(江苏专用)2018高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 public transport课件 牛津译林版选修7

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1、Book 7 Unit 4,Public transport,话题晨背 积累写作素材,自主排查 夯实基础知识,边讲边练 突破核心考点,妙笔生花 提高语用能力,话题词汇,话题晨背 积累写作素材,1.benefit vi.& n.得益,好处 2.convenient adj.方便的,便利的 3.wherever conj.无论在何处,无论到哪里 4.argue vi.争吵,争辩 5.responsibility n.责任,负责,职责 6.amount n.数量,9.damage vt.& n.损害,损失 10.traffic jam交通阻塞,塞车 11.fed up不愉快的,厌烦的 12.take

2、 place发生;举行 13.go up上升 14.on average平均;通常,经典语篇,(2015江苏) 请阅读下面文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。,写作内容,1.用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2.结合上述信息,简要分析导致交通问题的主要原因; 3.根据你的分析,从社会规范(rules and regulations)和个人行为两方面谈谈你得到的启示(不少于两点)。,写作要求,1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.不必写标题。,评分标准,内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。,佳作欣赏,The traffic issue is a hard nut

3、to crack.It not only affects our everyday life,but may also threaten peoples lives. The three selections presented above are typical examples. Quite a few things give rise to the traffic problem.In spite of the large-scale construction of roads and highways,there is still much room for improvement,b

4、ecause of the ever increasing number of cars these years. Whats worse,some drivers,cyclists and pedestrians do not think it vital to obey traffic rules.,In fact,traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations closely related to public order. Without them,people could not enjoy harmony or the cou

5、ntry would be in chaos.But rules alone dont secure an orderly society.It is the people who obey the rules that matter.It is everybodys duty to observe them to keep our society in order and going on the right track.,思维发散,1.用as well as改写第句 2.用although改写第句,It may threaten peoples lives as well as affec

6、ts our everyday life.,Although there are large-scale construction of roads and highways,there is still much room for improvement,because of the ever increasing number of cars these years.,答案,3.用because改写第句 4.把第句改写成含有定语从句的复合句,In spite of the large-scale construction of roads and highways,there is sti

7、ll much room for improvement,because the number of cars has been increasing these years.,In fact,traffic rules are part of the rules and regulations which/that are closely related to public order.,答案,返回,自主排查 夯实基础知识,A.写作单词 1. (vt.) 处以罚金 2. (vt.) 运送,输送;表达 3. (adv.) 遗憾的,不幸地,可惜地 4. (adj.) 非常坏(或非常好、非常极端)

8、的, 令人难以置信的 5. (vt.) 延迟,延期,fine,convey,unfortunately,unbelievable,postpone,答案,重点单词,6. (vi.& vt.) 承担,从事;承诺,答应 7. (vi.& vt.) 扩大,扩展,增大 8. (n.) 增加,增长;成长,生长 9. (adj.) 每年的,一年一次的 10. (adj.) 准时的,守时的 11. (n.) 骑自行车的人 12. (adj.) 好斗的,挑衅的,富于攻击性的,undertake,enlarge,growth,annual,punctual,cyclist,aggressive,答案,13. (

9、n.) 负荷,负载,大量,许多; (vt.) 装载,装上,装入 14. (adj.) 喝醉的;(n.)醉汉,酒鬼 15. (vi.) 出现,产生 16. (vi.& vt.) 分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破,load,drunk,arise,split,答案,B.阅读单词 17.anniversary (n.) 18.authority (n.) 19.brake (n.) (vt.) 20.cab (n.) 21.choke (vi.& vt.) (n.) 22.crash (n.& vi.& vt.) 23.crossing (n.),周年纪念日,权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权,刹车,

10、车闸,用车闸减速,刹车,出租车,的士,(使)窒息;(使)哽咽;塞满,堵塞,哽咽声,呛住的声音,撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃,人行横道;十字路口,交叉点;穿越,答案,24.handful (n.) 25.metropolitan (adj.) 26.outer (adj.) 27.user-friendly (adj.) 28.via (prep.) 29.violate (vt.) 30.prime (adj.) (n.) 31.receptionist (n.) 32.reservation (n.),少量的人或物;一把(的量),大城市的,大都会的,远离中心的,外围的;外表的,表层的,方便用户的,

11、便于使用的,经由,经过(某一地方);通过,凭借,违犯,违反;侵犯,首要的,主要的,盛年,鼎盛时期,接待员,预订,预约;保留意见,答案,33.route (n.) 34.section (n.) 35.subway (n.) 36.timetable (n.) 37.departure (n.) depart (v.) 38.detail (n.) detailed (adj.) 39.enquiry (n.) enquire (v.),(常规)路线,部分;部件;部门,地铁,时间表,时刻表,离开,出发;背离,违反,离开,出发,具体情况,详情,细节,详细的,细致的,询问,咨询;调查,查究,探究,询

12、问,打听,答案,1. 中途下客或卸货 2. 联合,连接 3. 每隔()距离或时间 4. 给某人接通(电话);使经历 5. 决定,选定 6. 推迟,推延;使反感,drop off,link up,at (.) intervals,put through,decide on/upon,put off,答案,重点短语,7. 出现,到来;调高(音量等) 8. 填写(表格);消磨(时间) 9. 少数的,少量的 10. 分组,分解;分离 11. (使)加速 12. 起因于,由引起,turn up,fill in,a handful of,split up,speed up,答案,arise from,1.

13、However,most trains to London only went to the outer city limits,because building railway tracks into the city many old buildings. 但大部分通往伦敦的火车只到外伦敦的边界,因为在市区修建铁路会损坏许多古建筑。 2. better ways for digging tunnels were developed,the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884. 随着挖隧道方法的日益发展,第一

14、条穿过泰晤士河的地铁隧道于1884年动工。,would have damaged,As,答案,经典句式,3. the situation,a wealthy American businessman,Charles Yerkes,undertook the job of improving the system in 1902. 看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯耶基斯的美国富商于1902年承担起了改善(地铁)系统的工程 4.So, take a trip on the oldest underground system today? 所以,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观赏一番呢?,Having

15、 seen,why not,答案,返回,边讲边练 突破核心考点,undertake v.着手;从事;承担;许诺,答应,1.,undertaken./pron.承担 undertake to do.着手做;答应做 undertake that.承诺做 undertake for.为负责,应试指导 一词多义,(1)If you undertake the project,you are bound to encounter difficulties. 如果你承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多困难。 (2)To do so,it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work. 要想这么做,理解为什么人们愿意承担志愿者工作以及是什么使得他们对这个工作感兴趣将会起到帮助


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