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1、PEP 四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part B Lets talk,Meet a new friend,Mark,Make a phone call(电话用语),A: This is Mark. B: I am Mark.,在电话用语中,介绍 自己的名字时一般 不用 I am . 而用This is .,Mark 在打电话时怎么介绍自己?,Listen and answer(听录音回答),1, Whats the weather like in New York? A: Its rainy. B: Its sunny. 2, Whats the temperature(温度)i

2、n Beijing? A: 26 degrees B: 36 degrees 3, Whats the weather like in Beijing? A: Its cold. B: Its warm.,Mark: 26 degrees! Thats cold,The world weather(全球天气),Practice with your partner(同桌练习)30秒,和同伴各选一个地方练习问天气用语: Whats the weather like in ? Its . Its .,Practice with your partner(同桌练习)30秒,和同伴各选一个地方练习问天气

3、用语: Whats the weather like in ? Its . Its .,Lucky Game (幸运游戏),一个学生抽写有地名的卡纸,另一个学生抽写有温度的 卡纸,并进行问答对话。如果温度和地名匹配,全班加一分。,London 18 ,Toronto 24 ,Sydney 7 ,New York 31,Imitation(模仿跟读),: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark.,: Hi, Mark! Whats the weather like in New York?,: No, it isnt. Its 26 degrees.,: Its rainy. Ho

4、w about Beijing? Is it cold?,: Huh? No, its not. Its warm!,: 26 degrees! Thats cold !,Practice in pair(同桌两人练习读),: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark.,: Hi, Mark! Whats the weather like in New York?,: No, it isnt. Its 26 degrees.,: Its rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold?,: Huh? No, its not. Its warm!,: 26

5、degrees! Thats cold !,7:30 a.m.,8:30 p.m.,10:30 p.m.,Make a new dialogue(编一个新对话),在同一时刻,地球上不同地区的时间和天气是 不一样的。模仿课文对话,打电话给你的朋友,了 解当地的天气和时间以及该做什么了。,你可能要用上的句子: This is Whats the weather like in What time is it ? Its Its time to/for,Homework(家庭作业),1,模仿课文录音跟读3次。 2,完成抄写本。,Temperature,包括中国在内的世界上很多国家都使用 摄氏度,美国和其他一些英语国家使用 华氏度而较少使用摄氏度。,Lets make a phone call(让我们一起打电话),打电话给你同桌,告诉他/她你有一个新朋友。,你可能会用到下面的句子: I have a new friend. A boy or a girl? Who is he?/Who is she? He/she is tall/short/cut/ strong. Oh, it is time for English class. Bye!,



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