江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2

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江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2_第1页
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江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2_第2页
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江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2_第3页
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江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2_第4页
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《江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 unit1 tales of the unexplained task课件1 牛津译林版必修2(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Task,Unit,1,Doing a survey,课件描述:,Unit 1,本课件主要介绍调查的基本原则。,Answer the flowing questions with D-N-A quickly D = disagree N= not sure A= agree,Lead-in,1. Are you a boy student in class 9?,2. Do you like singing popular songs?,3. Are you getting along very well with your classmates?,4. Do all the classmat

2、es like you very much?,A questionnaire is a list of questions or statements.,What is a questionnaire?,Questionnaire,1. How long have you been here? less than a year 13 years 35 years more than 5 years,2. What is your first impression when arriving in an unfamiliar country? excited anxious helpless l

3、onely,3. You feel accepted by the local people in the new culture. most of the time often sometimes not at all,Skills building1: Completing a questionnaire, Conduct a survey to collect information. Ask people to answer a list of questions or rate (评价) several statements. Remember 6 rules.,How to des

4、ign a good questionnaire?,Rule 2 Short, simple sentences,Rule 3 No negative sentences,Rule 4 Precise (clear) language,Rule 5 Specific references,Rule 6 Necessary knowledge,Rule 1 One at a time,Part 2,Step2. Recognition,Which rule does each statement not follow?,1. I go shopping once a day and spend

5、more than ¥15 each time.,Rule 1 One at a time,2. I do not go shopping in supermarkets.,Rule 3 No negative sentences,3. I often go shopping.,Rule 5 Specific references,4. When I go shopping, I always go with my friends who live near my house that is near a shopping centre.,Rule 2 Short ,simple senten

6、ces,5. I dont buy junk food.,Rule 3 No negative sentences,Step1 designing a questionnaire,You work for a book club and have drafted a questionnaire for survey, but there are three inappropriate questions/statements in it. Correct them according to the rules.,p13A,Answers :,Q2 Should be divided into

7、two questions. 2. How did you find out about Best Book Club? newspaper magazine friends Internet 3. When did you join the club ? this year last year the year before last There are 7 questions in the questionnaire. 34; 45; 56; 67,Listening,Now lets listen to the recording and tick the appropriate bla

8、nks. 1. 1520 2. Internet 3. last year 4. over 10 5. over ¥100 6. history 7. for free books,Skills building 2: greeting others and making introductions,1. To greet the person in an appropriate manner.,2. To introduce yourself and tell the person what you intend to do and why.,Interviewer: 1. Greeting

9、s 2. Introduction and intention 3. Asking questions 4. Thanks/Good bye,Club member: 1. Greetings 2. Answering questions,How to carry out an interview?,Part 1,My name is . Im from . May I ask you some questions about . ? . Thanks a lot for answering .,Useful expressions,Good morning./Nice to meet you

10、.,Suppose you are a reporter from the 21st Century newspaper. Interview your partner the following information. 1. ask if he likes the paper 2. the reason for his liking or disliking 3. which topic he likes most: latest news, movie stars, touching story etc. 4. ask if he likes the quiz on page 6, why or why not Start like this: Good morning, I am a Do you mind if I asked you Thats all for my questions. Thank you!,Step 2: Carrying out an interview,Homework,Preview skills building 3: analysing statistics, complete the conclusions and suggestions on page 16.,


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