2018版高考英语一轮复习 写作素能培养 第10讲 揣摩图画内涵,从容图画作文课件 外研版

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1、路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,走向高考 英语,外研版 高考总复习,写作素能培养,第三部分,第十讲 揣摩图画内涵,从容掌控图画作文,第三部分,图画类作文是材料作文的一种特殊形式,是一种变“画”为文的作文方式。这种题型提供给考生的是图画,要求考生在看懂图画意思后写作文,主要训练和考查考生的观察力、思考力、创造力和表达能力。 一、试题特征 1素材贴近生活。图画类的书面表达一般都是中学生所熟悉的场景,画面生动形象,具有趣味性,体现高考书面表达“生活化”的特点。有时候还附带有英语或汉语说明,考生易获得直观信息。 2文体形式多样。图画式作文主要有记叙文、说明文和议论文。,二、写作步骤 1确定文章体裁。这

2、类文章一般以记叙文、说明文和议论文为主。 2确定人称。如果以日记、回忆录等形式来写,一般采用第一人称;如果是以讲故事的形式来写,则一般采用第三人称。 3确定时态。根据图画内容及所采用的文章体裁,确定文章所要用的时态。,4合理、适度的联想。这类文章的说明一般都要求考生进行适度的联想和发挥,以便使上下文能更好地连贯起来。 5虚实结合、详略得当。对于图画中的内容,该详细叙述描写的,就必须要详细、具体;可以一笔带过的就一笔带过。比如图画中所有的时间、数字或言论须一词不漏地写清楚,而有些过程或原因则可适当简略。,三、注意事项 1看图记叙文的写作 要注意把握写作素材的时间、地点、人物,以及事件的叙述。可以

3、采取倒叙的方式,也可按事件的发生顺序进行描写。 2看图议论文的写作 首先要认真阅读图画,把握图的意义,有时还要注意其隐含的观点与意图,并联系生活实际进行思考与阐述。,3看图说明文的写作 要注意观察图画材料,找出所有内容,然后按一定的顺序有条理地阐述。说明文的叙述顺序一般有三种:时间顺序、空间顺序和逻辑顺序(比如按图画反映的数字大小进行叙述)。注意文章开头与结尾的呼应。,四、常用句式 1用于描述图画或引入话题的句式 As is described in the picture. As is shown in the picture,we can see clearly the relations

4、hip between. The sight reminds me of something in my daily life.,2用于记叙事件经过或分析现象的句式 At first.then.five minutes later.finally/in the end/at last. 开始时然后五分钟后最后。 Some were doing.,some were doing.and/while others were doing. 一些人在做,一些人在做,而另一些人在做。 .was/were doing.when sb./sth. did. 当某事正在发生时突然又发生另一件事。 More a

5、nd more people have come to realize the importance of. 越来越多的人已经开始意识到的重要性。,3用于发表议论或总结的句式 If such measures were not taken,the problem of.would be more serious. 如果不采取这样的措施的话,的问题会更加严重。 We can conclude from this picture that. 从这幅图画我们可以推断。 As has been stated above,we must. 如上所述,我们必须。,【典例】 假设你刚刚参加了一次”伦敦游学”

6、活动,请根据以下五幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文汇报,在班内介绍你们游学的过程。,注意:1.汇报的开头和结尾已经为你写好(不计入总词数); 2.词数不少于120。 参考词汇:大本钟Big Ben 伦敦眼London Eye 住宿家庭homestay family Good morning, everyone. It was a great honor to have been selected to go on a study tour in Britain. _ _ Thats all. Thank you.,解析:从这五幅图看,应该这样来组织文章:1.我们到达英国Heathrow Airpor

7、t,受到热情的欢迎;2.我们到了各自的homestay family,与他们一起吃饭、聊天;3.我们到Westminster College听报告,了解大学的情况(图中给出了大学的名称和教授做报告的内容);4.我们参观了很多风景名胜,比如Big Ben和London Eye;5.在最后一天,我们参加了告别会(farewell party),大家在一起唱歌、跳舞;6.表达感想和意义,总结全文,说明这次活动的收获提高了英语水平,更好地了解了英国文化。,优美范文 Good morning, everyone. It was a great honor to have been selected to

8、 go on a study tour in Britain. On the morning of March 27, the moment we stepped out of Heathrow Airport, we were surprised to find our homestay families waiting to pick us up. Later we went to different homestay families as scheduled, where we had typical English food and chatted happily.,The next

9、 day, as was arranged beforehand, we went to Westminster College to attend a presentation about the school. A professor gave us a vivid and interesting introduction, from which we learned a lot about the college. The following days sped by when we visited so many famous tourist attractions such as B

10、ig Ben and London Eye, where we took many photos. On the last day we had a farewell party, at which students from China and Britain gave fantastic performances including singing and dancing. From the study tour, not only have we improved our speaking skills, but weve got a better understanding of Br

11、itish culture. Thats all. Thank you.,点评:结构安排合理,层次分明,衔接自然。如: 1.开头适当发挥,增加到达的时间,这使得叙述更加真切;运用了the moment,later,the next day,the following days,on the last day,保证了文章的连贯性; 2.范文用一个段落介绍五幅图的内容,在倒数第二段中讲述了自己的感受,这样安排使得文章的结构更加紧凑。,注意: 1. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。 参考词汇:凿,钻:bore In the

12、 picture,_ _ _,参考答案: In the picture ,we can see a boy in worn clothes, sitting at a shabby wooden table with a pile of books on it. A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was absorbed in his reading. This is a wellknown story from ancient Chinese idiom. The boy, being po

13、or couldnt afford even a candle, so he bored a hole in the wall to “steal” light from his neighbors house to read at night. The moral of the story is: spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.,Of course, things are totally dif

14、ferent today. It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story that counts. Hard work pays off. We should take pains to improve ourselves through learning and get prepared for the future. 解析:本题为看图写作,主要是古时候的一则成语“凿壁偷光”。注意条理要清晰,逻辑顺序和结构要恰当,同时要尽量保持简洁精干的内容,不拖泥带水。要注意题中所给的信息,不可偏题,应用文写作对于内容的要求是要

15、达到写作目的。尽量保持卷面整洁,字体美观,注意行文的连贯性。,点评:文章第一段描述图片,第一句中用到了动词ing形式的非谓语动词做伴随状语和with 的复合结构In the picture, we can see a boy in worn clothes, sitting at a shabby wooden table with a pile of books on it.图中我们可以看见一个男孩穿着破旧的衣服坐在一个堆满书的桌子旁边。A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was absorbed in his reading.一丝微弱的光亮从墙上的一个小洞穿过,他沉静在自己的阅读中。,第二段第一句开始说这个图片的主题。This is a wellknown story from ancient Chinese idiom.这是一个众人周知的中国古代成语。第二句也是用了一个分词结构表示伴随状语The boy, being poor couldnt afford even a candle, so he bored a hole



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