2018春三年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2《you’ll see tower bridge》课件2 (新版)外研版(一起)

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1、Module Two,Unit Two,Youll see Tower Bridge,Big Ben,The River Thames,The London Eye,the River Thames,The River Thames is very _ . And its very _ .,The River Thames is very _ . And its very _ .,wide,long,Big Ben,Big Ben is very _ . Its a very _ clock.,Big Ben is very _ . Its a very _ clock.,tall,old,t

2、he London Eye,The London Eye is very _ . And its very _ . Its a _ , _ eye.,high,new,The London Eye is very _ . And its very _ . Its a _ , _ eye.,big,round,wide,long,Big Ben,tall,old,London Eye,high,round,仿写练习: This is- Its very-. And its-,Guessing Game,Tower Bridge,塔桥 是从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥,也是伦敦的象征,有“伦敦

3、正门”之称。桥身分为上、下两层,上层(桥面高于高潮水位约42米)为宽阔的悬空人行道,两侧装有玻璃窗,行人从桥上通过,可以饱览泰晤士河两岸的美丽风光;下层可供车辆通行。当泰晤士河上有万吨船只通过时,主塔内机器启动,桥身慢慢分开,向上折起,船只过后,桥身慢慢落下,恢复车辆通行。两块活动桥面,各自重达1000吨。从远处观望塔桥,双塔高耸,极为壮丽。桥塔内设楼梯上下,内设博物馆、展览厅、商店、酒吧等。登塔远眺,可尽情欣赏泰晤士河上下游十里风光。假若遇上薄雾锁桥,景观更为一绝,雾锁塔桥是伦敦胜景之一。,This is Tower Bridge.,Its very wide.,这是塔桥。,它还能打开。,A

4、nd it can open.,它非常宽。,外研版小学英语三年级下册,Moudle2 Unit 2 You will see Tower Bridge,我们除了用“be going to动词原形”可以表示一般将来时外, 我们还可以用“will动词原形”来表示一般将来时 will 引导的一般将来时:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,I you he she + will it we they,watch TV,play football,swim,listen to music,play basketball,play ping-pong,go to the park,fly a kite,sing,dance,play computer games,make a cake,I will see Ill see,Do you want to visit London? 你 想 参观 伦敦吗?,What will you see? 你将会看到什么?,I will see Ill see,In London, You will see ,Youll love London.,Youll see Tower Bridge. It . Youll London.,love,Sing a song.,


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