新人教版五年级下册英语unit1 read and write

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1、Unit 1 My Day,Read and write,There is a man who likes voyage (航海) very much.,And there is a book about his voyage.,Robinson Crusoe,Robinson Crusoe,鲁滨逊出生于一个 体面的商人家庭,渴望 航海,一心想去海外见 识一番。有一次航海时, 船在途中遇到风暴触礁, 船上水手、乘客全部遇难,唯有鲁滨逊幸存,只身漂流到一个杳无人烟的孤岛上。,他用沉船的桅杆做了木筏,一次又一次地把船上的食物、衣服、枪支弹药、工具等运到岸上,并在小山 边搭起帐篷定居下来。接着 他用

2、削尖的木桩在帐篷周围 围上栅栏,在帐篷后挖洞居 住。他用简单的工具制作桌、 椅等家具,猎野味为食,饮 溪里的淡水,度过了最初遇 到的困难。,Robinson Crusoe,鲁滨逊在岛上独自生活了24年后,岛上来了一群野人,带着准备杀死并吃掉的俘虏。鲁滨逊发现后,救出了其中的一个。因为那一天是星期五,所以鲁滨逊把被救的俘虏取名为“星期五”。此后,“星期五”成了鲁滨逊忠实的仆人和朋友。,Robinson Crusoe,接着,鲁滨逊带着“星期五”救出了一个西班牙人和“星期五”的父亲。不久有条英国船在岛附近停泊,船上水手叛乱,把船长等三人抛弃在岛上,鲁滨逊与“星期五”帮助船长制服了那帮叛乱水手,夺回了

3、船只。他把那帮水手留在岛上,自己带着“星期五”和船长等离开 荒岛回到英国。,Robinson Crusoe,Robinson Crusoe,His name is Robinson.,His name is Friday.,Robins play,罗宾的戏剧,来自,在一部戏剧里,信,Read the letter by yourselves, and underline the new words. 快速阅读,把文中的生词划出来。,Read the letter again, and answer the questions. 再读一次,回答下面问题。,1. Where does Robins

4、on live? 2. What does Robinson do after he gets up? 3. What is Friday good at?,居住在一个岛屿上,擅长于,洞穴,island,live,an,on,cave,1. Where does Robinson live? 2. What does Robinson do after he gets up? 3. What is Friday good at?,Q & A,He lives on an island.,He washes his face, and then he eats breakfast. Someti

5、mes he cleans his cave, too.,He is good at sports.,Lets translate!,我每天都很,我住在一个小岛上。,我叫鲁滨逊。,很早起床,,然后洗脸,吃早餐。,有时我还会打扫我,的洞穴。,我时常在水里游泳。,下午,我会和朋友一起运动。,他叫星期五。,星期五很擅长体育运动。,所以他常常赢我。,Lets write!,Write a letter to Robinson, and tell him what you do every day. 给鲁滨孙写一封回信,告诉他你每天常做的事情。,Cynthia,Zhuzhou,have classes,correct students homework.,go back home,Mrs Li,Cynthia,离开,Happy everyday,


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