海南省海口市第五中学2017-2018学年中考英语 名词复习课件 仁爱版

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《海南省海口市第五中学2017-2018学年中考英语 名词复习课件 仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《海南省海口市第五中学2017-2018学年中考英语 名词复习课件 仁爱版(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Revision,What is a noun? Lucy is a girl from America, but she loves China a lot. There are many windows and chairs.,How many kinds of nouns are there?,Countable nouns,pencil dog window chair zoo dictionary,Uncountable nouns,rice water meat danger health air,Practice 1 There is some _(rice ) in the

2、bowl. Give me some _(meat). I am thirsty, I want to drink some _ (water).,rice,meat,water,.,There are some _(box) on the desk. Some _(student) are having an English. Look, some _(bus) are running.,.,Practice 2,boxes,students,buses,Do you notice tails of these words? bus-some boxsome watch-some brush

3、-some boy-some baby-some country-some dictionary-some daysome zoo-some hero-some potato-some tomato-some,buses,boxes,watches,brushes,boys,babies,countries,dictonaries,days,zoos,heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,s,x,ch,sh,y,o,Can you compare the words whose tails have “fe” or “f ” ?,leaf some _ half some _ ro

4、of some_ belief some _ scarf some_ handkerchief some_,leaves,halves,roofs,beliefs,scarfs/scarves,handkerchiefs/handkerchieves,我会变!我会变!我会变!,The Monkey King is very wonderful. He can change.,The Monkey King can turn a mouse and a child into many mice and children.,He can change a man, a woman, a foot,

5、 a tooth, a goose into many men, women, feet, teeth, geese, too.,Chinese and Japanese people like eating sheep and deer.,1.A woman teacher is having an English class. 2.Many _(woman teacher) and _(man teacher) are listening.,3.They are planting two _ (apple tree). 4.In winter, _ (people) like wearin

6、g _ ( trousers ) and_ ( sport shoe).,women teachers,men teachers,apple trees,people,trousers,sports shoes,This is Mary and her _(sister) bedroom.,.,I have no pen, I want to borrow _ ( somebody else ) pen.,Can you use (s), (s) and (of) of nouns?,somebody elses,_ ( today ) homework is very easy.,Today

7、s,It is about_ (ten minutes walk) on foot.,She is a fiend _(of) my_ (brother).,brothers,of,_(Mary) and her_ (sister) bedrooms are both nice.,sisters,_ (teacher) Day is coming.,Teachers,Beijing is_ (China) capital.=Beijing is the capital of China.,Chinas,sisters,ten minutes walk,Marys,How to measure

8、things?,a piece of bread two _ of bread,pieces,a glass of water three_ of water,glasses,a basket of apples four_ of apples,baskets,Are nouns interesting? s x ch sh y o Can you find rulers to use them?,These _(baby) are sleeping. The_ ( boy )are playing football . The shop sells many _(watch). My fat

9、her bought ten_ (brush). Those _(box) are quite heavy. He has three toy_ (bus) in his hand.,babies,boys,watches,brushes,boxes,buses,1.There are two _(zoo) on the island . 2.We are proud of these _(hero). 3._ (tomato) are sent to the city. 4._ (potato) are planted in the field.,zoos,heroes,Tomatoes,P

10、otatoes,1.A boy student is playing basketball. 2.He is wearing a pair of _ (sport shoe). 3.Ten_ (boy student) are playing basketball.,sports shoes,boy students,The woman teacher is calling. The two _(woman teacher) are calling. The two _(man teacher) are calling, too.,women teachers,men teachers,Let

11、s sum up the rules!,名词(noun) 指人或物的词分为专有词和普通名词两大类,1.专有名词:表示人,地方,事物,机构,组织,国名,语言, 星期,月份等名称的词 。如Lucy ,China, the Great Wall, May Day,2 . 普通名词:分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词分个体名词和集体名称。 个体名词:表示个体的人或事物的词。如pen, dog, window, zoo 。 集体名称:表示一群人或一些事物的词。如family, class, group等。,3.不可数名词:分物资名称和抽象名词 物资名称表示构成各种物体的物质或材料,如rice, gla

12、ss,water,air, steel等。 抽象名词表示性质,状态,品质,感情等,如danger,health,love.,4. 可数名词的复数形式:有规则变化和不规则变化 规则变化: (1)一般情况,加-s,在清辅音后读/s/;在浊辅音和元音后读/z/;在t后读/ts/;在d后读/dz/.如cake-cakes day-days student-students bed-beds (2) 以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词,加-es读/iz/.如bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches brush-brushes (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i再加-es读

13、/z/.如baby-babies city-cities country-countries,不规则变化:(1)改变单数名词中的元音字母,如man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese (2)单数和复数形式相同,如Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese sheep-sheep deer-deer people-people。但fish做鱼肉时是不可数名词,而表示鱼的种类时,复数为fishes。 (3)其他形式,如mouse-mice child-children 注意:1.以o结尾的名词一般加-s.如zo

14、o-zoos photo-photos 但Negro-Negroes hero-heroes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes volcano-volcanoes 而zero-zeros/zeroes,2.以f(e)结尾的名词先变f(e)为-v,再加-es,如knife-knives leaf-leaves 但roof-roofs 而scarf-scarfs/scarves handkerchief-handkerchiefs/handkerchieves 3.表示某个国家的人,如a Chinese-two Chinese a Japanese-three Jap

15、anese a Frenchman-three Frenchmen an Englishwoman-four Englishwomen German-Germans, 其余s加在后面。,4.man,woman修饰其他名词时,如 a man teacher-many men teachers a woman doctor-two women doctors 5.trousers,glasses(眼镜),chopsticks, clothes, tears,thanks,congratulations等 名词以多复数出现。而sport和其他名词构 成词时,习惯上用复数形式sports。 如a sports hat sports


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