2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 unit11 the media课件 北师大版

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1、模块4 Unit 11 The Media,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1explode(vt.)_ 2nation(n.)_ 3politics(n.)_ 4electricity(n.)_ 5apply(vi.)_ 6explain(vt.)_,爆炸,国家,民族,政治,电,申请;应用,解释,基础再现,7analyze(vt.)_ 8employ(vt.)_ 9encourage(vt.)_ 10humor(n.)_ 11contribute(vi.)_ 12brave(adj.)_ 13conclude(vt.)_ 14protect(vt.)_ 15advertise(vt

2、.)_,分析,雇佣,鼓励,幽默,做贡献;有助于,勇敢的,得出结论,保护,打广告,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1改革,改良(n.)_ 2信仰,信念(n.)_ 3出版(vt.)_ 4证据(n.)_ 5责备(vt.)_ 6愿意的(adj.)_ 7合法的(adj.)_,reform,belief,publish,evidence,blame,willing,legal,基础再现,8保卫(vt.)_ 9争论(n.)_ 10过程(n.)_ 11利润(n.)_ 12态度(n.)_ 13假装(vt.)_ 14尊敬(vt.)_ 15公司(n.)_,defend,argument,process,profit,at

3、titude,pretend,respect,corporation,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1申请(书);应用(n.)_ 申请;应用(vi.)_ 申请者(n.)_ 2高兴的,愉快的(adj.)_ 使高兴(vt.)_ 令人愉快的,令人喜悦的(adj.)_ 3解释,说明(n.)_ 解释,说明(vt.)_,application,apply,applicant,delighted,delight,delightful,explanation,explain,基础再现,4雇用(vt.)_ 雇佣(n.)_ 雇员(n.)_ 雇主(n.)_ 5合法的(adj.)_ 违法的(adj.)_ 6保卫

4、,防御(vt.)_ 防御(n.)_ 防御的,自卫的(adj.)_,employ,employment,employee,employer,legal,illegal,defend,defense,defensive,基础再现,7尊敬,尊重(vt.)_ 值得尊敬的(adj.)_ 尊敬的,有礼貌的(adj.)_ 8为做广告,登广告(vt.)_ 广告(n.)_ 广告人(n.)_ 9(做计划或决定时)必须考虑的事,考虑(n.)_ 考虑,认为(vt.)_ 考虑周到的,体贴的(adj.)_,respect,respectable,respectful,advertise,advertisement,adv

5、ertiser,consideration,consider,considerate,基础再现,相当的(adj.)_ 10天真无邪的,单纯的,无罪的(adj.)_ 无罪(n.)_,considerable,innocent,innocence,基础再现,活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1My father _ a girl as his typist.So my father became an _ and the girl worked as an _That is,the girl was in the _ of my father.(employ) 2We are for _

6、acts but against _ ones.(legal) 3The _ _ to the company for a job as a manager,but unfortunately his _ was turned down.(apply),employed,employer,employee,employment,legal,illegal,applicant,applied,application,基础再现,4He insisted that he was _ and his friends proved his _(innocent) 5Our English teacher

7、 _ our suggestions very much.She is _,so we are all _ to her.(respect) 6She takes great _ in taking part in parties.And she was _ to accept the invitation to a _ party yesterday.(delight) 7I put an _ in the paper to _ my car for sale.Oh,this is the first time that I have been an _(advertise),innocen

8、t,innocence,respects,respectable,respectful,delight,delighted,delightful,advertisement,advertise,advertiser,基础再现,8In _ of us,when the dog attacked us,I took _ action,picked up a stick and managed to _ us from being bitten.(defend) 9The teacher _ the problem to us carefully and his _ satisfied all of

9、 us.(explain) 10He is a _ person.After much _,he _it a _ expense to go abroad,so he gave it up.(consider),defense,defensive,defend,explained,explanation,considerate,consideration,considered,considerable,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1支持_ 2由组成_ 3突出,显眼_ 4只要_ 5得出结论_ 6集中精力于_,in favor of,consist of,stand out,as lo

10、ng as,make a conclusion,concentrate on,基础再现,7结果是_ 8受到责备_ 9很有可能做_ 10帮助克服困难_ 11详细地_,as a result,be to blame,be likely to do,help.out,in detail,活学活用,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1Do you _ the accident _(be responsible for something bad) him? 2He has _ (do something good) a space development program

11、. 3A football team _ (be made up of) eleven players.,blame,on,made contributions to,consists of,基础再现,4The critics _ favorably _ (remark) his new book. 5The letters “H2O” _ (represent) water. 6We cant see the sea well because there are some buildings _ (cause inconvenience) 7_ (on condition that) you

12、 dont give up,you will succeed in time. 8The workers are all _ (completely support) equal pay for equal work.,commented,on,stand for,in the way,As long as,in favor of,基础再现,9Whats your_ (the way of thinking) the matter? 10They were all attractive,but she _ (be noticeable) from the others.,attitude to,stood out,.语篇学习,基础再现,.课文内容语法填空 阅读课文,然后按照课文内容在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。 1_many of todays advertisers,2._(repeat) old ideas is not a successful approach.They realise that it does not m



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