2018中考英语一轮复习 八上 阶段检测课件 新人教版

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1、,八年级(上)阶段检测 (训练时间:90分钟 分值:120分),一、单项选择(15分) 1_ have you lived with your grandparents? About three years. AHow long BHow many CHow much DHow often 【解析】考查疑问副词短语的用法。how long用于提问一段时间;how many用于提问可数名词的数量;how much用于提问价格或提问不可数名词的数量;how often用于提问频率。由答语“大约三年”,可知答案为A。 答案:A,2The story made all of us _, and we

2、wanted him _ one more. Alaugh; tell Bto laugh; to tell Claugh; to tell Dto laugh; tell 【解析】动词make后接省略to的不定式作宾补,而动词want常用的结构是want sb. to do sth.,故选C。 答案:C,3Jack, is math difficult to learn in high school? Sure. No subject can be learned well _ hard work. Awithout Bthrough Cby Dwith 【解析】考查介词用法。句意为“没有努

3、力地学习,没有科目可以被学好”。without“没有”符合题意。 答案:A,4My brother can play chess, _ he can play it _. Aand; well Band; good Cbut; well Dbut; good 【解析】考查连词和副词。此处表示“我”弟弟会下棋,并且能下得很好。前后两句是顺承关系用and,修饰动词play用副词well。 答案:A,5_ the heavy rain, we didnt go camping last Sunday. What a pity! AThanks to BBecause of CInstead of D

4、As for 【解析】考查固定词组。句意为“因为大雨,我们上星期天没去野营”。because of“因为”,短语介词,后接名词、代词或名词性成分。 答案:B,6Its too cold here. Id like to go _ to spend my vacation. Asomewhere warm Bsomewhere cold Ceverywhere warm Deverywhere cold 【解析】由“Its too cold here.”推测是要去暖和的地方,排除B、D;somewhere“到某处”;everywhere“处处;到处”,由题意可知,应选somewhere warm

5、。 答案:A,7Lucy is outgoing. She enjoys _ all kinds of activities. Ajoin Bjoining Ctake part in Dtaking part in 【解析】enjoy后接动词ing形式;“参加”某项活动应用take part in。 答案:D,8If there are _ trees, the air in our city will be _ cleaner. Aless; more Bmore; more Cmore; much Dmuch; much 【解析】句意为“如果有更多的树,我们城市的空气会更清洁”。第一空用

6、比较级more,第二空用much修饰比较级,表示比较的程度。 答案:C,9You are never _ old _ learn. Aso; that Bas; as Cso; as Dtoo; to 【解析】考查固定词组。根据句意“你永远不会老得不能学习了。”因此要用too. to.结构。 答案:D,10The customers are pleased with the _ of the restaurant. Abalance Bexperience Csurface Dservice 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“顾客们对餐馆的服务很满意”。balance“平衡”;experienc

7、e“经验,经历”;surface“表面”;service“服务”。顾客到餐馆消费,对其服务满意。故选D。 答案:D,11Which month is _, June, July or August? Ahot Bhotter Chottest Dthe hottest 【解析】三者间比较用最高级,最高级前加the。 答案:D,12If I _ too much TV, my mother will _. Awatch; angry Bwatched; be angry Cwatch; be angry Dwill watch; be angry 【解析】if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时

8、,从句用一般现在时,故选C。 答案:C,13There _ a sports meeting in our school next week. Awill have Bis going to have Care going to be Dis going to be 【解析】句意“下周在我们学校将会有一场运动会”。there be句型不能与have连用,故排除A、B选项。句子的主语是a sports meeting,是单数形式,故选D。 答案:D,14Dont_ others. You should help them when they have difficulties. Aagree w

9、ith Blook at Ctalk with Dlaugh at 【解析】 由后句的意思“当他们有困难的时候你应帮助他们”,故前一句要表明“不要嘲笑别人”。laugh at“嘲笑”。 答案:D,15I dont like action movies. I think theyre _. Aboring Bdifficult Cinteresting Dexciting 【解析】因为不喜欢,所以认为是“boring(无聊的)”。 答案:A,1A.expensive Bcheap Cugly Dnice 【解析】由上文可知这双鞋很贵,同时下文的“but”也证实,妈妈认为这双鞋贵。 答案:A 2A

10、.hate Bgive up Cwant Dget 【解析】由上文可知本句是总结“孩子都想赶时髦”。“想做某事”用want to do sth.。 答案:C,3A.put on Btake off Cbuy Dwear 【解析】由下文可看出“孩子在校穿校服”,故选D。 答案:D 4A.cars Bbicycles CMP3 DCDs 【解析】“骑自行车”用ride bicycles。 答案:B,5A.another Bthe others Cothers Dother 【解析】由上文可看出富有的孩子是向其他的孩子炫富,故选other。other“另外,其他”,可修饰可数名词复数。 答案:D,6

11、A.pays Bcosts Cspends Dbuys 【解析】 that代指“a pencil box”,由下文的“1,000 yuan”可知这个铅笔盒花费1000元,物作主语,用cost“价钱为”。 答案:B,7A.so Bsuch Cas Dlike 【解析】由上文对这种铅笔盒的描述,引发作者的思考,是否需要这样的铅笔盒,such意为“(指上文)那样的,这样的”,修饰名词。 答案:B 8A.His BHer CTheir DYour 【解析】由上文可知“parents”是指那些“rich kids”的parents,故用“Their”。 答案:C,9A.how many Bhow muc

12、h Chow long Dhow often 【解析】本句作者想表明自己的观点“如果你想炫耀你有多少钱,你必须先挣到这些钱”。修饰money,表示“多少”,用how much。 答案:B 10A.how Bwhat Cwhy Dwhere 【解析】此处表示“父母也应该学习如何拒绝孩子的要求”。表示“如何”用how。 答案:A,1My friends grandfather came from _. AThailand BManhattan CNew York 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一句“.from a farm in Thailand.”可知,应选A。 答案:A,2The grandf

13、ather went into a cafeteria to _. Await for someone Bget something to eat Cmeet my friend 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“.he went into a cafeteria in Manhattan to get something to eat.”可知,应选B。 答案:B,3The woman in the cafeteria might be _. Aa waitress Ba friend of grandpas Ca customer 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“Finally,

14、 a woman with a big plate full of food came up to him. She sat down opposite him and told him.”可推知,这位女士应该是一位刚刚选好食物的顾客。故选C。 答案:C,4What should we do to get food in a cafeteria? AWait for the waiter. BAsk someone for help. CGet it ourselves. 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Lifes a cafeteria here. You have to get up and get it yourself.”可知,应选C。 答案:C,5What can we learn from the grandfathers words about the life in the US? AGet up early and you can succeed. BAct and get what you want on your own. CNobody brings you anything unless you pay the price. 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,朋友的祖父认为


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