2018年高中英语 unit2 growing pains welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修1

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1、Unit 2 Growing pains,Welcome to the unit,What does “Growing pains” mean to you? 2. Do you know about the play named Growing pains?,Pains of Exams,Pains of Private,Pains of Friends,Pains of Parents,What problems do you have? Why do you have these troubles? How do you solve these problems?,1. Have you

2、 ever seen the film Growing pains? 2. Do you know some of its main characters? 3. What does the film mainly talk about?,Look at the following pictures.,Free talks,Main characters,Mike Seaver,Ben Seaver,Carol Seaver,Jason Seaver,Maggie Seaver,Chrissy Seaver,Answer the questions in 2 minutes: Do you t

3、hink your parents understand you? A. Yes B. No C. Dont know 2. Do you often quarrel with you parents? A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes D. Rarely(很少) E. Never,3. Do you and your parents often talk to each other or have fun together? A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes D. Rarely(很少) E. Never 4. Do

4、you and your parents have common interests or hobbies? A. Yes B. No.,5. Do they always force you to do things you dont like to do? A. Yes, very often. B. Sometimes C. Never 6. Do they ask for your opinions over some family issues? A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes C. Never,7. If you have some problems

5、 or feel upset, will you choose to talk to your parents? A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont 8. What do you think of the relationship between you and your parents? A. Very close B. Not so close C. Loose (疏远),happy families,Growing pains,1. Do you love your parents? 2. Do you like to stay with your parents at

6、 home during your holidays or weekends? 3. Do you think you show respect to your parents?,Brainstorming,4. Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? 5. Why do arguments usually happen? 6. What are usually the problems with parents?,What?,Who?,When?,Teenagers/Kids.,When kids are between the ages of

7、 3 and 5 or 8 and 12.,The troubles and difficulties that teenagers meet when they grow up.,How?,Talk to friends/parents/teachers. Write to magazines. See doctors.,Do your parents try to force you to do things you dont like? 2. When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to

8、 talk to? 3. Can you describe an experience with your parents that was not pleasant?,Discussion,Further Discussion,1. What kind of behaviors of yours will make your parents feel unhappy? List as many as you can. 2. What would you do if your behavior upsets your parents?,Good parents in my eyes:,kind

9、, loving, humorous, strict, open-minded, fair, understanding, patient, learned, helpful, forgiving,If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they should,parents,children,love,understand,respect,help,learn from each other,1. If the generation gap really exists, how do you overcome the gap? 2. Write a note or two to your parents from your deep heart.,


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