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1、英语(外研社新标准) (三年级起点)第八册,Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please .,words,look 看上去 cashier /k/收银员 cola /kl/可乐 dollar /dl/美元 sent/sent/美分 enjoy /nd/享用 careful /kefl/小心的 Be careful当心!,dollar,cent,look,careful,careful,cashier,cola,enjoy,look,1. How many hot dogs did they order? And hamburgers, colas? 2. D

2、oes Simon like hamburgers? 3. Who likes hot dogs? 4. Who likes Colas? 5. How much is it?,How many hot dogs did they order? And hamburgers, colas?,1,3,2,2. Does Simon like hamburgers? 3. Who likes hot dogs? 4. Who likes colas? 5. How much is it?,Yes, he does.,Daming likes hot dogs.,They all like Cola

3、s.,Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.,Simon: What do you , Daming? Daming: I dont know. Whats a hot dog? it really a dog? Simon: No, Daming. Thats a hot dog. Daming: It good!,want,Is,looks,Waitress: I help you? Daming: I want a , please. Simon: And I want a . Simons dad: A hamburger me, too

4、. Waitress: And to ? Simon: I want a . Daming: A cola for me, too. Simons dad: Three colas, please.,Can,hot dog,for,cola,hamburger,drink,Waitress: Thats two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas. Simons dad: is it? Waitress: Its thirteen and twenty-five . Simons dad: Here you are. Waitress: Thank yo

5、u. Enjoy your meal!,How much,dollars,cents,知识点解析,Want : want sth 、want to do want sb to do 想要 问价格: How much is it ?单数 How much are they?复数,noodles 面条,I want some noodles.,rice 米饭,They want some rice.,hamburger 汉堡,We want a hamburger.,hot dog 热狗,You want a hot dog.,dumplings 饺子,My father wants some d

6、umplings.,tea 茶,My friend wants some tea.,juice 果汁,It wants some juice.,cola 可乐,She wants a cola.,chicken 鸡肉,He wants some chicken.,肯定句变否定句,有能有是怎么办 not 加在它后面 无能无是怎么办 添加 dont doesnt 是关键 后面动词用原形,肯定句变疑问 有能有是怎么办 我搬能是到前面 无能无是怎么办 do 和does 句首站 后面动词用原形 能 (can,may, must等情态动词) 是(be动词),动词适当形式填空 1 The children

7、(go) to school in the morning. 2 Their father (take) them to school at 8. 3 Mrs. Sawyer (stay) at home on Sundays. 4 She (do) the housework after supper. 5 She always (eat) her lunch at noon.,eats,does,stays,go,takes,Waitress: What do you want? Customer: I want a humburger,please. . How much is it?

8、Waitress: Its three dollars and senventy- five cents,Waitress: What do you want? Customer: I want a cola, please. . How much is it? Waitress: Its one dollar and twenty- five cents.,Waitress: What do you want? Customer: I want a hot dog, please. . How much is it? Waitress: Its two dollars .,挖宝藏,规则(game rules): 1.图片后面是句子 ,翻译正确为1分。 2.图片后面是炸弹,失去得分机会。 3.图片后面是笑脸,获得1分小贴画。 哭脸需要把短语全读一遍,正确得1分小贴画。,居住小地方,多少钱啊,13美元25美分,炸弹,三瓶可乐,好好用餐,你想要什么,它看上去很好,我要一个热狗,小心,我能帮助你吗,Homework,1.背诵单词和课文。单词4英1汉,听写2遍。 2.背熟笔记,并在本子上整理1遍。,



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