广东省中山市2018中考英语 语法精讲精练 第14节 连词和状语从句课件 人教新目标版

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《广东省中山市2018中考英语 语法精讲精练 第14节 连词和状语从句课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中山市2018中考英语 语法精讲精练 第14节 连词和状语从句课件 人教新目标版(43页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,英语,第十四节 连词和状语从句,考点突破,中考导航,课堂小测,中考模拟演练,中考导航,考点1. 并列连词的基本用法() 并列连词按作用可分为表示联合、转折、选择和因果等四大类。 1.表联合关系的并列连词常见的有: (1)and意为“和,又,而,并且”。如: I like English and math. 我喜欢英语和数学。 (2)not only but also(but as well) 意为“不但而且”。 如: Not only my father but also my mother likes watching TV very much. 不但我的爸爸,而且我的妈妈也非常喜欢看电视

2、。 (3)as well as 意为“也”。如: He needs a knife as well as a piece of paper. 他需要一把小刀,也需要一张纸。,首页,末页,考点突破,(4)either or 意为“或或;不是就是”。either or 连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数和其邻近的词保持一致,即由or后面的词而定。如: Either he or I am going to have a meeting. 要么他,要么我将参加会议。 (5)neither nor 意为“既不也不。当此词组连接两个主语时,谓语动词的用法和either or 的用法一样,由nor后面的词而定

3、。如: Neither the teacher nor the students are happy. 老师和学生都不开心。,首页,末页,考点突破,(6)both and 意为“既又”。连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如: Both Mary and Lily are from America. 玛丽和莉莉都来自美国。,首页,末页,考点突破,2.转折连词常见的有 : but,while(而),yet,however(然而)。 如: He likes sports,but he only watches them on TV. 他喜欢体育,但是只在电视上观看。 My sister was d

4、oing her homework while I was playing computer games. 我的妹妹在做作业,而我在玩电脑游戏。,首页,末页,考点突破,3.选择连词常见的有:or,otherwise。 如: Would you like tea or coffee? 你要茶还是咖啡? Hurry up,otherwise we cant catch the bus. 快点,否则我们赶不上车。 重要的句型: 祈使句+or =if you dont ,youll 意为“请,否则”。 如: Dont go out,or you will catch a cold. 请不要出去,否则你

5、会感冒的。,首页,末页,考点突破,4.因果连词常见的有 : for,so和therefore等。其中for引导的句子不表示直接原因,而是用来附带解释或说明前一句的情况,只用在句中,前后两个句子用逗号隔开。如: Youd better put on your sweater,for its cold outside. 你最好穿上毛衣,外面冷。 My father is waiting for me,so I have to go. 爸爸在等我,所以我要走了。 It is going to rain,therefore we have to put off the match. 要下雨了,因此我们

6、不得不推迟比赛。,首页,末页,考点突破,首页,末页,中考预测,母题训练,( )1.( 2015广东)I have only two tickets for TFBoys concert. _ you _ he can go with me . Either;or B. Neither;nor C. Both;and D.Not only;but also .,( ) 6.Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by _ the young _ the old. both;and B. eithe

7、r ;or C. not;but D. neither ;nor,A,A,考点突破,首页,末页,中考预测,母题训练,( )2. (2013广东)Think it over, youll work out the math problem. A.or C.for D.and,( )7.There are no buses, youll have to walk. B.or C.but D.for,D,A,考点突破,首页,末页,中考预测,母题训练,( )3.(2012广东)Ben was busy taking a training class, we had to wait

8、for him for half an hour. B.if C.or D.but,( )8. Martin and his friends didnt eat up all the food they ordered, they took the rest away. A.for B.or,A,B,考点突破,首页,末页,中考预测,母题训练,( )4. (2010广东) you your brother can join us.We want one of you. A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or D.Not only;b

9、ut also,( )9. _ Tony _ Frank likes the CD. They think the music is too noisy. A.Nither;nor B.Either; or C.Both; and D.Not only; but also,C,A,考点突破,首页,末页,中考预测,母题训练,( )5. (2009广东)We have to get up at 7 15 tomorrow morning, we will be late for the 7 40 train. A.before B.or C.if,( )10. Where is Leo?

10、 He said he would come tonight! Yes, he did say so, we cant find him now. A.and C.but D.or,B,C,考点突破,首页,末页,考点2. 从属连词() 引导状语从句的从属连词: (1)连接时间状语从句的从属连词有:since,until,after,before,when,while,as,as soon as,whenever,ever since等。如: His father came back home while he was watching TV. 他在看电视的时候,他爸爸回家了。 (2)

11、连接让步状语从句的从属连词有:although,though,even if,however等。如: The old man plays sports every morning,although he is over 70 years old. 虽然那个老人70多岁了,但他每天早晨都锻炼身体。,考点突破,首页,末页,(3)连接原因状语从句的从属连词有:as,because,since,now that等。如: Lets go to a movie,since we are free now. 既然现在我们有时间,那去看电影吧。 (4)连接目的状语从句的从属连词有:that,so that,i

12、n order that等。 如: Mr.Black ran fast in order that he could catch the train. 布莱克先生为了赶火车而快跑。,考点突破,首页,末页,(5)连接条件状语从句的从属连词有:if,unless,once,in case等。 如: Her father wont buy her a present unless she gets good grades. 除非她取得好成绩,不然她爸爸不会给她买礼物的。 (6)连接结果状语从句的从属连词有:so that,such that等。 如: This movie was so boring

13、 that we were sleepy. 这场电影如此无聊,以至于我们都困了。,考点突破,首页,末页,( )1. (2014广东)Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow? Yes, it rains heavily. A.if B.unless C.until D.when,母题训练,B,考点突破,中考预测,( )3. Why didnt you try your best to get on the subway? I tried to,but it started moving I could get on it. A.b

14、efore B.after C.since D.if,A,首页,末页,中考预测,( )4. I can hardly believe my eyes.Is that you, Lucy? Yes.It has been almost 20 years we were together. A.since B.before C.after D.until,考点突破,母题训练,( )2. (2011广东)I wont believe that the five-year-old boy can read magazines I test him myself. A.if B.when C.after

15、 D.until,D,A,首页,末页,考点3. 状语从句的时态(主将从现类)() 1.用法:if(如果),as soon as(一就),until(直到才),when(当时),before(在之前),after(在之后),unless(除非)等词连接的时间、条件或让步状语从句时,主句用将来时(有时候是祈使句),从句用一般现在时表将来时。,考点突破,首页,末页,2.标志词:as soon as,when,if,until,unless,as long as,before,after,even if等。 如:We wont go out(主句)if it is rainy tomorrow(从句) 如果明天下雨,我们将不会外出。 As soon as I arriv


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