2020版高考英语北师大版一轮课件:选修8 预习案 unit 24 society

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《2020版高考英语北师大版一轮课件:选修8 预习案 unit 24 society 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语北师大版一轮课件:选修8 预习案 unit 24 society (25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 24 Society,-2-,必背表达单词写作信手拈来 homelessness n. 无家可归 inequality n. 不平等 voluntary adj. 自愿的 abundant adj. 大量的 deposit vt.空置的,-3-,adjustment n. 调整,调节 mutton n. 羊肉 brunch n. 早午餐 buffet n. 自助餐 bare adj. 赤裸的 pension n. 退休金,养老金 resign vt.噎住 delete vt. 删除 shrink vi. (使)收缩,缩小 virtue n. 优点,长处 feast n. 盛宴,宴会,

2、-4-,elect vt. 选举;推选 merciful adj. 仁慈的;宽大的 sow vt.摆动 packet n. 小盒 grocer n. 食品杂货商 rot vt.&vi. 腐烂 league n. 联合会 poster n. 海报 skip vt. 跳过 cast vt. 投下,-5-,undertake vt. 着手做;从事 thirst n. 口渴 container n. 容器 relay vt. 转达,传送 spoonful n. 一匙之量 fine n. 罚款 sentence n. 判决 consequently adv. 因此;所以 swing vi. 摇动 sea

3、gull n. 海鸥,-6-,spiritual adj. 精神的,宗教的,教会的 Buddhism n. 佛教 prayer n. 祈祷,祷告 merchant n. 商人 wax n. 蜡 pan n. 锅,平底锅 semicircle n. 半圆(形) suck vt. 含在嘴里吮食,-7-,识记阅读单词读文理解通畅 abortion n. 堕胎,人工流产 graph n. 图表 signature n. 签名 taxpayer n. 纳税人 diverse adj. 各种各样的 grill n. 烤架 vice n. 恶习;坏习惯 fingernail n. 手指甲 hydrogen

4、n. 氢 format n. 格式 framework n. 构架,结构,-8-,surplus n. 盈余;剩余 roundabout n. 环形交叉路口;环岛 collision n. 相撞 ministry n. 部 edition n. 版本 alley n. 小巷;胡同 rectangular adj. 长方形的 mop n. 拖把 fragrant adj. 有香味的 squeeze vt. 挤 arch n. 拱顶 abolish vt. 废除 anchor n. 锚,-9-,语用规律归纳 1.以“-ual”结尾的单词小结 (1)spiritual adj. 宗教的;教会的;精神

5、的 (2)gradual adj. 逐渐的 (3)equal adj. 平等的 (4)virtual adj. 虚拟的 (5)eventual adj. 最后的;终于的 (6)usual adj. 通常的 (7)actual adj. 实际的;现行的 (8)casual adj. 随便的 (9)individual adj. 个别的;独特的 n. 个体;个人,-10-,2.由后缀“-ment”构成的名词面面观 (1)argueargument 争论 (2)equipequipment 装备 (3)improveimprovement 提高 (4)developdevelopment 发展 (5

6、)establishestablishment 建立 (6)employemployment 雇用 (7)amuseamusement 娱乐 (8)assessassessment 评估 (9)advertiseadvertisement 广告 (10)disappointdisappointment 失望,-11-,3.与交通相关的词汇 (1)traffic lights 交通灯 (2)fine for speeding因超速驾驶而罚款 (3)crossing十字路口 (4)parking lot停车场 (5)transportation交通 (6)roundabout环形交叉路口 (7)t

7、raffic accident交通事故 (8)go through/run a red light闯红灯,-12-,构织连脉词族 1.equal adj. 平等的unequal adj. 不平等的equality n. 平等inequality n. 不平等equally adv. 平等地unequally adv. 不平等地 2.volunteer vi. 自愿 n. 志愿者voluntary adj. 志愿的 3.abundant adj. 大量的abundantly adv. 大量地abundance n. 丰富,充足 4.govern vt. 统治government n. 统治gov

8、ernor n. 省长;州长 5.accumulate vt. 积累accumulation n. 积累accumulative adj. 积累的,-13-,6.bare adj. 赤裸的,无遮掩的;光秃的 v. 使赤裸;揭露;露出;透露barely adv. 仅仅,勉强;贫乏地;几乎没有;光秃秃地 7.elect vt. 选举,推选election n. 选举 8.mercy n. 仁慈,慈悲,宽恕merciful adj. 仁慈的;慈悲的mercifully adv. 仁慈地;慈悲地 9.thirst n. 口渴thirsty adj. 渴的 10.contain vt. 包含;容忍;容纳

9、container n. 容器 11.spoon n. 汤匙spoonful n. 一匙之量 12.consequent adj. 随之发生的consequently adv. 因此,所以consequence n. 结果;推论;推理 13.spirit n. 精神,灵魂,心灵spiritual adj. 信教的;精神上的,崇高的,神圣的;理智的spiritually adv. 精神上,-14-,语境活用 1.It came as a surprise that Mr Robb resigned(辞职)his position last month after the new rules he

10、 advocated were abolished(废除). 2.All the volunteers (志愿者) have a thirst (渴望) for helping those who lived in poverty. 3.All these files are very important.You cant delete(删除)them;undertaking(保证) your computer may work well. 4.Dust and dirt soon accumulate (积累)if a house is vacant(空置的) for some time.

11、5.Mrs Green is accustomed to depositing (deposit) sorts of foods in abundance (abundant) at home in case someone might pay a visit.,-15-,1.keep an eye on 照看,留心,注意 2.do away with 废除,去掉 3.sentence sb to death 判处某人死刑 4.keep control over 保持对的控制 5.dress up 乔装打扮 e into being 形成,存在 7.show off 炫耀 8.knock in

12、to sb撞上某人 9.break into 闯入 10.make up 言归于好,-16-,语境活用 用上面的短语填空 1.Jane often showed off her new iPhone,which made others disgusting. 2.A stranger asked me to keep an eye on his luggage while I was waiting for a bus,which I thought at the moment,was a trap. 3.Jack hurried into the classroom but right kn

13、ocked into his teacher who had been there for a long time. 4.Many citizens dress up and gather together on the square on the Spring Festival Eve. 5.After they negotiated with officials from different countries,the new national regulations at last came into being.,-17-,语用规律归纳 1.“渴望”家族再聚首 (1)be dying

14、for sth/be thirsty for sth渴望得到某物 (2)have a thirst for渴望得到 (3)long to do sth/for sth想要做某事/某物;渴望做某事/某物 (4)be anxious to do sth/for sth想要做某事/某物;渴望做某事/某物 (5)be dying to do sth想要做某事;渴望做某事 (6)be eager to do sth/for sth想要做某事/某物;渴望做某事/某物,-18-,2.“on+名词”的高频短语 (1)on principle 根据原则 (2)on duty 在值日 (3)on demand一经

15、要求 (4)on account of由于 (5)on show/display在展览 (6)on board在车(船、飞机)上 (7)on business出差;因公 (8)on average平均;一般来说,-19-,领悟教材语境 1.Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries currencies in the hope that we can make even more money.(Page 34) 有时我们试图存上一些钱,或者把我们的钱换成不同国家的货币,希望我

16、们能赚更多的钱。 考点提炼in the hope that的用法。 2.Thus,the circle goes round and round and gets more and more complicated.(Page 34) 这样,这个圈子不停地转,变得越来越复杂。 考点提炼比较级叠用表示“越来越”。,-20-,3.Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.(Page 34) (结果)不是更快乐了,而是压力(增加了),独处和享受与朋友、家人共处的自由支配时间更少了。 考点提炼not.but.“不是而是”的用法。 4.As



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