6_(adj.) 安全的; 可靠的 7_(vt.)&( vi.) 咬; 叮; 刺痛 8_(vt.) 检查; 视察 9_(n.) 事件; 事变,decrease,loss,mercy,appreciate,reserve,secure,bite,inspect,incident,10_(adj.) 凶猛的; 猛烈的 11_(n.)保护_(vt.)保护 12_(n.)(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物_(vt.)

2、使减轻; 缓解 13_(vt.)包含; 容纳; 容忍_(n.)容器 14_(vt.)影响; 感动; 侵袭_(n.)喜爱; 感情 15_(vi.)成功; (vt.)接替; 继任_(n.)成功_(adj.)成功的_(adv.)成功地,fierce,protection,protect,relief,relieve,contain,container,affect,affection,succeed,success,successful,successfully,16_(n.)&(vt.)损害; 危害_(adj.)有害的_(adj.)无害的 17_(vt.)&(vi.)打猎; 猎取; 搜寻_(n.)

3、猎人 18_(vi.)回答; 响应; 做出反应_(n.)回答; 反应 19_(adj.)远的; 远处的_(n.)距离; 远方 20_(vt.)雇用; 利用(时间、 精力等)_(n.)雇主_(n.)雇员; 雇工_(n.)雇用; 使用; 就业_(n.)(反义词)失业; 失业率,harm,harmful,harmless,hunt,hunter,respond,response,distant,distance,employ,employer,employee,employment,unemployment,harmful,harm,2None of the students _to her que

4、stion; that is to say, her question failed to get a _ from any of the students.(respond) 3He_his father as manager of the company. Soon their business became very _. Lots of people wanted to know the secret of his _.(succeed) 4The _ decided to _ Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with

5、 her _ before he came to work.(employ),responded,response,succeeded,successful,success,employer,employ,employee,1 _ 灭亡;逐渐消失 2 _ 和平地;和睦地;安详地 3 _ 在危险中;垂危 4 _ 如释重负;松了口气 5 _ 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 6 _ 保护不受(危害),die out,in peace,in danger (of),in relief,burst into laughter,protect.from,7 _ 注意 8 _ 形成;产生 9 _ 按照;根据所说

6、10 _ 以至于;结果,pay attention to,come into being,according to,so that,dying out,in danger,paid attention to,come into being,protecting the animals from,If you do as I say,the way (that/in which),It is a pity that,There is so little time left,阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Not long ago,a girl 1

7、._(call) Daisy took a magic trip around the world.First,she came to Tibet in China to visit antelopes.But to her great 2._ (disappoint),she could only see mountains and people.Then an antelope told her 3._(sad) that they were being killed 4._ large numbers by humans for their wool to make clothing.,

8、called,disappointment,sadly,in,Then the flying carpet took Daisy to Zimbabwe,5._ wildlife was properly protected.Daisy was glad to learn that farmers there were not killing the animals at will 6._ they used to.Only a certain number of the animals were set to be hunted for free by the government,7._

9、not only saved the animals but 8._ (benefical) the farmers as well. At last,Daisy flew to a thick rainforest.There she was puzzled to see a monkey 9._ (rub) a millipede insect over,as,which,benefited,rubbing,was amazed,its body.Rubbing it over the body it could protect itself from mosquitoes.Now Dai

10、sy was amazed and excited to find in fact the forest stores a lot of precious things people can make use of.So 10._(protect) nature really means much to our humans.,protecting,is being questioned,2Hi, Tom, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon? Sorry, it _(repair) 3Doug, where is your c

11、oach Chow? See, he_(interview) by a group of journalists. 4Some measures have been taken to prevent the environment from being destroyed. Yes. And the wildlife in this area _(protect) 5Whats that terrible noise, David? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machines in the nearby plant _(test),is being r

12、epaired,is being interviewed,is being protected,are being tested,were/was deeply affected,Deeply affected,deeply affected,not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten peoples lives,appreciating,appreciation,being given,I would appreciate it if,a,success,as,successful,are sure to succeed

13、 eventually,was employed in/employed herself in watering,Employed in watering the flowers,Employing herself in watering the flowers,harms children,does/causes harm to children/does children harm,is really harmful to children,to find,out,keep/prevent/stop the environment from being polluted,fixed on,was fixed on,fixing his attention on,while standing,(should) adapt,was,was,(should) have,that we (should) go outing at the weekend,the way you learned,



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