九年级英语下册 unit 3 robot reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 3 Reading The home robot,What can a robot do?,Revision,It can explore dangerous places.,It can cook dinner.,It can look after children.,It can sweep the floor and iron shirts.,do sports,play the music,They could do dangerous jobs like putting out the fires.,They could do dangerous jobs like wor

2、king on high buildings.,2,1,3,4,4,1. 做晚饭 2. 洗衣服 3. 探险 4. 熨烫衬衫 5. 整理床铺 6. 打扫地板 7. 照看孩子 8. 帮助我做家庭作业,1. cook dinner 2. wash the clothes 3. explore dangerous places 4. iron shirts 5. make the bed 6. Sweep the floor 7. look after children 8. help me with my homework,What can a robot do?,Robots have come

3、into our life.,The home robot,cameras,battery,speaker,hand,wheel,Different parts & the functions,2,5,take photos of.,hair,6,arm,4,7,stand on .to move around,absorb energy,chest,8,The robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over.,viruses,catch a virus,suit,The buisiness suit was s

4、moothly ironed,mess,in a complete mess,rice cooker,untidy,dustbin,coins,Coins werespread all over the floor,milk was stored in the dustbin,iron,make clothes smooth with an iron,Bills and private papers were spread all over the floor,Task 1 : Skimming (find out the main idea of each part),Part 1 Part

5、 2 Part 3 Part 4,Introduce the reason for Mr Jiang to buy a robot,Bad changes,Return the robot,Good changes,Task 2 : Scan Part1and finish the profile,The first person to own a robot,Name : Job : Workplace: Reason for buying a robot :,Mr Jiang,manager,In Sunshine town,In order to have more free time,

6、Task 3 : Scanning (Good changes and results).,Good changes,in the morning,made breakfast,ironed his business suit,prepare a lunch box,Good changes,Good results/ Advantages,while at work,do all the housework clean the flat, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, make the bed, air the rooms, cook dinner- g

7、o shopping at the supermarket,The flat would look as good as new,A delicious dinner would be ready,could do whatever he liked , watch TV or do some reading,no longer needed to get up early,could stay in bed for an extra hour,Good results,Task 4 : Listen and answer,1.Why did the robot start to go wro

8、ng ?,2.What were the problems ?,Because it caught a virus.,It _Mr Jiang _at 4 oclock in the morning. When Mr Jiang got home,he would find his flat _. Food _on the bed; milk_in the dustbin; _;_;and his_ were_all over the floor.,woke,in a complete mess,spread,coins,up,was laid,was stored,bills,private

9、 papers,match these pictures,The robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over.,How did the robot move?,How did Mr Jiang deal with the robot in the end?,Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop.He didnt know what to do with it.,Robots can help people a lot,but they c

10、an also be too much trouble.,Retell and act out part of the article,Situational retelling,Good points: Mr Jiang 1.have more free time 2.sleep for a bit longer Robot: 1.do the laundry 2. iron the shirts 3. wash dishes 4.flat is as good as new,Bad points: Robot: 1.catch a virus 2.put breakfast in the

11、washing machine 3.throw clean shirts into the dustbin 4.knock things over 5.make a mess,Dialogue: In the robot shop,Discussion,Do you want to own a robot? Why or why not?,Robots can do nearly everything for us. (1)_(结果),many people would like to have a robot (2) _(为了)have more time to enjoy life. Th

12、ey can really make our lives more relaxed in many ways if they act normally.However, like human may get ill, a robot may (3) _(染上病毒). If so, things will start to (4) _(出差错). It may (5) _ (撞翻你的东西)and you will find your room (6) _(一团糟. It may make many mistakes when it helps with your studies.(7) _(最后, you will find it is (8) _ (太麻烦).,as a result,in order to,catch a virus,go wrong,knock your things over,in the end,too much trouble,in a mess,Consolidation,Thank you !,Good bye!,


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