2018-2019学年高中英语《2 the united kingdom》period 3课件 新人教版必修5

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1、The United Kingdom,Period 3,The Tower of London,Westminster Abbey,Sightseeing in London,Warming up,Big Ben,What is London famous for?,London Tower Bridge,Read the passage and answer these questions,Task 1,1. Who built the Tower of London? When was it built? 2. Who guarded the Queens jewels? What kin

2、d of clothes did they wear? 3. When was St Pauls Cathedral built? 4. What did Westminster Abby contain? 5. Did she visit the Big Ben?,Presentation,6. How did Zhang Pingyu finish the first day in London? 7. What could Pingyu see in Greenwich? 8. What interested her most in Greenwich? What kind of lin

3、e is it? 9. Which places did she visit on the third day? 10. What seemed strange to her? 11. What made her thrilled?,Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britains sovereigns(君主) since 1837. It developed from a town house that was owned from the beginning of the eighteenth

4、 century by the Dukes of Buckingham. Today it is The Queens official residence. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are opened to visitors on a regular basis.,St Pauls Cathedral,splendid and interesting,Big Ben,famous and very lou

5、d,Westminster Abby,interesting,Task 2 Make a list of Zhang Pingyus tour of London and a comment on each place she visited. (P14),Day 3,Day 2,Greenwich,famous and interesting,Karl Marxs statue,strange that ,British Museum,thrilled,arrange v. (for ,about连用) 安排, 筹备,布置 arrangement n.筹备,安排 arrange to do

6、sth. 安排做某事, 预定 arrange for 安排,准备,Language Points,Fill in the blanks: 1) Please _the books on the shelves. 2) I have to _ everything. 3) They have _another man to take his place. 4) She helped me _ the flowers. 5)They made _to share the food.,arrange,arrange (for),arrange for,arrange,an arrangement,2

7、. fold v.& n. 可折叠,弯曲,合起来 folder 纸夹 fold away a. 可折叠的 unfold 打开(反义词) fold in 拌入,混合 fold into 拌在一起 fold up (商店)关闭:停业,The little child folded her hands in prayer.,这个小孩合上双手祈祷。,She folded the handkerchief and put it in her pocket.,她叠好手绢,放进了口袋里。,3. sightseeing n.& a. 观光的 sightsee v. 观光 sightseer n. 观光客;游客

8、 go sightseeing 观光;游览 4. be worried about / for 为着急 be anxious about sth 为担忧 be upset about sth. 对感到苦脑 be curious about sth. 为好奇 be eager for 盼望得到,想得到 be confused with 对感到混乱,Tickets are available at the box office.,5. available adj. 1) (sth.) that can be used 可用的;可得的,This was the only available room

9、.,2)(sb.) be free to seen 可会见的,I am available in the afternoon.,6. delight n.&v. 愉快,乐趣,快乐 to ones delight 令感到愉快的是 delight sb. with sth. 用某物使某人高兴,delight in 喜欢,嗜好 take delight in 乐于,爱好 delighted adj. be delighted to do,He was not available for the interview.,7. in memory of = in honor of 为了纪念,The mus

10、eum was built in memory of the great writer Lu Xun.,in celebration of 为了庆祝,A grand party was held in celebration of their victory.,8. It is strange (necessary, natural, important, a pity) +that (should) + v. 虚拟语气(引导主语从句),You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman (should) be so rude to a lady.,9

11、. display n. & v. 陈列,展示,表露 on display 展览 on show 展示 = on exhibition,The seller displays all kinds of fruits in the shop.,display ones true feelings,表露自己真正的感受 10. thrill vt. 使激动的,使胆战心惊的 ,有时 相当于excite The film thrilled the audience a thrilling experience thrilling = exciting thrilled = excited,商人在店里摆了

12、各种水果。,11. feel / be proud of take pride in 以为自豪,He takes a pride in his success.,He prides himself on his success.,He is proud of his success.,He is proud to be a scientist.,他以自己的成功自豪。,他以自己是一个科学家感到光荣。,Alternatives words that can be used instead of “ nice” and “ is”,nice,is,smart, clean, excellent, e

13、xciting, famous, beautiful, grand, great, huge, special , unusual, amazing, wonderful, splendid,appear, be built, stand, lie, remain, stay, look, sound, become, keep, grow,Writing,The temple was built long ago. The old temple was built long ago. The old temple was built two hundred years ago. The ol

14、d temple was constructed two hundred years ago. The temple was burned down early last century. The temple was built in 1980s.,Vary the adjectives and verbs to make the writing more interesting and lively.,This great stone castle was constructed five hundred years ago when King Henry was king. He lov

15、ed his food and you can tell that by visiting his extremely large and well-provided kitchens. See where he fed six hundred people at on e time. Admire the beautifully decorated rooms where he met the kings from other countries. Examine the care with which he provided toilets for all his followers. Walk through his wonderful gardens.,Exercises,Fill in the blanks with in /to: 1) I took delight _ books. 2) _ his delight, he passed the driving test. 3) She delights _being surrounded by admirers.,in,To,in,7.省略句:结构中的主语与


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