核按钮2018版高考英语一轮复习 unit 1 art考点突破课件 新人教版选修6

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1、选修六 Unit 1 Art,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. exhibit; exhibition 2. appeal; appealing 3. civilization; civilize; civilized 4. possess; possession; possessed 5. typical; type; typically 6. predict; prediction; predictable; predictor 7. visual; vision; visualized; visualize,Key:8. faith; faithful; faith

2、fully; faithless 9. preference; prefer; preferred; preferable 10. coincidence; coincident; coincidental,Key:1.customs and faith 2. 在中世纪 3. more realistic 4. adopt; to 5. 用透视法绘画 6. by coincidence 7. break away from 8. 有争议的印象画 9. of 10. preference,Key:1. it was evident 2. had not been discovered 3. we

3、re 4. what we call 5. so; that,Key: 1. a 2. to represent 3. held 4. less 5. was 6. If 7. realistic 8. to 9. who 10. so,阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Art is influenced by the customs and faith of _1_ people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of

4、 painters was _2_ (represent) religious themes. During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those _3_ (hold) in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate _4_ (little) on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. One of the most important discoveries during

5、 this period _5_ (be) how to draw things in perspective. _6_ the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such _7_ (realize) pictures. In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society _8_ a mostly industrial one. Natu

6、rally, these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painting were the Impressionists, _9_ were the first painters to work outdoors. In a sense, without the Impressionists, many of modern art styles might not exist. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; On the other hand, some pai

7、ntings of modern art are _10_ realistic that they look like photographs. These styles are so different. Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?,课堂学案,1. aim n. 瞄准;目标;目的 vt. 瞄准;对准 vi. 旨在,1. The countries will meet at the conference with the aim of the promotion of internation

8、al understanding and the maintenance of world peace. 这些国家将举行会晤,以期促进国际间的理解,维护世界和平。 2. (2012江苏卷)The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. 农业部制定了计划,目标是发展更多的农民并增加本地农产品的利润。,with the aim of 有的目的;以期 take aim at sth.aim at s

9、th. 瞄准某物 aim at doing sth.aim to do sth. 旨在做某事 aim sth.at sth. 把瞄准 aim for 以为最终目的 be aimed at (doing) sth. 旨在;目的是,【词块助记】,【构词】aimless adj.漫无目的的 aimlessly adv.漫无目的地 【拓展】be aimed at doing sth.意思是“旨在;目的是”,主语多为物。,1. This activity is aimed to improving the students ability of listening and speaking. 2. (2

10、014山东卷改编) The project aims to get kids to a stage called “deep reading”, _ they can read to learn. Key:1. to改为at 2. where,【词块助记】,2. adopt v采用;采纳;收养,1. Despite the fact that the three groups adopted different approaches to the problem, they all achieved immediate success. 尽管这三个小组采用了不同的方法来解这道题,但他们都成功了

11、。 2. The woman was forced to have her new-born adopted. 这名女士不得不把她刚出生的孩子给人收养。,adopt ones suggestion/advice 采纳某人的建议 adopt a(n) attitude/approach/policy 采取态度/方法/政策 adopt a child收养孩子,【构词】adopted adj. 领养的 adoptive adj. 收养(孩子)的,1. In the meeting all the workers agreed _ (adopt) a new idea to reform the co

12、mpany. 2. Many couples who have never given birth to a child are eager to adopt the children _ (lose) their parents in the flood. Key:1. to adopt 2. losing,【词块助记】,3. possession n. 着迷;领地;拥有,所有 (pl.)所有物;财产;财富,1. (2015安徽卷)The result is that we throw away useful possessions to make room for new ones. 结果

13、就是,为了给新买的物品腾出空间我们扔掉一些有用的物品。 2. This is an indisputable fact that China has been in possession of Huangyan Island since ancient times. 黄岩岛自古以来就是中国的领土,这是一个不争的事实。,in possession of (表主动) 拥有 in the possession of (in ones possession) (表被动) 为所拥有 take possession of 占领;拥有,【构词】possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 【拓展】in poss

14、ession of表示主动,其主语通常是人,意为“拥有、占有”;in the possession of表示被动,其主语通常是物,意为“被占有;为所拥有”。类似短语还有:in charge of“负责(表主动)”;in the charge of“由负责(表被动)”。,1. The vase was originally in possession of David but now Mr. Smith is in possession of it. 2. That mayor was then arrested and charged with _ (possess) more than he

15、 should get. Key:1. 在第一个possession前加the 2. possessing,4. attempt n. & vt. 努力;尝试;企图,1. (2015湖南卷) “He came across that floor waving his arms like a young bird attempting its first flight,” Glenn late wrote. 格伦后来写道:“他挥动手臂像跃跃欲飞的雏鸟一般掠过那片地板。” 2. (2013山东卷) Such an attempt to establish a positive relationsh

16、ip between a company and the general public was unusual for that time. 那时在公司和大众之间建立一种积极关系的尝试是不同寻常的。 3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first attempt. 雪莉为这次的生物考试做了精心的准备,因此有把握一次通过。,【词块助记】,attempt (to do) sth. 尝试/试图(做)某事 make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事 in an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事 at ones first attempt 某人第一次尝试,【构词】attem



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