四川省成都市高中英语 module6 the world’s cultural heritage vocabulary and reading1课件 外研版选修7

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《四川省成都市高中英语 module6 the world’s cultural heritage vocabulary and reading1课件 外研版选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省成都市高中英语 module6 the world’s cultural heritage vocabulary and reading1课件 外研版选修7(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Sanxindui site,Vocabulary and Reading,The Beijing Man Site of Zhoukoudian is not only an exceptional reminder of the prehistoric human societies of the Asian continent, but also illustrates the entire process of evolution.,evolution 进化,It is world-famous for the excavation of the fossil known as Bei

2、jing Man back in the 1920s.,excavation,挖掘,fossils,化石,skull,teeth,With archaeologists years hard work, a lot of remains / (prehistoric items ) were found.,遗留物,物件,考古学家,These fossils provide us with a practical basis for the study of the evolution of modern human beings and their development through ea

3、rlier periods.,Read Part 1 quickly and choose the correct answers:,1. The first thing that was found at Zhoukoudian is_ . prehistoric human skulls prehistoric human bones prehistoric human teeth,2. The number of items that were eventually found is_ . 100 B. 150 C. 200,3. The number of places where B

4、eijing Man lived is_ . A. 4 B. 6 C. 8,4. The percentage of people who lived to the age of 50 is_ . more than 70% about 30% C. less than 5%,5. The reason why work on the site stopped is that_ . German invaded China Japan invaded China France invaded China,6. The site became a world heritage site in_

5、. September 1987 October 1987 December 1987,Read Part 1 again and find out the events and effects,1920s,1929,1937,1949,1987,Prehistoric human bones were discovered.,They changed Chinas knowledge of its history.,These discoveries proved the existence of a human species between 700,000 and 200,000 yea

6、rs ago .,A complete skull was discovered.,Japan invaded China.,Excavations at the Beijing Man Site stopped; fossils disappeared, never found later,excavation n. 挖掘,The Peoples Republic of China was established.,Excavations starting again, Zhoukoudian becomes a tourist attraction.,It was listed as a

7、world heritage site.,Giving important information, providing amazing evidence,Before,After,Whats the situation of Zhoukoudian like at present?,Please read part 2,Zhoukoudian is in danger!,exposure weed cement contribute maintain endangered recommend,n. 暴露,显露 n. 野草,杂草 n. 水泥 v. 促成 n. 保持,维持,保养 adj. 濒危的

8、 v. 建议,awareness propose fund assistance precious of vital importance catastrophe,n. 意识,认识,感悟能力 v. 建议,提议 n. 基金,专款 n. 帮助,援助 adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的 至关重要 n. 毁灭性的大灾难,Zhoukoudian is in danger!,Cause 1: rain and exposure to the air,Q: What are the causes?,Zhoukoudian is in danger!,Cause 2: Some areas are covered wi

9、th weeds.,Zhoukoudian is in danger!,Cause 3: Pollution from nearby factory,Demands!,UNESCO 教科文组织,Chinese Academy of Sciences 中科院,Voice from UNESCO 教科文组织,that the site should be closed and repaired,UNESCO recommended,Voice from Chinese Academy of Sciences 中科院,that the government should get involved.,

10、A professor proposed that a fund should be established to raise money.,They suggested that the general public should be encouraged to help with the problem.,They requested,They suggested,A professor proposed,Ordinary people 老百姓,What can we do to protect our cultural heritages?,One small step for man

11、, one giant leap for mankind.,Revision,Complete the questions with words in the box. (Ex 6 P74) How can the general public give their _? Apart from providing _ what was fire used for? Is there any way that we can avoid the _ of the closing of the site? Did Beijing Man _ stones and bones to make tool

12、s? What do the remains tell us about the _ of the human race? What else do you know about _ societies like Beijing man? Would you _ that tourists visit the site?,assistance,warmth,catastrophe,sharpen,evolution,primitive,recommend,Language Points for Vocabulary and Reading,1.remain vi. to continue to

13、 exist; to stay in the same place without moving away The impression of Yunnan still remains clearly in Simons memory. Nobody but him remained in the classroom. 3) link v. to continue to be Ms Fu remained unchanged after so many years. What happened that day remains a mystery.,4) link. V. to be left

14、 remain to be done It remains to be seen whether,高考链接: It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the teahouse.(2006安徽) A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted 2. It remains _ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.(2006浙江) A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see 3

15、. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _ poor. (2002上海) A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues,2. Four sites where Beijing Man and his relations lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill.,1) face n. the front or surface (of an object) the north face of a mountain 山的北坡 the west face of the building 建筑物的西侧 短语: face to face 面对面地 face-to-face 面对面的 in the face of 面对;不顾 lose face 丢脸;失面子 save face 保全面子 make a face/faces 做鬼脸,翻译: 我房子的窗户面向南方. The window of my house faces south. 我们现在正面临很多的挑战. Now we are facing a lot of challenges. A lot of challe


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