2018版高考英语一轮复习 module 4 great scientists课件 外研版必修4

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1、Book 4 Module 4,Great Scientists,话题晨背 积累写作素材,自主排查 夯实基础知识,边讲边练 突破核心考点,在高考语境中提升解题技能,话题词汇,1.progress n.进步,发展;前进 2.outstanding adj.杰出的;显著的 3.personality n.个性;品格 4.educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的 5.determine vi.确定;决定;下定决心,话题晨背 积累写作素材,6.explore v.探索;探测;探险 7.make great contributions to对做出巨大贡献 8.be honored as被誉为 9.

2、make efforts to do sth.努力做某事 10.devote oneself to献身于,专心于,经典语篇,根据提示用英语介绍二十世纪杰出的女性之一:海伦凯勒(Helen Keller)。 内容要点如下: 1.海伦凯勒:1880年6月出生于美国。她19个月大时,由于生病变得又聋又盲。从此她就生活在黑暗、寂静的世界里。 2.七岁时,她的父母给她找了一名老师Miss Sullivan。Miss Sullivan在教海伦的过程中遇到了许多困难。由于海伦的坚强意志和智慧以及Miss Sullivan的技巧和耐心,她们克服了种种困难,取得了成功。,3.她完成了大学教育,获得了英语文学学位

3、;致力于盲聋儿童的社会工作;著有多本著作,其中我的一生(The Story of My Life)最为著名。 注意:1.介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条翻译; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使内容连贯; 3.词数100左右。 参考词汇:意志和智慧will and intelligence;技巧和耐心skill and patience;英语文学学位a degree in English literature,佳作欣赏,Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century. She was born in America in

4、June,1880. When she was nineteen months old,she became blind and deaf because of a serious illness.From then on she lived in darkness and silence.,Her parents were greatly worried.When she was seven,they found a teacher,Miss Sullivan,for her.Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulties in teaching Helen

5、Keller,who was blind and deaf.With Helens strong will and intelligence,combined with her teachers skill and patience,they overcame all the difficulties. Helen Keller became an able student and graduated from a college.She finally received a university degree in English literature.Later on she devote

6、d all herself to helping the blind and deaf children.She wrote many books and The Story of My Life is a remarkable one.,思维发散,1.用分词结构连接第、两句 2.用强调句型改写第句,Born in America in June,1880,Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century.,It was with Helens strong will and intelligence,combined

7、 with her teachers skill and patience,that they overcame all the difficulties.,答案,3.用非限制性定语从句改写第句,She wrote many books, among which The Story of My Life is a remarkable one.,答案,返回,A.写作单词 1. (adj.) 主要的 2. (n.) 人物 3. (n.) 突破 4. (vt.& n.) 支持 5. (vt.) 取代;以代替 6. (n.) 数量,自主排查 夯实基础知识,重点单词,leading,figure,br

8、eakthrough,support,replace,quantity,答案,7. (n.) 质量 8. (n.) 生涯;经历 9. (adj.) 简短的;简洁的 10. (adj.) 个人的 11. (vi.) 逃跑;逃避 12. (vi.) (烟雾) 消散,quality,career,brief,personal,escape,clear,答案,13. (vt.) 教育 (n.) 教育 14. (vt.) 出版 (n.) 出版人(或机构) (n.) 出版(业) 15. (vi.) 毕业 (n.) 毕业,educate,education,publish,publisher,publish

9、ing,graduate,graduation,答案,B.阅读单词 16.species (n.) _ 17.yield (n.) _ 18.convert (vt.) _ 19.export (vt.) _ 20.bestseller (n.) _ 21.diagnose (vt.) _ 22.victim (n.) _ 23.brilliant (n.) _,(动物或植物的)种,产量,改变;转换,出口,畅销书,诊断,受害者,聪颖的;才华横溢的,答案,24.partly (adv.) _ 25.physical (adj.) _ 26.rocket (n.) _ 27.arrow (n.)

10、_ 28.straight (adj.) _ 29.producer (n.) _ production (n.) _,部分地;在一定程度上,身体的,火箭,(弓)箭,直的,生产者,产量,答案,30.agriculture (n.) _ agricultural (adj.) _ 31.original (adj.) _ origin (n.) _ 32.explode (vi.) _ explosion (n.) _,农业,农业的,原来的;最初的,起源,爆炸,爆炸;爆炸声,答案,1. 引进;带来 2. 把转变为 3. 谋生 4. 掌权 5. 被诊断患有疾病,重点短语,bring in,conv

11、ert.to.,earn ones living,come to power,be diagnosed with,答案,6. 由于的结果 7. 因而出名/闻名 8. 培养;养育,as a result of,be known for,bring up,答案,1.He thought that more rice and to produce it more quickly. 他想,养活世人的关键是更多更快地生产水稻。 2.He thought there was only one way to do this different species of rice plant,and then h

12、e could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants. 他认为,唯一的办法是使不同种类的水稻杂交,这样就能生产比原先任何一种水稻产量都要高的新品种。,经典句式,the key to feeding people was to have,by crossing,答案,3. in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer,he has become the voice of science. 靠轮椅来

13、移动并且通过特殊的电脑说话,他(霍金)成为了科学的代言人。 4.Or was he carried miles into space, the worlds first astronaut? 还是他被带到了数英里之外的太空,成了世界上第一位宇航员? 5.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped _ in a straight direction. 竹管被绑在一根帮助火箭直线运动的长棍上。,Moving,becoming,keep the rocket,moving,答案,Yuan Longping is a 1. (lead) f

14、igure in the rice-growing world in China.He was interested in plants from 2. early age,and he went to study agriculture in college and began crop breeding experiments 3. a young teacher.Then he brought up a plan to produce 4. (much) rice by crossing different species of rice plant.He put his plan 5. practice and the results 6. (publish) in China in 1966.In 1970,he discovered a 7._ (natural) sterile male rice plant,8. was a breakthrough.,课文语法填空,leading,an,as,more,into,were published,naturally,which,答案,As a result of Yu


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