2018届高考英语总复习 module5 cloning课件 外研版选修6

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1、Module 5 Cloning,Section 1,高考话题诵读 常考话题体育活动() 基础短句 1. They were trying to catch the ball. 他们奋力抢球。 2. Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other. 苏华和李江碰撞在一起。 3. They started shouting and yelling at each other. 他们开始相互吵了起来。,4. It was Sus fault, but Li was also to blame. 是苏的错,但李也应受到责备。 5. It was winning

2、and losing that they cared too much about. 对于输赢,他们太在意了。 6. We should be kind to one another. 我们应当彼此友善。 7. It is essential to enjoy a harmonious life. 享受和谐的生活是绝对重要的。,提分长句 1. 连接1、2句,使其成为含while引导的状语从句的复合句。 _2. 连接4、5句,使其成为含because引导的状语从句的复合句。 _3. 连接6、7句,使其成为含非限制性定语从句的复合句。 _,【答案】 1. Su Hua and Li Jiang b

3、umped into each other while trying to catch the ball. 2. It was Sus fault, but Li was also to blame beacuse it was winning and losing that they cared too much about. 3. We should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoy a harmonious life.,巧妙衔接 选用“to be honest, as a matter of fact, then, t

4、o avoid such conflicts”过渡词语衔接成文。 Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other while trying to catch the ball in a match. _ they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.,_, it was Sus fault but Li was also to blame because it was winning and losing that they cared too much a

5、bout. They were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. _, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game. _ we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoy a harmonious life.,【答案】 Then; To be honest; As a matter of fact; To avoid such conflicts,Section 2,基础

6、知识自测 词汇拓展 1. _ v. 拒绝 2. _ v. 对照 3. _ v. 追逐;追赶;追踪 4. _ n. 害怕;恐惧 5. _ v. 治愈 6. _ v. 吸收 7. _ v. (问题、困难等)发生;出现,8. _ v. 使惊恐,使受惊吓_ adj. 恐惧的_ adj. 令人恐惧的 9. _ v. 呼吸_ n. 呼吸 10. _ adj. 有益的;有用的_n. v.好处;有益 11. _ v. 抵抗_ n.抵抗;反抗 12. _ adj. 完全相同的;同一的 13. _ adj. 难以置信的 14. _ adj. 透明的 15. _ n. 程序,16. _ adj. 有确实根据的;有效

7、的 17. _ adj. 可选择的 18. _ adj. 易适应的 19. _ v. 陪伴;陪同 20. _ n. 嫌疑人 21. _ v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦_ adj. 令人厌烦的_ adj. 恶心的 22. _ v. 谋杀_ n. 谋杀犯 23. _ v. 分析_ n. 分析 24. _ n. 暴力_ adj. 暴力的;猛烈的,自我校对 1. refuse 2. contrast 3. chase 4. fear 5. cure 6. absorb 7. arise 8. terrify; terrified; terrifying 9. breathe; breath 10. bene

8、ficial; benefit 11. resist; resistance 12. identical 13. incredible 14. transparent 15. procedure 16. valid 17. optional 18. flexible 19. accompany 20. suspect 21. disgust; disgusting; disgusted 22. murder; murderer 23. analyse; analysis 24. violence; violent,语境填词 1. It is known to all that sunshine

9、 is _ to plants but not all know how it _ them.(benefit) 2. People are _ by _ attacks so they live in _ as the situation is _.(terrify) 3. He was too _ (全神贯注的) in the newspaper to hear the bell. 4. This is the _ (同一的) hotel where we stayed last year.,5. The story is _ (虚构的), so we cant believe it. 6

10、. He _ (呼吸) with difficulty after a long-time running. 7. The boy was in their power, and knew it was pointless to _ (抵抗). 8. The black mountain _ (形成对照) sharply with the white snow. 9. _ (陪伴) by parents, we went for a walk in the park. 10. We keep them informed of any changes as the problems _(出现).

11、,自我校对 1. beneficial; benefits 2. terrified; terrorist; terror; terrifying 3. absorbed 4. identical 5. imaginary 6. breathed 7. resist 8. contrasts 9. Accompanied 10. arise,短语互译 1. burn out _ 2. contrast with_ 3. throw oneself on _ 4. again and again_ 5. by mistake _ 6. treat . as _ 7. a sequence of_

12、 8. be identical to_,9. for fear that_ 10. hold in ones arms _ 11. 依靠;依赖_ 12. 如下 _ 13. 摆脱控制_ 14. 分解_ 15. 反之亦然 _ 16. 使复活_,自我校对 1. 烧尽 2. 与对照 3. 猛倒在 4. 一次又一次 5. 由于错误 6. 把当作对待 7. 一系列 8. 与一样 9. 生怕;以免 10. 拥抱 11. rely on 12. as follows 13. out of control 14. break down 15. vice versa 16. bring . to life,句型透视 1. while+v. -ing “当的时候”。 _ _ _ _(当在大学学习时), he discovers the secret of how to create life. 仿写:过马路时你一定要小心。 _ _ _ _, you must be careful.,2. “it is/was+被强调部分+that/who .”强调句型。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(正是在11月的一个寒冷的晚上)I saw my creation for the first time. 仿写:正是在公园里我第一次见到他。 _ _ _ _ _ _ I met him for the fir



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