江苏省丹阳市云阳学校八年级英语上册 unit 8 natural disasters grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 8 Natural disasters,Homework correcting,Lets correct our homework first.,Tom,play,football.,is,ing,Lucy,is,read,a book.,ing,What is Tom doing?,What is Lucy doing?,Present continuous tense be (am/is/are) + verb-ing,现在进行时,Tom,play,football.,was,ing,Lucy,was,read,a book.,ing,What was Tom doing at

2、that moment?,What was Lucy doing at 2:30 p.m. yesterday?,They,watching,TV from 6 to 8.,were,The twins,think,were,ing.,What were they doing from 6 to 8 last night?,What were the twins doing at this time yesterday?,What were they doing?,They were doing morning exercises,at 9:05 yesterday morning.,They

3、 were playing basketball,at this time last Sunday.,She was drinking milk,at this time yesterday.,at that time.,She was playing computer games,from 10 to 11 yesterday morning.,He was reading newspaper,They were doing morning exercises at 9:05 yesterday morning.,They were playing basketball at this ti

4、me last Sunday.,He was drinking milk at this time yesterday.,Can you work out the rule?,She was reading newspaper from 10 to 11 yesterday morning.,I was playing computer games at that time.,Self-learning 1,(1)自学内容Past continuous tense P97 (2)自学方法 a. 仔细观察句子,小组讨论并归纳过去进行时的用法. b. 小组讨论并总结过去进行时的各种句式. c. 完

5、成PartA 知者加速:将A2部分的对话改写成一小段故事。,Past continuous tense be (was/were) + verb-ing,过去进行时,过去进行时主要表示在过去某一时刻正 在进行的动作。 e.g. a) They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday. b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday. c) Five minutes ago, Danny was looking out of the window and Suzy was reading a book

6、.,2. 在过去某段时间一直在进行的动作 e.g. a) From 1983 to 1998, he was teaching at Yale. b) They were building a dam last winter.,过去进行时(past continuous tense)常用时间状语: 1)then, at this/that time, at 9.00 last night 2) this morning, the whole day/morning, from 8-10pm last evening.,过去进行时的句式 1) 基本结构:was/were + Ving 2) 肯定

7、句: 主语 + was/ were + Ving 3) 否定句:was/were not + Ving was not = wasnt were not = werent,4) 疑问句:将 was/were 移到主语前 5) 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + was/were +主语 + Ving ?,Was she talking at that time? No, she was not talking at that time.,No, they were not teaching English.,Were they teaching English?,A snowstorm hit Sunsh

8、ine Town,A snowstorm hit Sunshine Town. Mr. Wu is asking the students about it. Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,Mr. Wu: What a terrible snowstorm! It started at about seven this morning . I _ (read) the newspaper then. What _ you _ (do), Simon? Simon: I _

9、 (have) breakfast. Mr. Wu: What about you, Millie?,was reading,were doing,was having,Millie: I _ (walk) to the bus stop. Sandy, I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road. _ you _ (wait) for a taxi? Sandy: Yes. My dads car broke down because of the cold weather. He _ (ring) someone

10、to come and help when you saw me.,was walking,Were,waiting,was ringing,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,What was the rabbit doing just now? What was the pig doing just now?,He was jumping just now.,He was dancing just now.,The rabbit was jumping while the pig was dancing.,The worm was

11、eating while the dog was reading.,Two long actions went on at the same time.,We were clapping our hands while the teachers were walking across the park.,The rabbit was jumping while the pig was dancing. The worm was eating while the dog was reading.,While the pig was dancing, the rabbit was jumping.

12、,While the dog was reading, the worm was eating.,Self-learning 2,(1)自学内容Page98 PartB (2)自学方法 a. 仔细观察例句People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks falling down. 讨论并总结:当两个 动词 进行时,我们可以在两个分句中都用过去 进 行时, 并用 连接它们。 b. 再观察 The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping. I was trying t

13、o find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 讨论总结:当一个 动词还在进行时,又有别的事情发生,我们可以用 或 连接两个动作。我们用 时态表示延续性动作,用 时态表示短暂性动作。 C.完成PartB.,while, when and as 都表示“当的时 候”。 e.g. I was sleeping when the earthquake started. People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were fall

14、ing down. As I was trying to find my way out, I suddenly heard some noise above me.,Using while, when and as.,1. 当连接同时发生的两个延续性长动作时,常用while引导。 e.g. While I was watching TV, he was listening to music. Millie was reading a book while Eddie was sleeping.,2. 如果短暂性的动作是主句时,我们可 以用when, while 或 as 引导。 e.g. W

15、hen/while/as Millie was watching TV, Andy came into the room. 3. 如果延续性的动作是主句时,我们经 常用when 来连接。 e.g. Millie was watching TV when Andy came into the room.,4. 如果两个短暂性的动作同时发生,我 们通常用as 连接。 e.g. As Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room. 注:当一个短暂性动作发生的同时伴随 着一个延续性的动作,这时我们通 常用过去进行时来表示延续性的动 作,用一般

16、过去时来表示短暂性的 动作。,Playing in the snow,Some Class 1, Grade 8 students went to play in the snow. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in blanks. Use when, while and as to connect the sentences.,_ Simon _ (arrive), Amy _ (get) some snow from the ground. 2. _ Suzy and Kitty _ (build) a snowman, Millie _


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