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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language,课前自主预习,答案: 1.climate 2.spaceship 3.pull 4.float 5.crash,拓展词汇 6_(adj.)温和的;文雅的gently (adv.)温和地 7_(n.)生物学biologist (n.)生物学 8_(vt.)用尽;耗尽exhausted (adj.)筋疲力尽 答案: 6.gentle 7.biology 8.exhaust,.重点短语 1_ 挡住(光线) 2_ 撞击,撞入 3_ 感到高兴,感到振奋 4_ 既然 5_ (战争、火灾、疾病等的)突然爆发 6

2、_ 密切注视,当心,提防 答案: 1.block out 2.crash into 3.cheer up 4now that 5.break out 6.watch out for,3句型展示:We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased. 我们惊奇地看着,随着地球引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起火。 名师指津:形容词作伴随状语。 句式仿写:After the long journey,the three of us went back ho

3、me,_. 长途旅行之后,我们三人回到了家,又饿又累。 答案: 1.as rich and full a life as 2.four times as large as 3.hungry and tired,.语篇理解 Scan the passage and choose the best answers. 1The passage mainly talks about_. Awhat the moon is Bmy visit to the moon Cthe differences between the earth and the moon DLi Yanping,my friend

4、,who is an astronaut 答案: B,2When we were going up,we felt_. Awe were pressed against our seats Bwe were lighter than we were on the earth Cas if we were flying Dthe rocket was shaking strongly 答案: A,3Why cant the spaceship fall back to the earth? ABecause the moons gravity pulls it up. BBecause it i

5、s too far away from the earth. CBecause the earth has no gravity. DBecause the spaceship is not very heavy. 答案: B,4When I was on the moon,I felt I was _than on the earth. Aslower Bheavier Ccleverer Dlighter 答案: D,课内研析探究,.单词拼写 1Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of

6、 the pull of_(地球引力) 答案: gravity 2France was the third country to send an artificial_(卫星) into space. 答案: satellite,3When we retire,were going to move to an area where the_ (气候) is warmer. 答案: climate 4His elder son was killed in a car_ (相撞) a few years ago. 答案: crash 5“Where does it hurt?” she asked

7、 in a(n)_(温和的) voice. 答案: gentle,6I got out of bed and _(拉) the curtains,so warm sunshine poured through the windows into the room. 答案: pulled 7He is a kind and_(温和的) person,and we all like to communicate with him. 答案: gentle 8He found something _(漂浮) on the lake,which frightened him. 答案: floating,.

8、选词填空 now that;block out;get the hang of;watch out for;break out;cheer up 1The man has a bad habit of telling lies.Please_ him now and then. 答案: watch out for 2. You look sad._!Everything will be all right soon. 答案: Cheer up,3_he has graduated from university,he should learn to earn his living. 答案: N

9、ow that 4A violent quarrel_ between them on how to bring up their only child. 答案: broke out 5After a while,the sky was _by black clouds. 答案: blocked out 6Typing is easy once you _it. 答案: get the hang of,.单句写作 1The damage to the environment is_(如此猛烈,以至于) we dont know how to deal with it. 答案: so viole

10、nt that 2We hope he can live_(像一样丰富的生活) we do. 答案: as full a life as 3Our new house is_(两倍大) the old one. 答案: twice as big as/twice bigger than/twice the size of,4_(既然大家都在这里),lets begin the party. 答案: Now that everyone is here 5She can feel him _(在看她),although she cant see him. 答案: looking at her,.语

11、段训练 先翻译下列句子,然后将其合并成一篇短文。 1我很幸运地(be lucky enough to)成为去火星观光的第一批游客之一。 _ 答案: I was lucky enough to be one of the first tourists to the Mars.,2在旅行中,我们十分兴奋(cheer up)。 _ 答案: During the trip,we cheered up. 3重力(gravity)改变了很多。 _ 答案: Gravity changed much. 4我们在太空舱中处于失重状态下漂浮着(float)。 _ 答案: We floated weightless

12、ly in our spaceship.,5游览火星让人感到兴奋。 _ 答案: Visiting the Mars was exciting. 6回归地球与其说兴奋倒不如说恐怖(frightening)。 _ 答案: Returning to the earth was more frightening than exciting.,7随着地球引力的增加,我们飞船外面发生了(break out)大火。 _ 答案: The fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased. 8这是一次不寻常的经历。 _ 答案: This is an unusual experience. 9用now that,but等连接词联句成篇 _,谢谢观看!,


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