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1、单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.impression 2.nervous 3.patience 4.making 5.so 6.with 7.highly 8.organised 9.a 10.jokes,Ill introduce my three teachers.Mrs Li is my English teacher, my first1. (impress) of whom was that she was 2. (nerve) and shy.But now I really like working with her because of her kindnes

2、s and 3. (patient).She always avoids 4. (make) her students feel stupid and she always explains English grammar 5. . clearly that even slow students can understand her.I feel I can make progress 6. her teaching me.Mrs Chen is serious and strict, but most of us think 7. (high) of her because she make

3、s her teaching well 8. (organise).Even the students who keep coming to class late are always on time for her class. During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as 9. . result my work is improving.Mr Wu enjoys teaching Chinese literature. He is so energetic that he waves

4、 his hands about a lot when he gets excited.He often tells10. (joke) when he thinks we are getting bored.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.so that 2.making progress 3.fell asleep 4.as a result 5.make sure,1.She worked late (因此) the work was completed. 2.Instead of (取得进步) , my work actually seems to be going backw

5、ards. 3.The moment I closed my eyes, I (睡着). 4.It was foolish of him to refer to his notes during that important test, and (结果), he got punished. 5.I believe that what he said is true, but youd better (弄清楚) .,答案: 1.Our English teacher is an energetic and patient person, but he is strict with us in t

6、he study. 2.To make sure every one of us understands him, he adopts different teaching approaches. 3.He will tell us to correct them immediately if we make any mistakes in our homework.,.微写作,1.我们的英语老师是一个充满活力而且有耐心的人,但在学习方面对我 们要求严格。 2.为确保每一个学生能够听懂,他采用了多种教学方法。 3.在作业中犯了错误时,他会要求我们立刻改正。,答案: 4.We have made

7、 great progress in English with him teaching us. 5.As a result, we all appreciate his help and show respect for him.,4.由他给我们上课,我们的英语取得了很大进步。 5.因此,我们都无比感激他给予我们的帮助,并非常尊敬他。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.it 2.finished 3.than 4.that 5.energetic,语境活用,1.Id appreciate if you wouldnt mention it. 2.With all the housework (fin

8、ish) early, I felt relaxed and began to read a novel. 3.Id rather stay in a motel an expensive hotel. 4.Joe injured his foot, so he was unable to play in the match. 5.Find yourself a part-time job if you are (energy) enough, which will give you more working experience.,6.Funny! The way he tells (jok

9、e) will knock them in the aisles. 7.Numerous houses collapsed as result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976. 8.Please allow me to express warm welcome to our (respect) friends. 9.Husband and wife were (similar) successful in their chosen careers. 10. Gates open at 10:30 a.m. and (admit) is free.,答案:6

10、.jokes 7.a 8.respected 9.similarly 10.admission,1.He is highly respected by his novels and plays. 2.I want to tell you I appreciate you come to warn me like that. 3.Have you made sure the time of the flight? 4.Thanks to her help, Ive made a progress in my study. 5.Strict speaking, what I have just s

11、aid isnt true.,答案:1.将by改为for 2.将come改为coming 3.sure后加of 4.去掉a 5.将Strict改为Strictly,.单句语法改错,6.He said that he would rather you havent told him the bad news. 7.Only eight hundred students are admitting every year to our school. 8.He was so tired that he fell sleep immediately he went to bed. 9.In fact, students did well in economics than in history or science. 10.I promised to buy my son a nice gift, and so he did.,答案: 6.将havent改为hadnt 7.将admitting改为admitted 8.将sleep改为asleep 9.将well改为better 10.将he改为I,


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